
February 24th, 2015
Factory pig rearing doesn’t work – the costs are too high

The Environment Agency’s (EA) decision to refuse a permit for a 25,000 intensive pig rearing facility near Foston in Derbyshire… Read More

December 19th, 2014
Farms Not Factories does PigFest

Last Saturday we wrapped up warm, gathered our piggy materials and headed off to Stepney City Farm in East London… Read More

December 18th, 2014
Guest blog: Making a noise vs creating a Hubbub

Today, we’ve got a guest blog from our wonderful supporters, Hubbub! Hubbub takes a fresh approach to communicating environmental issues,… Read More

December 18th, 2014
5 ways to act locally, support higher welfare and think sustainably this Christmas

1.) Go vegetarian, vegan or flexitarian There are so many delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes which make for an excellent substitute… Read More

December 11th, 2014
Limited edition Vivienne Westwood T-shirts designed exclusively for Farms Not Factories

Activist legend Vivienne Westwood has designed a T-shirt  exclusively for Farms Not Factories (featured in Milan fashion week). These limited… Read More

December 5th, 2014
Save our bacon: why we need to conserve rare breeds

Pig breeding since the 1950s has orientated around pigs which produce the best cuts of meat for the lowest cost…. Read More

November 28th, 2014
Awfully good offal

What is offal? The word offal originates from the Middle English meaning ‘refuse from a process’ and refers to ‘the… Read More

November 13th, 2014
EU to allow national bans on GMOs

On Tuesday, MEPs voted to allow national bans on Genetically Modified (GM) food crops for environmental and health reasons, even… Read More

November 4th, 2014
Eat for Victory!

This post was written by Clare from Eat for Victory – she is a Pig Pledge supporter (, nutritional expert… Read More

November 3rd, 2014
Pig Business in Chile film award

Last week, our film Pig Business in Chile won the Best Author’s Approach Award at the International TV Festival in… Read More

October 24th, 2014
An Open Letter to Vegetarians and Vegans

Going vegan or vegetarian is admirable, and we at Farms Not Factories fully support it, hence the ‘go meat-free’ option… Read More

October 21st, 2014
Review of Ted Genoways’ ‘The Chain – Farm Factory and the Fate of our Food’

Here at Pig Pledge HQ we’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Chain by Ted Genoways. The Chain is… Read More