March 1st, 2024 Newsletter

Corporations, Government and Media vs The People


I have been busy filming interviews and speeches at the demo outside the 2-day court hearing to decide if Julian Assange can appeal against extradition to the US to face a lifetime in prison. Then I fell ill with London Flu and a chest infection. So this newsletter will have the usual links to articles I’ve read, but with fewer comments and shorter extracts. I’m going to be abroad all of March, so there won’t be a March newsletter, although the FNF team will be posting a food and farming related video at the end of the month as usual.

If you would like to join our ‘Free Palestine’ WhatsApp group, please follow this link to the WhatsApp group:

Love Tracy


The purpose of my newsletter is to give you important information that is censored in the mainstream media. If you would like to keep up to date with the latest information, then please follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Telegram.

“The way you get democracy to function is by informing the public.” – Robert Kennedy Jr.

“Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking; a way of sceptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask sceptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be sceptical of those in authority, then, we are up for grabs for the next charlatan (political or religious) who comes rambling along.” – Carl Sagan

“Never worry about who will be offended if you speak the Truth. Worry about who will be misled, deceived and destroyed, if you do not.” and
”Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.”
– Robert Frost

Though the newsletter chapters interrelate, they are divided into five sections and have a common realisation that a cabal of corporate elites have captured global trade, global governance, mainstream and online media, and ultimately many of our minds.

As a stenographer, I link to an article or audio and paste a key paragraph or two. My most trusted websites are platforms for journalists who don’t compromise on the truth and have thereby been shunned by the mainstream media. These include; Local Futures, SUSTAIN, Farm Gate, Global Research, Children’s Health Defence, Geopolitical Economy Report, The Grayzone, Unlimited Hangout, 21st Century Wire, UK Column; The Duran, Robert F Kennedy podcast, The Jimmy Dore Show, Palestine Declassified, Alex Krainer, Mattias Desmet, Dr John Campbell, The Cradle, Quds News Network, The Grayzone News, The Electronic Intifada, Jonathan Cook, Richard Medhurst, The Light printed newspaper, and Russell Brand or follow us on Telegram, For The People, Assange News, Resistance News Network, Juan Sinmiedo and Pepe Escobar.

Wise Farmer Series: Amy Chapple

Meet Amy Chapple from Redwoods Farm.

In our latest video, Amy shares her innovative approach to free-range pig farming, emphasising the importance of mob-grazing and seed sowing to create multi species pasture. She’s a young voice of farm wisdom, championing high animal welfare, soya-free feed and no chemical inputs to produce high quality, flavourful pork sold via her website, Primal Meats and Ruxstons. Let’s support small scale independent farmers like Amy who are paving the way for a more sustainable and ethical future in farming. Read our blog for more information. Please give our video a like and a share:

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Food, Farming & Ecocide

Read; Thousands of protesting farmers travel to Cardiff, BBC, 28th Feb 2024, by Steffan Messenger & Miriam Barker, BBC Wales environment correspondent

Thousands of farmers descended on Cardiff Bay protesting against the Welsh government’s new environmental subsidy plans. They were objecting to a major overhaul of farm subsidies, branded “unworkable” by unions.

The proposals would require farmers to commit 10% of agricultural land to be used for trees and 10% for wildlife habitat. The Welsh government said it was listening to the sector’s concerns. South Wales Police said about 3,000 people turned up at the Senedd.

In a joint statement on Tuesday, outgoing First Minister Mark Drakeford and Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths announced a list of actions they would take following talks with farming leaders.

Watch; It’s bad news for Welsh Farmers, Tiktok, @thebeeffarmer, 28th February 2024

@thebeeffarmer It was a good day until late this afternoon. Its bad news for Welsh Farmers #agriculture #agritok #britishfarming #farmtok #farmingprotests #welshfarming ♬ original sound – thebeeffarmer™️

“Following the assurance yesterday given by Mr Drakeford and Lesley Griffith. They were going to review the position and the points that we are unhappy about. They were going to at least do that, but I feel now that that was a tactical move in order to try and sway people from coming today. Because today at the Senedd, a vote was cast after our presentation after all of us standing outside the Senedd, it doesn’t mean a thing anymore because they voted against reform and review and all the points raised.”

Watch; FARMER PROTESTS SPREAD: Desperate Farmers Protest Against New Laws That Will Bankrupt Them, Lena Petrova, YouTube, Feb 12th 2024

At 1:17 “ . . the green agenda is not the ultimate goal here. It is an excuse. It is a trojan horse. The ultimate goal is acquiring the land that these small farmers will be eventually forced to give up since government regulations are so strict that running a small farm will not be profitable so they will go out of business. In other words, as the result, small farms will be replaced with large corporate producers.”

Corporate capitalism is about exponentially selling more products by brainwashing us into thinking we need them. These corporate interests have captured our politicians and are continuing to use their marketing tools to force us away from living in symbiosis with nature or in any of our cherished traditions of local food markets and extended family farms. The most ridiculous products are promoted with a massive PR machine that disguises its agenda as climate change mitigation, claiming if we don’t change the farming system, we will be burning or drowning our planet. As Mussolini said, “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” We retain a modicum of power in our purses. So start supporting your local high welfare farmers or lose them. The obedient farmers who industrialised to stay in the corporate competition, will go under with a heap of debt unless we help them sell into the local economy. Avoid buying any food in the supermarket, look for local food outlets to support your local farmer; the more we relocalise everything we do, the safer we will be from our psychopathic authorities.

Read; Multinationals have taken control of Britain’s transport, energy and water: now land is the target, Political Concern, Feb 12th 2024

‘Points made in the Colchester Council Watch farming crisis video:

Ministry officials have visited farmers offering subsidies which are conditional on them cutting sheep, beef and dairy production and setting up businesses on their land.

Businesses to be set up on farmland include:

Controlled Environment Agriculture including vertical farming, aquaponics, aeroponics and hydroponics, growing undercover below LED lights & using robots.
– GMO crops

– Large-scale farming with drones spraying and fertilising and heavy machines impacting soil
– Swathes of land covered with solar panels
– Developing insect biomass; insects are rich in proteins and nutrients (Science Direct). High profit margin insect meal in Europe and the UK is largely restricted to the petfood sector, but could become a sustainable food source. addressing potential food shortages and environmental concerns.

Fears are expressed that degree-only corporate large-scale agritech farming, pioneered in North and West Yorkshire will become the norm – and even that it will be state-controlled.’

At this farmers’ demo in Brussels, Police must get the out the way. Brilliant footage.

Unless we support our local farmers, they will all disappear because the supermarkets want all the profits and dont care if all their food is imported.

This apple farmer from Cheshire gives a heartfelt & powerful commentary regarding the loss of his apple orchards that formed part of his fruit and veg venture.

“UK farmers are disappearing all the time. I think the UK needs to wake up a little bit and figure out why the farmers are protesting.”

Read; Council Urged To Reject ‘Mega-Farms’ That House Hundreds Of Thousands Of Animals, Plant Based News, 13th Feb 2024

‘Campaigners have raised the alarm over proposals for two mega-farms in Norfolk that would house thousands of pigs and millions of chickens.

PETA is urging people to lodge objections to the plans with Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.

According to the planning application documents, the new chicken farm would hold 870,000 chickens at a time across 20 sheds. This would amount to around 6.7 million a year. The pig farm application proposes to build 14 “finishing units” that would each house up to 1,000 pigs at a time. Over the course of a year, that would be 48,000 pigs being fattened for slaughter there.

Hundreds of objections to the plans have already been submitted to the council. People living in villages close to the proposed sites have campaigned against the farms. PETA is additionally aiming for 50,000 signatures on its petition against the farms, which currently has 14,010.’

A really excellent though depressing film, proving how important it is to only buy your pork from farms that you trust have the highest animal welfare standards.

Watch; Pignorant; Amazon Prime/Joey Carbstrong; 10th Feb 2024

‘An ex-gang member’s love for pigs spurs him on a life-risking mission to uncover the truth behind bacon – exposing widespread deception in a country that claims to have some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world.’

Read (USA); 9 charts that show US factory farming is even bigger than you realise, Vox, 26th Feb 2024

‘In 2022, more than 90 percent of pigs were raised on mega factory farms.’

Read; Pitchforks at Parliament – the rise of revolting farmers, Wicked Leeks, 6th February

‘Farmers are being blamed for environmental pollution, while also being unremittingly pressured to increase production – told that more is better regardless of the cost to the environment (not to mention the farmer’s own livelihood and wellbeing). ‘

Read; Revealed: Shocking rise in US-style megafarms across the UK, CiWF, 13th Feb

Today (13th February), we’ve launched a new investigation which reveals a shocking 20% increase in the number of US-style megafarms – large-scale intensive farming units – compared with 2016 figures.

The full picture of all the UK factory farm data has been pulled together into an interactive map. It illustrates the startlingly high numbers of livestock reared indoors or without access to pasture, in the biggest farming units across the UK, at any one time.

Read; Growing threat to our rivers from rise of US-style ‘mega farms’, Adam Vaughan, Environment Editor, The Times, Feb 12th 2024

Rivers are being polluted as large-scale agri businesses multiply eight years after environment secretary promised to uphold British environmental and welfare standards.

‘There are 202 more large-scale farms in the UK than in 2016, when Michael Gove promised that Brexit would not endanger environmental standards. Rivers are at risk from a growing number of US-style “mega farms”.

“One thing is clear: I do not want to see, and we will not have, US-style farming in this country,” the former environment secretary said. “The future for British farming is in quality and provenance, maintaining high environmental and animal welfare standards.”

However, a new analysis has found that the number of “mega” pig and poultry units across the UK climbed from 974 in 2016 to 1,176 last year.’

Listen; Northern Ireland power sharing government and what it could mean for farmers; Dairy exports; Upland farmers.Trade Farming Today, 31st Jan 2024

‘As politicians look set to return to Stormont in Northern Ireland, we look at what that means for food and farming. For farmers a full-time working government could mean more clarity on the way forward for post-Brexit farm subsidies. Could it mean the end of customs checks on goods from Great Britain which remain in Northern Ireland and do not cross the border into the Republic and the EU’s Single Market? We speak to BBC Northern Ireland’s agriculture and environment correspondent to help unpick what impact this is likely to have on agriculture and trade.

The new biosecurity regulations on imported goods from the EU have just come into force. More stringent checks are being carried out including on many food consignments. A report just published by the Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee of MPs says it’s concerned about cuts in funding for spot checks on animal products and the fact that the location for these is 22 miles away from the Port of Dover.’

The problem is the authorities are not giving the farmers enough money to survive so obviously they are refusing to obey and NetZero rules to replace food production with wildlife on 20% of their land. We need land sharing not land sparing to grow all food in symbiosis with nature. This is opposed to business as usual where chemicals are used on productive land and giving other areas to wildlife.

Read; Farmers across the globe face an existential crisis: markets are denying them an assured and just price, Political Concern, Feb 12th 2024

‘Tractor-driving farmers who caused traffic jams around the Port of Dover said there could be more demonstrations. Road traffic in and out of the Kent town was disrupted by the go-slow demonstration on 9th February’

Watch; Councils Complicit in FARMING CRISIS with Sandi Adams, Colchester Council Watch, 9th Feb 2024

Rachel interviews Sandi Adams to discuss how the UN agendas are affecting farmers globally and the protests around the EU.

At 2:50: “(State ownership of farming) is a global agenda and this is really coming from a United Nations directive and this has been going on for a long time. They want to corporatise farming and state; make it state owned. This was flagged up to me a number of years ago . . . . A friend of mine was working for the Soil Association and I was given a report called the Agricultural Working Group Report for Food and Farming . . . I was absolutely shocked to the core, because they were talking about how they wanted to revolutionise farming and to turn farms into what they called Super Farms; huge Agri-Tech Super Farms, which we’re seeing, particularly in Somerset where I am. Agri farming has become really really big. It’s sort of Agri-Tech farming and so the tech is the biggest thing; it’s Agri-Tech farming and they’ve got 5G collars on cows in Somerset. It’s horrendous. These poor cows have got 5G collars on and a lot of the farmers are really going into big, big, farming that it’s almost like state farming. And in this agricultural working group report, it said that farmers be paid not to farm, so that they could actually set up these huge corporate farms. Which I think is the biggest idea and it’ll all be GMO and even says it’ll be focused on robotics and insect biomass. That frightened me to death. The whole idea of insect biomass was horrendous; and it was to phase out meat farming – and bringing insect biomass and using robotics more in farming, now this, to me, it just made my blood run cold.”

Police have to take a face full of pig urine for blocking the farmers’ march – fab.

Watch; MEP: People are realising climate change is a MASSIVE LIE | EU scared of voters after farmers revolt; GBNews, 10th Feb 2024

‘The EU are frightened… they’re beginning to realise that people will no longer let them get away with it… people are beginning to realise that [climate change] is a gigantic lie’

Christine Anderson MEP reacts to the EU ‘climb down’ over farming laws following mass protests.’

Interesting to read that the big banksters are backing out of the so-called new green economy. Maybe because consumers are not buying into an economy that has no interest in the survival of us so called deplorables. What a relief it is that Banksters don’t see profits from these new NetZero false solutions to climate change.

Read; JPMorgan and State Street quit climate group as BlackRock scales back, Financial Times, 15th Feb 2024

‘Reduced participation means none of top five money managers fully back Climate Action’

The World Economic Forum PR machine has been very successful at dividing us over the future of food and farming. In the debate below the farmer is blaming the green MEP for NetZero who is blaming corporate agriculture and retailers for industrial ag that has encouraged big is beautiful ag, and then there’s the EU bureaucrat praising global free trade.

Watch; Why are farmers protesting across Europe?, Inside Story, Al Jazeera English, 8th Feb 2024

“Furious farmers drive their protests home to European Union leaders. And more demonstrations are planned in their revolt against high costs, EU climate change policies, food imports and support for Ukraine.”

Common sense from the Irish farmer questioning the NetZero scam;

“If you talk about climate, you don’t go bringing beef from Brazil or you don’t go bringing it from Argentina, if you have it ready at hand in Europe”.

Read; ECVC welcomes the Council of the EU decision to block the deregulation of GMO-NGTs (novel gene technologies) and condemns the European Parliament’s hasty approval of an incoherent and unenforceable proposal; European Coordination Via Campesina, 8th February 2024

‘Yesterday, the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) of the Member States of the European Union met to try to reach a Council agreement on the proposal to deregulate GMOs/new genomic techniques (NGTs), on the basis of a compromise text from the Belgian Presidency. COREPER did not reach any agreement, which undermines the possibility of starting negotiations with Parliament and the Commission (so-called trilogue) before the European elections in June 2024. ECVC welcomes the opposition of EU Member States to this proposal, which doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. The Commission’s refusal to authorise States to ban the cultivation of NTGs in their territories, and the open door to the privatisation of all seeds by patents, denounced by ECVC since the beginning of this process, are the main blocking points. This is a victory for peasants’ organisations, which call on Member States to continue to defend the rights of farmers and consumers by opposing this unacceptable proposal.

ECVC welcomes the Council of the EU decision to block the deregulation of GMO-NGTs and condemns the European Parliament’s hasty approval of an incoherent and unenforceable proposal’.

Watch; From the ground up: Regeneration and nutrient density with Farmer Angus, UK Column, 8th Feb 2024

‘A vociferous critic of the destructive industrialisation of agriculture, Angus McIntosh speaks about reversing the loss of soil quality and biodiversity, whilst improving human and animal health in the process. Citing the works of Vandana Shiva, Allan Savory and Weston A. Price, McIntosh describes the philosophy underpinning the Farmer Angus brand on his Spier Estate near Stellenbosch.

With no government intervention or assistance, Farmer Angus articulates the method for a system by which food of extremely high nutrient density is produced, in harmony with the natural world. He speaks of his personal journey from the corporate confines of stockbroking for Goldman Sachs to the wild expanses of the Western Cape. Inspired by the writings of Michael Pollan, among others, he sees the mainstream media, governments and academia as captured by globalist interests, with very poor outcomes for those consuming mass-produced and nutrient-deficient food.

The Spier Estate hosts regular farm visits, and Angus McIntosh’s philosophy and practices are outlined at He is also on Instagram as @farmerangusspier.’

Read; Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food … and Why Can’t We Stop? by Chris van Tulleken

‘If you only read one diet or nutrition book in your life, make it this one’ Bee Wilson

‘A devastating, witty and scholarly destruction of the shit food we eat and why’ Adam Rutherford.

An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food.

It’s not you, it’s the food.

We have entered a new ‘age of eating’ where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive. But do we really know what it’s doing to our bodies?

Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what’s really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can’t save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet.

For too long we’ve been told we just need to make different choices, when really we’re living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible. So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.’

Listen to podcast; Why Local and Sustainable Food Systems Matter with Patrick Holden, HEARTH MATTERS; 27 FEB 2024

‘Patrick Holden is the founder and CEO of the Sustainable Food Trust and the U.S. Sustainable Food Alliance whose mission is to work internationally to accelerate the transition towards more sustainable food and farming systems. He was Director of the Soil Association, the leading British organic farming organisation, from 1995 to 2010, where he played a central role in developing the UK organic market. Patrick is an advisor to the Former Prince of Wales Terra Carta initiative which in 2021 launched the Terra Carta sustainability seal. He received a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for services to organic farming in 2005 and in 2022 was awarded an honorary doctorate for international work in sustainable agriculture from the University of Wales Trinity St David. Patrick trained in Biodynamic farming at Emerson College and recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Holden Farm Dairy, his family-owned mixed organic dairy holding in Wales that he still runs with his wife and children’

This is the Sustainable Food Trust newsletter;

28th February

Dear supporter,

Across the UK and Europe, farmers are protesting about an array of issues – in Wales, there is opposition to the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme and its requirement to plant trees on 10% of a farm’s land; in Germany, it’s withdrawal of red diesel subsidies that is causing unrest; and in Holland, it’s the suggestion that dairy farmers get out of farming. What is next to come?

Read; Understanding the farmer protests, Sustainable Food Trust, Feb 20th 2024

Change is often difficult, but it’s also necessary – especially in a world that is changing more rapidly than we could ever have imagined. It’s time to hammer out a brave new world and find our way forward to a more generous future. This future has a place for farmers, says our CEO Patrick Holden, “to [become] part of the solution, rebuilding lost soil carbon, reinstating in-field biodiversity and improving the social and cultural impacts of food systems throughout the world”. That would be a very good place to

SFT’s Head of Research, Richard Kipling, asks a fundamental question in his piece, Read; “What is ‘local’ food and why does it matter?” He notes that ‘local’ food is “a term we’re all familiar with and something we think we’d be quite confident at explaining – until we try.” Indeed! ‘Local’ food can mean many things to many people, so how do we dig down into the nub of it? It depends in part on what you are evaluating – food miles, how the food was produced and its environmental impacts, social benefits, the length of a supply chain? It’s a tricky one. But at the heart of it is the need to foster a more holistic and multi-faceted vision of local food.

This week’s podcast features John and Alice Pawsey, pioneering organic farmers at Shimpling Park Farm in Suffolk. They farm 650 hectares of arable land and have recently introduced 1,000 New Zealand Romney breeding ewes. Since conversion to organic over 20 years ago, there have been major environmental improvements on the farm, with increases in the number of farmland birds and an ongoing rise in soil carbon levels that more than offsets the farm’s emissions. John and Alice are committed to sharing their experiences with other farmers, and regularly host farm walks and school visits.

Best wishes,

The SFT team

Read; What is the role of livestock in feeding the UK? Speciality Food Magazine, 17th Feb 2024

SFT’s Senior Research Officer, Robert Barbour, recently wrote for Speciality Food Magazine’s green issue. His piece looks at the value of livestock and how the right methods of production can contribute to a secure and sustainable food future.

Listen to great interview with Patrick holden about all thing farming; GFM ELMs Defra Trial

The Global Farm Metric team will be taking part in an upcoming ELMs Defra trial led by FWAG South West.

Farmers have been using the GFM to identify opportunities for investment and how they can support wider environmental objectives across five catchments in the Upper Thames region – the team will assess how a common sustainability framework, like the GFM, can help farmers and their advisors think about the sustainability of their farm.


This article is typical of a system that refuses to look at the root cause of a problem. It makes more money to keep the pigs in cruel conditions and genetically edit them to be resistant to the resulting respiratory diseases they get from inhaling biodegrading shit, namely ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. And more money goes into further undermining their wellbeing by genetically engineering them to have ever higher numbers of offspring. We are ruled by money-hungry psychopaths who don’t give a damn for the welfare of the animals, nor the long term impact on our health of this frankenstein food system

Read; First gene-edited meat will come from disease-proof CRISPR pigs!!!, Michael Le Page, NewScientist, 23rd Feb 2024

‘Pigs that are immune to a disease estimated to cost farmers $2.7 billion a year globally look set to become the first genetically modified farm animals to be used for large-scale meat production.’

‘In the UK, the National Pig Association has called on the government to speed up plans to allow the production and sale of gene-edited plants and animals in England so the PRRS-resistant pigs become available to farmers sooner. The introduction of the resistant pigs would help avoid animal suffering, it says.

But not all animal welfare organisations support the idea. “Keeping animals crowded together, and in stressful conditions, provides an ideal environment for pathogens to spread and evolve,” says Catherine Jadav of Compassion in World Farming. “If PRRS-resistant pigs are used to perpetuate the current highly intensive model of pig farming, then other diseases will continue to develop – bringing disease after disease that ‘requires’ new gene-edited animals.”

Sainsbury’s 2019 ‘Future of Food‘ Report has some ideas about what people will be eating in the future. There’s not much of a role for farmers in the brave new Sainsburys world.

In thirty years, jellyfish and other ‘invasive species’ could be found on the fish counter as recent research has found them to be full of nutrients and vitamins. And we could even be introducing a ‘lab-grown’ aisle, where people can pick up cultured-meats and kits to grow meat at home. Meat, as we know it today, could instead start to become a luxury product.

We could start to see a very different food landscape in 150 years’, as scientists may well be farming in space and sending back their learnings to us on Earth. This would be instrumental to us being able to farm on land which was previously barren – providing us with seasonal produce all year round.

With developments in technology happening every day there are endless possibilities for how we could be consuming our food in the future. It’s likely that we’ll be consuming our key nutrients through implants. While nutrition patches and drips could replace our day-to-day intake, traditional celebrations – birthdays, family occasions – could be bigger and better than ever before.


Listen; Max Blumenthal on Russell Brand on October 7 and the Censorship Industrial Complex, Max Blumenthal, 15th Feb 2024

‘In part one of a long form discussion with Russell Brand, Max Blumenthal delves into the ongoing conflict in Israel-Palestine, focusing particularly on the thorough debunking he and his team have conducted regarding a recent New York Times report on the events of October 7th. They also explore the growing influence of the censorship industry complex driven by Big Tech and governments, and uncover how the FBI infiltrated lockdown protests.’

Watch; Bill Gates Orders Govt’s To Blacklist Citizens Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content Online, The People’s Voice, 11th Feb 2024

‘Bill Gates’s Microsoft is now threatening to disable the computers of users who share so-called misinformation online as Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum continue gearing up for the 2024 election season in the only way they know how. By working on an authoritarian plan to censor all opposition, criminalise so-called misinformation, steal the US election and install public governments in penetrated liberal democracies all around the world. The elites know the people are rising up against them, and like cornered rats, they’re now desperate to silence the opposition and crush any dissent against their totalitarian vision of a new world order for those who are paying attention.

This dystopian vision is playing out in front of our very eyes, and it’s our responsibility to stop these tyrants in their tracks.’

Bill Gates; “Well, the, you know, the misinformation about vaccines, uh, and associating certain people like myself or fauci having maligned intent with vaccines that was most acute in the United States,”

Presenter’s question to Gates; “Conspiracy theory emerged during the pandemic that you were using vaccines, using the vaccine rollout to control people, even to the extent of people claiming you wanted to insert chips inside them. Now, a lot of those ideas were spread by tech companies, by platforms owned by tech companies. Did you ever complain to them about those debates going on unchecked?”

Gates; “Yeah, I mean, I think every time the question is asked, it helps spread the rumour. So, you know, maybe I, I should uh, complain even more, but I certainly, uh, point out false stories when they’re published or even people who highlight sort of almost silly misinformation.”

Presenter; “But did you talk to the tech companies about how those debates were being carried out?”

Gates; “Yeah, there’s a constant dialogue of anybody who gets, uh, you know, this crazy stuff published of going to, uh, the digital platforms and saying, you know, Hey, look at this. Look at that.”

“Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella told NBC’s Ster Holt this week that people hint it’s anything that Bill Gates and the global elite disagree with, and especially anything that exposes their agenda. Welcome to the modern definition of freedom of speech, where the mainstream media are directly and explicitly permitted to knowingly publish false information with intent to cause non-trivial harm, while the independent media and people like you can be sent to jail for a year for calling out their lies. It’s not just the UK, the elite are tightening the screws in the US too.”

Gates; “but you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice. People don’t feel like going to the stadium when they might get infected. You know it. It’s not the government who’s saying, okay, just ignore this disease. And, you know, people are deeply affected for the world at large. Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population”.

As Gates demands censorship at one end of the mainstream media corruption, at the other end, Tucker Carlson says former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked for $1 million in US dollars, gold, or #Bitcoin for an interview. I guess Boris knows he will be taken to the cleaners but, anything for money!

Watch; BIG Win Against Covid Tyranny! Court Rules Trudeau’s Emergency Orders Against Citizens, Illegal Kim Iversen, Feb 12th 2024

‘Eva Chipiuk is a lawyer in Canada who has been intimately involved in many high profile cases challenging the government for the actions over the last few years, including a travel ban that prevented Canadians from flying within Canada or leaving the country and representing some of the more prominent protesters at the Ottawa trucker protest.’

Read; What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?, Patricia Harrity, Feb 16th 2024

‘A great deception is being perpetrated on a largely non resistant mankind, by “dark enslavers” according to Julian Rose, who, as Julian says “will go to any lengths to achieve their ends.” Their “ends” is a depopulation agenda and totalitarian control over those that are left. We know that we are being governed by unelected deep state operatives who have a dark agenda, and they know that we know, yet everyday there is a stark reminder that this dark cult is still ploughing ahead with what they have planned for our future, and we are still on our knees.’

Watch; The CIA built a firearm that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack, iluminatibot, Feb 13th 2024

‘A small dart made of ice would penetrate the victim’s body, release poison & dissipate quickly, so nothing shows up on an autopsy.’

Read; Pakistan Election: Latest Updates on Imran Khan and PTI’s Surge Ryan Grim, The Intercept, 11th February

‘It’s widely known the U.S. is no fan of Imran Khan. The U.S. prefers to work directly with the Pakistan military as a check against China. Khan has long said he wants a better relationship with the U.S., yet we (the US) refuse to believe him – our preferred approach was to oust him, put in more pliant clients, and shrug as the military dismantled democracy in the runup to the election.

That approach has now failed. The military-backed client proved unable to run their own country, losing all faith from the Pakistani people. The establishment in Pakistan may still be able to form a coalition government through fraud and abuse, but that doesn’t mean they’ll come out on top. The Pakistani people showed they can’t be held back anymore. When their will finally translates into real power is only a matter of time. The U.S. can delay it, but can’t stop it.’

Read; The US Toppling of Imran Khan, By Jeffrey D. Sachs, Consortium News, 5th Feb.

‘A principal instrument of U.S. foreign policy is covert regime change, meaning a secret action by the U.S. government to bring down the government of another country.

There are strong reasons to believe that U.S. actions led to the removal from power of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022, followed by his arrest on trumped-up charges of corruption and espionage, and sentencing this week to 10 years imprisonment on the espionage charge.

The political objective is to block Pakistan’s most popular politician from returning to power in the elections on Feb. 8.

The key to covert operations of course is that they are secret and hence deniable by the U.S. government. Even when the evidence comes to light through whistleblowers or leaks, as it very often does, the U.S. government rejects the authenticity of the evidence and the mainstream media generally ignore the story because it contradicts the official narrative. Because editors at these mainstream outlets don’t want to peddle in “conspiracy theories,” or are simply happy to be the mouthpieces for officialdom, they give the U.S. government a very wide berth for actual regime-change conspiracies.

Covert regime change by the U.S. is shockingly routine. One authoritative study by Boston University professor Lindsay O’Rourke counts 64 covert regime change operations by the U.S. during the Cold War (1947 and 1989), and in fact the number was far larger because she chose to count repeated attempts within one country as a single extended episode.’

Read: Pakistan: coalition agrees to form government and shut out Imran Khan’s party. Rival parties will make Shehbaz Sharif prime minister, despite Khan’s party getting most votes at election by Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian, 13th February

“A coalition including the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan People’s party (PPP) have agreed to form the next government of Pakistan, ensuring that the party of former prime minister Imran Khan will not take power despite getting the most votes in the election.”

“The announcement followed days of wrangling and political horse-trading after Pakistan’s election last week dramatically delivered the most votes – but not enough for a majority – to PTI, despite military opposition and a state-led crackdown.”

“PTI and other smaller parties have accused PML-N and PPP candidates of benefiting from alleged rampant vote-rigging and electoral interference, which had drawn condemnation from the US, UK and EU. More than a dozen cases have been taken to the courts to challenge results given to both parties. The electoral commission has denied any irregularities in the polls.”

Julian Assange

Press Freedom on Trial: Julian Assange’s Lawyer on Extradition Case & Criminalizing Journalism’ Democracy Now!

‘At a critical hearing this week in London, lawyers for imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange asked the British High Court of Justice to grant him a new appeal in what is likely his last chance to avoid extradition to the United States, where he faces a 175-year prison sentence for publishing classified documents that exposed U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, says the judges were receptive to their arguments that Assange could face the death penalty in the U.S. and that an extradition would set a dangerous precedent for press freedom. “If Julian is extradited and goes on trial under the Espionage Act, this is a case which is going to set precedent which criminalizes journalistic activity and will be used against the rest of the media.” A ruling in the case is not expected until next month at the earliest.’

Stella Assange, Julian’s wife and lawyer, sums up the hearing, projects the consequences of winning or losing, and emphasises that pubic support is the essential ingredient to her husbands freedom.

Watch; Ex-Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger on Julian Assange Extradition Case, Democracy Now; 23 Feb

‘As Julian Assange awaits a decision from a British court on his possible extradition to the United States, Democracy Now! speaks with Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of The Guardian, who worked with Assange to publish hundreds of thousands of classified records from the U.S. acquired by WikiLeaks that document war crimes in the Middle East. “What the governments are now trying to do is to frighten journalists off,” says Rusbridger. “I think the world should wake up as to what the nature of the threat is going to be to mainstream journalism if this extradition is successful.”

Covid/Vaccines Scam and Pandemic Treaty

Watch; Australian senator says the pandemic was bullshit, iluminatibot, 5th Feb 2024

“We will expose your global agenda.”

Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts: The so-called “pandemic” was planned and globally co-ordinated, decades in advance.

“But we are going to hound you down, the people that are guilty. We are going to hound you down and hold you accountable.”

Read; France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”? Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, February 25, 2024

Oops: “Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine Says the Truth.

Watch: THE GREAT SETUP: How & Who Pulled off the Covid-19 Plandemic – Part II of II – by Dr. David Martin; Waking the World up

‘The Great Setup Part I can be found here →

Below is an excellent rant about the 2 videos from Waking the World up;

‘The Courts across the board made an unambiguous declaration that we were in a public health emergency and that the World Health Organization – WHO and the Centers for Disease Control – CDC were the ONLY arbiters of what the facts were. You could NOT argue the facts. If a Medical Doctor attempted to argue the facts, they were taken before the medical board and censored (embarrassed).

Bill Gates basically owns the WHO as his donations account for 88% of ALL the donations the WHO receives. If there is ONE person on this planet who is responsible, it is Bill Gates. He should be numeral UNO when we go after these b*stards.

Remember when Trump said he was cutting the WHO funding? Where did Trump then send funds? To the Gavi – “The Vaccine Alliance” – a Bill Gates Foundation. So, what good did that do? It’s probably WORSE. People need to know how these guys that are hired to play the “good guys” operate. Trump is a puppet who was chosen to play the Good Guy Role. They were removing licences just for telling their patients they should take more Zinc, D and C. This was Tyranny. What has anyone done? Absolutely Nothing. The doctors are now busy treating all kinds of Blood Clots and wondering why they are increasing. Duhh, dumbos .

They never associate illnesses with vaccines, which is why the USA is one sick a$s nation. It is time for the white coats to get their heads out of their asses and connect a few dots. If anyone doesn’t believe in Brainwashing, just go to the doctor. You have our own DoD being involved in the greatest conspiracy of all time. They were the ones in control and ordering Big Pharma to do this. What do we do when EVERY Single Agency developed to PROTECT us is trying to KILL us and at the very least CONTROL us?

When we look at this Great Conspiracy we need to go back to 1913 and look at what the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust did. These are the colluding parties that authorised Allopathic Medicine. The Flexner Report came out and flat out said that if you attempt to heal people in ANY other way than the Industrial Pharmaceutical way, that you will be banned and have your licence removed and be forever labelled in history as a QUACK.

Then you have the Wellcome Trust that was the commercial aspect for the German Pharmaceuticals. The Wellcome Trust was responsible for developing plans on taking over the German Pharmaceuticals and REMOVING the treatments that WORKED.

In 1947, the Rockefeller Foundation put the WHO on the map. Then you had a UN CHARTER with the WHO, that said you cannot be prosecuted in ANY way for ANY crime as long as your actions were performed under the Umbrella of the WHO. *There is nothing more powerful than Charters.

The WHO has nothing to do with Health. It is a criminal conspiracy that was put in place by two foundations who had a commercial interest in building a criminal liability shield for themselves. It LITERALLY is a Criminal Organization. Under the Clayton Antitrust Act in the USA and under the Sherman Act in the USA and under laws of Europe — they colluded to PRICE FIX and set up a MONOPOLY but since they put it under the umbrella of Public Health, they duped EVERYONE in thinking it was for “GREATER GOOD of Humanity.”

What was the SINGULAR Focus for the World Health Organization – WHO beginning in 1950 — 1955? The ONLY Focus was to develop VACCINES. Back then it was the Polio Vaccines which contained the Deadly Cancer Causing SV-40. Then you have Brock Chisholm, the Director-General of the World Health Organization coming out and flat out saying “This is about Population Control.”

Bill Gates is also using the WHO as a Laundering Operation. 88% of the WHO donations are from Bill Gates. Wake the f*ck up and take a mind snap shot of what’s going on here.

The entire WHO is constructed as a Criminal Organization FUNDED by the Rockefellers, the Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates Foundation.

You have another family involved in this all that is always in the shadows and they need to be exposed with the rest because if you study history, they are just as guilty or maybe even more if that is possible than the Rockefellers, Wellcome Trust, Rothschild’s and Gates and that is the Carnegie Family. The Carnegie Institute for Science is another “Depopulation front.” Instead of working with all of us on a population plan, they, being the “wealthy” ones in the world, took it upon themselves to just make medicines and vaccines that would: 1. cause many sudden deaths as they could target certain batches and disperse cleverly, 2. create batches with infertility drugs and disperse cleverly so connecting the dots would be extremely difficult, 3. create 70% of the batches with toxins that will significantly shorten lifespan and now and 4. create batches with graphene oxide to form computer networks with antennas and nano receivers in our body to connect to their private IoT – Internet of Things — all for control and to have a KILL Switch in case we get out of control.

We are in the middle of a Death Conspiracy Plan – a Depopulation Plan – a Great Reset Plan. In the Vaccine Preparedness Plan — it sounds like a good, valid concept just by looking at it, but in the guts of it, it says if “done correctly we will see about a 20% reduction of the population on Earth.” That is what Vaccine Preparedness really means. These are not allegations; they are stated objective facts.

EVERYTHING points back to a Date in History that few understand. That is 1944.

Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 – — if we win the war we will establish the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and establish the League of Nations – which became the United Nations – UN and we will have NO Public Oversight whatsoever. So, at this meeting, they were preparing for a post-war plan in which they were going to take over the entire world and write laws just for themselves and say f*ck everyone else. Included in these LAWS is FULL Immunity from EVERY Crime they would be involved in. This was a meeting with 120 of the most powerful, most wealthy people on Earth. What jurisdiction did they have to do this? What authority gave them the special right to declare themselves God’s of the Planet?

As Dr. David Martin says: Why don’t we have our own Bretton Woods where we take control of the planet and f*ck these guys? They gave themselves the right to Absolve liability to all crimes they commit.

If 120 people can get together to take over the world, why can’t we do the same?

Klaus Schwab of the WEF is another puppet with a broom stick up his a$s. WEF is a marketing organization to see how much they can say and if the people will rebel or resist. It is a testing organization to feel the people and how far they can actually go. If we don’t say NO, they know what they can get away with. We are giving them the power by paying attention to them. We need to rise up and just say NO. Turn them OFF. Do NOT listen to them. Do NOT comply for another Plandemic. The White Coats need to stand up next time. Congratulations to the ones who had the Balls to stand up the first time.

They are preparing right now for when we say NO to mandated vaccines as they want to start their own self-infecting / self-spreading vaccines. This is where we need the help from ALL doctors to stop this.

The White Coats need to Wake Up and Stand Up for themselves, their families and their patients. We all need to wake up. Share this one as Dr. David Martin does a great job explaining our current situation and the many “situations” that led us here.’

Watch: COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked, Dr John Campbell, 15th February

‘Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her licence suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy. Ros has joined forces with a number of health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here: – adding your signature will take less than a minute.


In the coming months, the Lighthouse Declaration team will host a series of webinars and roundtables to further expand the conversation on these critical issues.‘

Russia / Ukraine conflict

Read; Brits ‘should prepare to be called into war’ as conscripts fighting Putin’s army; Mirror; Jerry Lawton, Ryan Merrifield; 28 February

Ex-deputy chief of defence staff General Sir Richard Barrons has warned Brits must prepare to be conscripted after years of a ‘peace dividend’ brought about after the Cold War

Brits must prepare to be conscripted to fight Vladimir Putin’s troops, a retired military commander has warned.

The armed forces are “wafer thin”, so “small in terms of equipment, so undertrained, so badly supported” they will need the support of a real life Dad’s Army to repel the Russians, says ex-deputy chief of defence staff General Sir Richard Barrons.

He said the country needs to snap out of thinking war is “always an away game”. Sir Richard, who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Northern Ireland and led Joint Forces Command before retiring in 2016, said he understood anyone under 40 may find it hard to contemplate a national call to arms having grown up enjoying the ‘peace dividend’ of the post-Cold War world.

But if relations with Russia continue to deteriorate military mobilisation is not unthinkable – it’s just “unpalatable”, he added. “It is alien but only in our lifetimes, not in our ancestors’ lives. My father did National Service,” he said. “In the mobilisation of civil society you start with volunteers. If the war is not over and you’ve run out of volunteers then you have to conscript people. This is entirely historically normal.

“You’re not mobilising because you’re going to invade somebody else’s country. You’re mobilising because someone is threatening yours – and your family and your livelihood. Today’s youngsters may think, ‘I don’t want to fight’. That’s a healthy feeling. They may think, ‘I don’t have to fight.’ That’s true today.”

Speaking to the Daily Star, he said: “But in the future if their security, their life prospects and those of anyone they care about is in jeopardy – because people are firing missiles at them, dismantling their power supply with cyber attacks and committing the sorts of atrocities you see in Ukraine – then they’ll fight. They’ll fight because they’ll see they don’t have any choice.””

‘Yesterday, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said war between Russia and NATO would be inevitable if Western troops go to Ukraine. He reacted after French President Emmanuel Macron “refused to rule out” putting boots on the ground as Kyiv struggles to fend off Russia’s full-scale invasion. Asked if such a move would trigger war Peskov said: “In this case we need to talk not about the likelihood, but about the inevitability.

Read; Scholz’s Slip of the Tongue Spilled the Beans on Ukraine’s Worst-Kept Secret; Andrew Korybko; Global Research, March 01, 2024

‘The worst-kept secret of this proxy war is that it’s already a hot NATO-Russian war but an undeclared and limited one where both sides still abide by informal “rules of engagement”.

German Chancellor Scholz’s innuendo that France and the UK have clandestinely deployed troops to Ukraine to assist with “target control” against Russian forces prompted a harsh reaction from the British, but his slip of the tongue simply spilled the beans on this proxy war’s worst-kept secret. No honest observer believed the prior denials about Western troops in that country since their Ukrainian counterparts couldn’t realistically be trained to operate such modern-day arms in such a short time.

His inadvertent revelation, which was shared to explain why Germany won’t send long-range Taurus missiles to that country since it doesn’t want to follow the others’ lead by clandestinely deploying troops there, came shortly after French President Macron’s relatedly scandalous claim. He said that NATO countries debated whether to conventionally intervene in Ukraine when many of their leaders met in Paris on Monday though no consensus had been reached on this ultra-sensitive question.

Although practically every one of his peers denied that anything of the sort was discussed, the Financial Times then quoted an unnamed senior European defense official who bluntly confirmed that “Everyone knows there are western special forces in Ukraine — they’ve just not acknowledged it officially.” Such claims were hitherto dismissed as “Russian conspiracy theories” but now they predictably turned out to be statements of “conspiracy fact” to the surprise of only the most dishonest and naive observers.’

Was the Carlson Putin interview so powerful in undermining Russia Gate that the secret service is using Navalny’s death to reverse the positive impact the Russian statesman was generating that might threaten the West’s determine to weaken, dominate and steal the resources of our Russian neighbour?

Watch; Alexey Navalny dies in prison, The Duran, 17th Feb 2024

‘Obviously they (the authorities) are going to use it (Navalny’s death) to blacken Putin’s name even further but the problem is that they’ve demonized Putin already to such an extreme degree that I just don’t really see how adding this one on is going to add to the totality of what they’ve been doing f for many years now.

The one thing it could do is, if we get a President in the future, say a President Trump, who does want to meet Putin to try to find some way forward, to try to repair relations, that President might find that he has what happened to Navalny thrown into his face. They’ll say how can you sit down with a murderer; someone who murders Navalny in the way that he has done. It might make any attempt to improve relations with the West even more difficult’

‘I don’t know how Navalny died. He has many opponents in Russia. Not just within the government but also within wider society and within some of the people he’s come up against in what was been a very complex political career’

Despite all of the instant accusations of “Putin did it”, Kyrylo Budanov, who is the Chief of Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR), says that it seems Navalny died of a detached blood clot. The experimental Covid vaccine causes blood clots so perhaps his well known ill health meant his immune system couldn’t cope.

Read: Ukraine’s intelligence says cause of Russian oppositionist’s death aligns with initial assertions made by Kremlin. Kyiv Post, 26th February

“I may disappoint you, but as far as we know, he indeed died as a result of a blood clot. And this has been more or less confirmed,” Budanov told journalists on the sidelines at the “Ukraine. Year of 2024” forum on Sunday. “This wasn’t sourced from the internet, but, unfortunately, natural [causes],” he added.’

With only 2% support in Russia, Navalny was a very unpopular politician. . He was promoted in Western media to put in power when we succeeded in destroying Putin. Why would Putin fuel the West’s war mongering to kill their stooge, Navalny? Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix; Crocodile Tears Over Navalny While Ignoring Assange; Caitlin Johnstone

‘The entire western political-media class are currently rending their garments about the prison death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and are being joined by the propaganda-addled citizenry of the western empire. Meanwhile Julian Assange’s last-ditch effort to appeal against extradition to the United States is coming up in a few days with a tiny fraction of the attention.

I really could not have a lower opinion of people who would rather talk about Navalny’s persecution in a far away country that has nothing to do with them than Julian Assange being persecuted at the hands of their own government. It’s the most pathetic, bootlicking behavior imaginable.

Ooh yeah, you’re so brave self-righteously shaking your fist at some country on the other side of the planet which has zero power over your own country while refusing to oppose the power structure you actually live under as it slowly kills a journalist for exposing its war crimes. Groveling, power-worshiping bootlicker. Absolutely sickening.’

Ukraine exposed as CIA-MI6 beachhead The Grayzone, 29 Feb 2024;

Aaron Mate: There was a New York Times story showing close CIA collaboration with the Ukrainian military as though that’s a good thing.I think we should address that, absolutely. This story is basically an advertisement for the proxy war, it’s people in the CIA basically trying to get Congress to approve the $61 billion and there’s a lot of puffery in it, but there’s some good detail in there that underscores that the US has used Ukraine as a proxy against Russia and that the CIA played a major role in the coup that put us on the current course we’re in 10 years ago in the Maidan, 10 years ago this month.

Watch; Zelenskyy Sold Ukraine To US Corporate? Kennedy’s Nephew Adds To Russia Explosive Claim, TIMES NOW, Jan 18th 2024

‘Ukraine is already opening up for big investment, and hand-rubbing has been happening over a potential business bonanza. War-hit Ukraine might not look like a good financial investment, with no end in sight. Kyiv engaged BlackRock and JPMorgan in 2023 to help set up a fund to raise public capital. But has the Russia-Ukraine war created a massive profit opportunity for leading U.S companies?’

‘Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘broke the internet’. After (only) 48 hours, the interview has garnered well over 178 million views as of Saturday morning.’

Here is the must-watch Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin:

Full Text Transcript of Tucker Carlson Putin Interview

At 49:40. Putin: “ . . . The leadership of Ukraine stated they would not abide by the Minsk Accords that were signed after the developments of 2014, in Minsk, with a plan laid out for peaceful settlement in Donbas. And, the Ukrainian, today’s Ukraine leadership, their Foreign Minister and other officials and the President said they didn’t like a thing about the Minsk package of measures and they would not stick to them. And the former leaders of France and Germany said, around a year ago, said in public, worldwide, that they had signed that agreement but they had not been going to execute; to fulfil that. You know, they pulled our leg.”

Carlson: “Was there anyone for you to talk to? Did you call a US President or Secretary of State and say “If you keep militarizing Ukraine with NATO forces this is going to get this is going to be – we’re going to act?”

Putin: “We kept telling them that. We kept telling them that. We addressed the American leadership and the European leaders claiming that it be stopped immediately and the Minsk Accords were to be executed was our requirement, our demand. I was ready to fulfil, to honour. This is not an easy thing for Ukraine with lots of autonomy for Donbas but I was positive. It was my sincere believe that if we would persuade those people living in Donbas to come back to the Ukrainian statehood – and they had to be persuaded – the wounds would heal – I was sure – and sooner or later, gradually, that part of Ukrainian territory would fit back into the overall frame of reference of Ukraine and pensions and allowances would be paid once again. But no one wanted that in Ukraine they wanted to act with the help of military force only, and it ended up with this situation.”

Watch; Putin’s message to the west w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live), The Duran, 12th Feb 2024

“One of the things that is striking about Putin is, he actually, when you put a question to him, he answers it. He does give you lectures but he actually also answers your questions. And of course, the two things that came across to me is, on the one hand he is extremely disappointed about his relations with the West. He feels that Russia has been placed under relentless pressure for many years. He’s I think a bit baffled as to why this has been. But, secondly, and this is an important point which perhaps we haven’t highlighted enough; he’s still prepared, ultimately, to come to some kind of an understanding, provided – obviously – he thinks it’s in Russian interests and provided he has um you know a negotiating partner on the other side on the Western side – on the US side – that he can work with. He is not shutting the door. That was my take at least.”

‘You are about to see a public lecture by retired General Harald Kujat, who served in the German Airforce and even was the chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 2002 to 2005. He has emerged in Germany as another outspoken critic of the way NATO and the Europeans are abusing Ukraine for the geopolitical benefit of the US. General Kujat is so outspoken that Wikipedia “knows” that he belongs to the inner circle of Vladimir Putin. Ha!’

Ex-NATO Official REVEALS The Lies Of Neocon Warmongers To German Public

‘Listen to Former German General Harald Kujat at a public lecture in Germany how he destroys the false pro-war narrative of the neocons.’

At 17:19 “In 2021 the agreement on InterContinental Strategic Weapons Systems known as the American Russian Arms Agreement or the new START Treaty, was mutually extended for 5 years. There were even negotiations during the Ukraine war until Russia interrupted them due to the massive support of Ukraine by the United States. A security policy turning point was the NATO Summit in 2008 in Bucharest, where President Bush tried with great pressure to secure NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine.

When this failed, as usual, for saving face, a vague membership perspective was included in the communique. The current CIA Director, William Burns, then the American Ambassador in Moscow, had previously warned the American government. In a telegram, he wrote about the severe strategic consequences. He emphasised that these cannot be overestimated and that they would create fertile ground for a Russian intervention in Crimea and in the east of Ukraine: “There is no doubt that Putin will strike back sharply”. Today, he is the CIA Director.


However, the real turning point was the coup d’état orchestrated by the USA in February 2014 in Kiev. This triggered the Civil War in Donbass and the denial of minority rights to the Russian-speaking population. As you know, this was agreed upon in the Minsk 2 agreement which was arranged by Mrs Merkel and the French president. After that, Ukraine was supposed to carry out a constitutional amendment by the end of 2015 which would grant the Russian minority the same rights as the Ukrainian speaking citizens.

In the United States quite a few are convinced that the war could have been prevented. This would have been possible if there had been serious discussions about Ukraine’s NATO membership and greater autonomy for the Russian-speaking population of Donbass within the Ukrainian State. The war could also have been ended after 6 weeks. In the Istanbul negotiations at the end of March 2022, Ukraine and Russia reached a mutually acceptable outcome. Essentially, it was agreed that Ukraine would give up NATO membership and adopt a neutral status. In return, Russian troops were to withdraw to their positions before the war, that is, to the status of February 23rd. This agreement was not signed by Ukraine under pressure from the West.”

Palestine / Israel

Read: Egypt Sells Out Palestinians for $10 Billion Loan Package. Mike Whitney, Global Research, 27th February

‘On Saturday, Western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza.

According to Reuters the talks represented “the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released.”

Regrettably, the reports from Paris were largely a media-engineered deception intended to divert attention from the real purpose of the confab.

Keep in mind, the primary attendees of the gathering were not senior-level diplomats or trained negotiators, but the directors of the Intelligence services including the head of Israel’s Mossad, David Barnea, Egyptian spy-chief Abbas Kamel, and CIA Director William Burns.

These are not the men one would choose to hammer-out a hostage exchange or a ceasefire deal, but to implement electronic surveillance, espionage or black ops. Thus, it is extremely unlikely that they met in Paris to settle on a plan for the cessation of hostilities. The more probable explanation is that the respective spy-chiefs are putting the finishing touches on a collaborative plan to breach the Egyptian border wall so that one and a half million severely-traumatized Palestinians can flee into Egypt without any serious opposition from the Egyptian army.

Such an operation would require considerable coordination in order to minimise the casualties while, at the same time, achieving its overall objective. Naturally, any breach would have to be blamed on Hamas who will undoubtedly be the convenient scapegoat for blowing up a section of the wall creating an opening for thousands of stampeding Palestinians.

In this way, Israel could characterise the mass expulsion as a “voluntary migration” which is the cheery-sounding Zionist sobriquet for ethnic cleansing.’

‘For those who care to dig a bit deeper, there’s a clear money-trail connecting the dodgy Egyptian president to a policy-change that will more than accommodate Netanyahu’s ambitious ethnic cleansing plan. In other words, the fix is already in. This is from Reuters:

Talks with Egypt to boost its International Monetary Fund loan program are making excellent progress, the IMF said on Thursday, saying that Egypt needs a “very comprehensive support package” to deal with economic challenges, including pressures from the war in Gaza….

Asked about the impact on the talks from challenges posed by the expected entry of Gaza refugees into Egypt, Kozack said: “There is a need to have a very comprehensive support package for Egypt, and we’re working very closely with both the Egyptian authorities and their partners to ensure that Egypt does not have any residual financing needs and also to ensure that the program is able to ensure macroeconomic and financial stability in Egypt.” IMF sees progress on Egypt loan program amid Gaza pressures, Reuters.

Repeat: “to ensure that Egypt does not have any residual financing needs”?

WTF? So the IMF now provides financial support for ethnic cleansing?

It certainly looks that way. The IMF wants to make sure that el-Sisi has sufficient money to cover the costs of feeding and housing one and a half million refugees.

But is that where those billions of dollars will actually go; to the starving Palestinians who have lost their homes and all their material possessions, or will it vanish into the offshore accounts of corrupt Egyptian politicians just as it has in Ukraine. We’ve all seen this movie many times before and it doesn’t end well.’

Watch; Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) aid worker describes the scenes he saw; 29 Feb

‘People of Gaza are traumatised beyond belief.’

‘I have never seen a place that has been so bombarded for so long with such a tragic population with nowhere to go.’

Watch; Israel ‘denying aid to starving children’ says head of Norwegian Refugee Council, Channel 4 news presenter, Krishnan Guru-Murthy; 28 Feb 2024

‘In Gaza, following the Hamas attack on October 7th, the Israeli response has been overwhelming.

Almost 30,000 people have died and over 70,000 injured according to the Hamas-led health ministry.

The UN says a quarter of Gazans are on the brink of famine and almost the entire population is reliant on inadequate humanitarian food assistance to survive.

We spoke to Jan Egeland, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council. He is in the southern city of Rafah where 1.4 million people have sought safety but fear there will be an Israeli ground offensive.’

Read; Cancer in West Asia; Naila’s Substack, 28 FEB 2024

‘The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia published a statement on Feb. 7 refusing to normalise ties with Israel, declaring that:

“The Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the U.S. administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and that the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip stops and all Israeli occupation forces withdraw from the Gaza Strip…”

This followed comments by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a press conference in Qatar a day after his trip to Saudi Arabia, when he said “with regards specifically to normalisation, the Crown Prince reiterated Saudi Arabia’s strong interest in pursuing that” with Israel if the war in Gaza ends and there is “a clear, credible time-bound path to the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Read; First it was Corbyn. Now the whole British public is being smeared over Gaza

Under cover of fear for MPs’ safety, Labour leader Keir Starmer has helped the ruling Tories paint as villains anyone opposed to Israel’s slaughter of children

JONATHAN COOK; MAR 1 [First published by Middle East Eye]

‘For the best part of a decade now, the British establishment has been weaponising antisemitism against critics of Israel, claiming as its biggest scalp the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

He lost the 2019 general election – and stepped down as leader – amid a barrage of smears that he had indulged, if not stoked, antisemitism in the party’s wider ranks.

Corbyn is the only major British party leader to have prioritised the rights of Palestinians over Israel’s oppression of them. He was finally drummed out of the parliamentary party by his successor, Keir Starmer, in 2020 for pointing out that antisemitism in Labour had been “dramatically overstated for political reasons”.

Last week, that same establishment campaign plumbed new depths. Now it is not just the left wing of the Labour Party – traditionally critical of Israel for its decades of oppressing Palestinians – facing demonisation. Large parts of the British public are finding themselves being smeared too – and for the same reason.

The inciting cause is a parliamentary crisis precipitated last week by Starmer’s refusal to identify Israel’s slaughter and starvation of the 2.3 million people of Gaza as “collective punishment” – a war crime.

The House of Commons speaker, who is supposed to be strictly neutral, defied convention to allow Starmer to water down a ceasefire motion on Gaza promoted by the Scottish Nationalists, all so he could avert a rebellion in his party’s ranks.

But while a bitter row ensued between Labour and the ruling Tories over the abuse of parliamentary protocol, it also brought the two sides together on a separate matter.

For different reasons, they exploited the crisis over the ceasefire vote to imply, without a shred of evidence, that demonstrations against Israel’s flagrant, months-long atrocities in Gaza constituted not just antisemitic behaviour but a threat to the democratic order and the safety of MPs.

As a result, the consensus of the English political and media establishment has swiftly shifted onto even more dangerous, and anti-democratic, terrain than the earlier antisemitism smears’.

Watch; The Islamic Revolution of Resistance Press TV; Palestine Declassified; 3rd February

In this week’s show, we will be exploring the symbiotic relationship between Palestine’s struggle for freedom and Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979.

The two state solution has proven to be a way to continue to rule and steal land that has been designated as Palestine.

Watch; Democracy for Palestine; Palestine Declassified; 10 February 2024

In this weeks show, we’ll be focusing on the new-found Western commitment to the so-called two-state solution in response to the genocide being perpetrated by Israel in Gaza.

Prof David Miller wins tribunal:

Read; Rahman Lowe Secures Landmark Victory in Employment Case for Professor David Miller Against Bristol University. Tribunal finds that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace, Rahman Lowe Solicitors, 5th Feb 2024

‘Anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace. In a significant triumph, Rahman Lowe, the legal representative for Professor David Miller, announced a landmark decision on Monday 5th February 2024 in one of the most closely monitored Employment Tribunal cases of 2023-2024. Prof. Miller successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist, imperialist, and colonial, a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, alongside a finding of unfair dismissal. This judgement establishes for the first time ever that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace’.

Watch: Protecting anti-Zionist views Press TV; Palestine Declassified; 19th February

‘In this week’s show, we’ll be explaining how Professor David Miller created a legal precedent by making opposition to Zionism a protected characteristic.

This means that employers can no longer use opposition to Zionism as a pretext to discriminate, dismiss, or destroy people’s careers.

We will report on the background of David’s case and later in the show about the way in which Bristol University’s witnesses gave evidence at David’s employment tribunal hearing.

In particular, we’ll demonstrate how it was the Bristol University witnesses that conceded that the reasons given for sacking David were incorrect and that he had in fact been sacked for his anti-Zionist views.’

Watch: Chabad sect and Gaza genocide Press TV, Palestine Declassified. 25 February

‘In this week’s show, we’ll be shining a light on the influence of an ultra-Zionist sect known as Chabad.

On its website, it claims to be “the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.” It’s certainly true that this extremist faction wields significant influence in Israel’s genocidal military and with its leading politicians too. Later in the show, we will look at the outsize influence of Chabad around the world.’

Muslims, Jews and Christian’s live happily. Arab Jews were forced to go to Israel but were treated as second class compared to EU Jews

Watch; How Zionism Indoctrinated the West with Ahmed Paul Keeler; The Thinking Muslim, 21st Jan 2024

‘Zionism is the ideology that underpins the barbarism that has been meted out on Palestinians, its latest chapter being the slaughter that is currently happening in Gaza. Yet its ideals remain respectable in establishment circles. In the United States, political leaders fall over one another to declare their un denying loyalty to the creed and in Britain, there has been a long tradition of Christian Zionism that spans back to the early twentieth century and the Balfour Declaration.


Ahmed Paul Keeler argues that Zionism has become embedded into the Western mindset through education and culture. It relies upon a Darwinian hierarchy that places Europeans at the top and Arabs and others as savages and less human, terms that have been uttered in recent events with greater frequency. Ahmed was born in 1942 and was brought up in a conservative upper-middle class Anglo Catholic family. He belonged to a generation that was brought up to serve the British empire. Ahmed Keeler is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, and was a Distinguished Fellow at The Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia in 2016’.

Proceedings have been taking place at the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

Watch; The Arab league demolishes US and UK arguments at The Hague: Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera, 26th February, 2024

‘The International Court of Justice (ICJ) concludes its six-day hearings into the legality of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967.

The Arab League tells the International Court of Justice that the failure to end the Israeli occupation has caused horrors to Palestinians, amounting to genocide.

Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst, said that The Arab league demolishes US and UK arguments at The Hague.

In his commentary on the speech delivered by the second representative of the League of Arab States, Ralph Wilde aptly conveyed the notion that “the law as you like it should not be determined by the law as it is” to the ICJ. From my perspective, Wilde subtly directed his criticism towards the United States and the United Kingdom, highlighting their tendency to manipulate international law to serve their own interests.

Wilde effectively placed the occupation of Palestinian territories post-1967 within its historical framework, drawing parallels between Israel’s actions in the Galilee and Negev regions post-1948 and its current policies in the occupied territories. He underscored a consistent pattern in Israel’s behaviour, emphasising that its actions are not haphazard but rather deliberate, serving the purpose of annexation, as evidenced by the establishment and expansion of settlements in those territories.’

Verbatim records of the day’s proceeding are here.

Watch: Why Labour Could Lose Rochdale’s By-Election Over Gaza Middle East Eye, 28th February

‘Since 7 October Britain’s Labour party has faced backlash from Muslim voters over its reluctance to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

With the general election around the corner this year, this political backlash could be felt especially in the north-west town of Rochdale where a by-election was triggered last month.

The Labour candidate, Azhar Ali, was suspended by the party’s leader, Keir Starmer, for claiming that Israel allowed Hamas to commit the 7 October attacks. Now, George Galloway, who is known for his anti-war and pro-Palestine stance, has been dubbed the bookmaker’s favourite to win. He is standing for the Workers Party of Britain

Journalist Aina J Khan travelled to Rochdale to ask British Muslim voters about their thoughts on Labour and Gaza ahead of the by-election on 29 February.’

Read; George Galloway who campaigned against Gaza war wins UK by-election Al Jazeera, 1 March

“Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza,” Galloway said on Friday, referring to the Labour leader who initially refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza where more than 30,000 people have been killed in the past five months of Israeli bombardment.

“You have paid and you will pay a high price for the role you have played in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in … in the Gaza Strip,” he said.

Watch; ‘Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza’: George Galloway wins Rochdale byelection; Guardian News; 1 Mar 2024

‘The veteran political agitator George Galloway declared ‘a shifting of the tectonic plates’ away from Labour after claiming a stunning victory in the Rochdale byelection. Galloway, one of the most divisive politicians in Britain, won almost 40% of the vote in a contest beset by chaos and controversy and dominated by the conflict in Gaza. ‘Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza,’ he said in this victory speech

George Galloway wins sweeping victory in Rochdale byelection, saying ‘this is for Gaza’

‘Two years ago, Revolution Films made a film called Eleven Days in May with Mohammed Sawwaf, a Palestinian filmmaker based in Gaza. The film is a simple record of the love and grief felt by the families of more than 60 children killed during eleven days of bombing in 2021.

Given what is happening in Gaza now we believe it is more important than ever that people see Mohammed’s film.

Revolution films has given us the Vimeo link below to the film which is also available on Amazon in the UK, US and other English speaking countries.

We would love you to share the film with as many people as possible.

“A devastating tribute to children killed in Gaza.” Tim Robey, Daily Telegraph.’

Password – EL3V3N_DaYs

Churchill was an out and out imperialist

Watch; What Churchill Thought About the Palestinians and Jews; Blogging Theology, 12th November, 2023

“Just recently, I got hold of this interesting book, Winston Churchill: His Times, His Crimes by Tarik Ali, who’s a British writer, and he’s very critical and there’s an awful lot of dirt unfortunately about Winston Churchill. It’s not very widely known, and he says on the back cover, I think, summing up very well the way many people see him: ‘The modern Churchill cult is out of control, closing down historical debate and encouraging support for 21st Century wars’.”

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