Make your voice heard. If you don’t want to see massive US-scale factory farms entering the UK, then please object to these planning applications. If we don’t object to factory farms in the UK, then many smaller and higher welfare farmers will be unable to compete.
Known Factory Pig Farm Applications
Limavady, Derry
Status 20.07.20 – Urgent Action Required
Planning application (B/2015/0005/F) for a 20,000+ pig factory in Northern Ireland. For the latest updates and information, please see and support the local campaigners at Stop Limavady Pig Farm.
Report A Factory Pig Farm Planning Application
Are you aware of any factory pig farm proposals? We’d like to hear from you! Please report it by filling in the form below.
Guide to Campaigning
Immediate actions to take
Under Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations request a copy of the Habitats Assessment for the project which must be completed for the Planning Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency Integrated Pollution Control Permit.
Check if the plans sit within a European Protected site. The Environmental Protection Agency should have assessed the impact on any European Protected site within 7.5km of the pig sheds and also 7.5km from any land spread with the waste.
If Nutrient Management Plans are mentioned as a solution for the land spreading of waste, remember that plants only take up 50% of the nutrients and the rest is lost into the air, water and soil causing surface and groundwater pollution. Check if you are within a Nitrates Vulnerable Zone.
Ask for a copy of the Ammonia Emissions Assessment of the pig sheds and from the land spreading of the waste. Check the report for an ‘aerial ammonia emissions assessment’ from the land spreading of the waste. This should not be missing and can be challenged.
Ask for a copy of the Cumulative Impact Assessments of all other projects and plans approved and in planning appraisal, which may have an adverse impact on Protected European Sites (Natura 2000 Sites) and Priority Habitats. The assessment should include any ammonia emitting projects such as Anaerobic Digesters, Water Discharge Permits, Sewage Works, Dairy Farms and Composting Sites. Ammonia emissions can travel up to 70km from source.
Ask for a copy of the Bio-aerosol Assessment of the pig sheds and the spreading of the waste. This will normally only contain information on ‘Total Bacteria’, ‘Aspergillus Fumigatus’ and ‘Gram Negative Bacteria’. ‘Gram Positive Bacteria’ are the most pathogenic for human infection, make sure this assessment has not been omitted.
Campaign Handbook
For a more in-depth guide on how to build a community supported campaign against factory farm proposals, download our Campaign Handbook:
Campaign Handbook
Success Stories
Foston, Derbyshire
Status 17.02.17 – Permit granted, but plans withdrawn due to public pressure
A 25,000 unit pig factory application near Foston, Derbyshire, had been the subject of fierce opposition in a four-year-long fight that saw celebrities – including actor Dominic West and River Cottage chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall – stand up against the proposed farm due to its size. The Environment Agency originally turned down the environment permit application submitted by Midland Pig Producers on the grounds it posed risks to human health as well as human rights. After an appeal was made however, a permit was granted. Midland Pig Producers then officially withdrew their application for the pig farm in March 2015 and have not reapplied, citing public pressure as the reason.
Kenton & Starcross, Devon
Local individuals behind the STOP Powderham Estate Pig Factory campaign were quick to mobilize themselves against a company interested in building an 8000 head pig factory near their community.
After establishing a strong presence in the local community, as well as online ( and in the national media, the campaign managed to cause enough public pressure to dissuade the landowner and company from pursuing a formal planning application, after only a month of action!
Upton Cressett, Shropshire
The strength of Upton’s community campaign against a large scale pig farm led to the swift rejection of planning permission by the local council in Shropshire.
The campaign group organised mass emails and letters of objection, which were then sent to the Shropshire Council to oppose the building which would have housed 2000 pigs only 400m away from residential properties.
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