
October 10th, 2014
‘Free trade’ – but who’s really paying for it?

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a ‘free trade’ agreement being negotiated – in secret – between the European… Read More

October 9th, 2014
Progress in Agriculture Doesn’t Have to Mean Leaving the Past Behind

If we are to continue being able to feed the world’s rapidly growing population sustainably, innovation and expert knowledge will… Read More

October 6th, 2014
Feeding Our Food; the important issues

The analogy of farms as factories goes beyond the sheer volume of meat produced and the efficiency and relentless pace… Read More

October 1st, 2014
It’s Food Sovereignty Month: Let’s Define Our Own Food System!

Food Sovereignty and the Pig Pledge campaign share many of the same values; here are the ways that taking the… Read More

September 23rd, 2014
Picture of climate march with Cara Delevingne

iamcaradelevingne: #farmsnotfactories #climatemarch #peoplepower #sustainableenergy #savethearctic #ourplanetsworthsaving #fortheloveofeverybody @sophiaaekerrison The Pig Pledge hung out with supermodel Cara Delevingne at Sunday’s… Read More

September 22nd, 2014
Climate-Smart Agriculture: Can it do what it says on the tin?

The new Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture is due to be launched tomorrow and, although some praise the intentions of… Read More

September 16th, 2014
Is the Red Tractor on the right path?

Labelling can be confusing for most of us, especially as there are more labels on our food then ever before…. Read More

September 11th, 2014
The Grizzly Growth of British Abattoirs

The Guardian recently published an article by Allegra McEvedy, giving an account of her experience at a British abattoir. McEvedy’s… Read More

August 29th, 2014
Don’t let MRSA spoil International Bacon Day

Tomorrow is International Bacon Day, but when you rush out to buy your packs of salty goodness, think twice about… Read More

August 21st, 2014
A simply complex relationship with meat

BBC photo We all know our consumption of meat in the West is unsustainable, yet we rarely question why. Conflicting… Read More

August 7th, 2014
Time to Dine on Finer Swine!

We are really excited to have had the opportunity at the Pig Pledge office to write an article for the… Read More

August 7th, 2014
Vivienne Westwood shows her support for the Pig Pledge on the Milan catwalk

Vivienne Westwood demonstrated her support for The Pig Pledge campaign in suitably glamorous style – designing a t-shirt to express… Read More