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The Great & The Good

Inspiring heroes who campaign for humanity to live in harmony with nature. Their efforts are driving positive change and a collective movement.

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Online Retailers

Reconnecting consumers with producers encourages local trade, gives farmers a better deal and gives consumers access to fresher, cheaper and more accountable food.

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Wise Farmers

Farmers who possess and utilise the land using traditional agro-ecological / organic methods, imparting their knowledge on how best to provide healthy, sustainably produced food.

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“Use the power of your purse to only buy from real farms, not animal factories. When buying pork, look for the high welfare labels RSPCA Assured, Free Range or best of all Organic. Go direct to the farmer via farmers’ markets, online or local box schemes.”

Tracy Worcester Director, Farms Not Factories
Pork Labelling Guide High Welfare Directory

Guide to Pork Labelling

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Guide to Pork Labelling

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Farms Not Factories

Let’s End Factory Farming

Factory farmed pork may seem cheap on the supermarket shelf, but the true costs are felt by the health of animals, farmers, consumers & the environment. With your support we can continue to campaign against the powerful global corporations that are damaging our food system, while also supporting a network of smaller scale, high welfare pig farms, local abattoirs and butchers across the UK.
The Issues Donate

High Street Pig Welfare Survey

Most High Street Chains Source Pork from Factory Farms

We undertook a pig welfare survey of 60 popular high street supermarkets & food chains. We found that three-quarters sell pork from factory farms. Many don’t offer a single high welfare alternative.

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* Equivalent standard – label/certification not used | ** ‘Own brand fresh pork’ and ‘other own brand pork products’ (such as bacon & sausages) ONLY

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