November 29th, 2024 Newsletter

I Farm, You Eat

The purpose of my newsletter is to give you important information and narratives that are censored in the mainstream media. If you would like to keep up to date with the very latest information, then please follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Telegram.

“The way you get democracy to function is by informing the public.” – Robert Kennedy Jr.

“Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking; a way of sceptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask sceptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be sceptical of those in authority, then, we are up for grabs for the next charlatan (political or religious) who comes rambling along.” – Carl Sagan

“Never worry about who will be offended if you speak the Truth. Worry about who will be misled, deceived and destroyed, if you do not.” and
”Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.”
– Robert Frost

Though the newsletter chapters interrelate, they are divided into five sections and have a common realisation that a cabal of corporate elites have captured global trade, global governance, mainstream and online media, and ultimately many of our minds.

As a stenographer, I link to an article or audio and paste a key paragraph or two. My most trusted websites are platforms for journalists who don’t compromise on the truth and have thereby been shunned by the mainstream media. These include; Local Futures, SUSTAIN, Farm Gate, Global Research, Children’s Health Defence, Geopolitical Economy Report, The Grayzone, Unlimited Hangout, 21st Century Wire, UK Column; The Duran, Robert F Kennedy podcast, The Jimmy Dore Show, Palestine Declassified, Alex Krainer, Mattias Desmet, Dr John Campbell, The Cradle, Quds News Network, The Grayzone News, The Electronic Intifada, Jonathan Cook, Richard Medhurst, The Light printed newspaper, and Russell Brand or follow us on Telegram, For The People, Assange News, Resistance News Network, Juan Sinmiedo, Resistance News Network, B’Tselem, Pepe Escobar and TheElectronicIntifada.

SOS Farmers In Peril

On 19th November, 40,000 farmers gathered in Whitehall for the #WeJustWantToFeedYou protest, speaking out against new inheritance tax changes that threaten the livelihoods of family farms and our food security.

We spoke to farmers at the march who shared what these changes mean to them and how they will be affected. Many fear losing their family farms due to forced land sales, leaving farms too small to remain viable. This will reduce the number of farmers growing our food and open the door for corporations to take over UK farmland for solar panels, wind parks, and factory food production.

Alongside the protest, farmers donated 6.6 tonnes of fresh food to the City Harvest Food Bank, providing 15,000 meals to those in need. This generous act symbolises their commitment to feeding the nation despite the immense challenges they face.

As farmers are penalised for rising land values driven by hedge fund speculation, we risk losing traditional farms that prioritise high-welfare, sustainable food production. Without these farms, who will grow our food?

Read our blog and watch the video to hear directly from the farmers fighting to protect their land, their livelihoods, and the nation’s food future.

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Impact of the Inheritance Tax on Agricultural and Business Properties

Beware, Starmer wants to get rid of farmers and with them our access to healthy food and food security. We cannot afford to lose a single farmer and their skills to feed us. Though we need systems change we can’t rely on our corporate-captured government. So we can start the revolution with food by buying directly from farmers to ensure that they produce in a way that is healthy for us, animals and planet and profitable for them. Put Local Food in your browser and find your local farmers’ market, box schemes, honesty boxes or on line like Riverford, Pipers Farm or use your area code to find your local farm shop via Big Barn and a new platform called The Bowler Hat Farmer.

Read; My family has grown Britain’s food for 140 years. Here’s what politicians don’t understand about farming; County Durham farmer, Clare Wise; The Guardian; 27 Nov 2024

‘…farmers didn’t march on London only for inheritance tax. This policy was more like the last straw. Farmers’ incomes and standard of living have been falling rapidly since Brexit. We’re paid the same now for a tonne of wheat as we were 10 years ago. Crop yields have been devastated by flooding and climate breakdown over the past three winters. The last government failed to implement the new environmental subsidy schemes before stopping the old direct payments. Now we’re faced with a fertiliser tax running into the thousands every year, yet food from abroad using the same fertilisers doesn’t get taxed at all. How much more can we take?

Don’t get me wrong: the government should be taxing wealthy landowners. But there’s a huge difference between working people who never want to sell their farms, and a cash rich non-farmer looking for a hideaway for their profits. On paper, my land is worth about £3.5m. But I’ll never see that cash unless I fail miserably at the only job I want to do, and the only job I’ve ever trained for. This is also the job that the country really needs me to do: as a highly skilled food producer with decades of experience, I can’t easily be replaced. Instead, I want to invest in my farm, and for my farming business to grow and thrive. I want fairness. And I want to be able to afford school shoes.’

This former government adviser to Tony Blair has admitted to what many in Keir Starmer’s ranks are thinking.

“If the farmers want to go on the streets, we can do to them what Margaret Thatcher did to the miners,” Mr McTernan told GB News.

“It’s an industry we can do without. If people are so upset that they want to go on the streets and spread slurry then we don’t need small farmers.”

Of the many brilliant podcasts and articles about the new inheritance tax, George Galloway is spot on, as is his interviewee Jamie Blackett who is a British politician, writer, landowner and political activist, who has served as leader of the All for Unity party from 2021 until the party’s dissolution in 2022. He has written articles appearing in The Daily Telegraph, The Spectator and other publications.

Watch; No farmers, no food George Galloway interviews Jamie Blackett, 18 November 2024

George Galloway; “Do you want our farms owned by the agribusiness, people like Bill Gates or companies like Blackrock, or by independent farmers like Jamie Blackett who puts the case of independence.”

Jamie Blackett; “This Labour government, unlike the Wilson, Callaghan governments or the Blair- Brown Labour governments, clearly has this view that it’s not families that should own businesses, it’s big multinational corporations. Of course they don’t have to pay a death tax in every generation, but families do unfortunately. We’ve asked for the impact assessment from the Treasury on this new tax. They won’t give it to us. I suspect it’s because they didn’t do it properly.

In order to save our farms from being broken up on our deaths, we will now have to spend a lot of money on life insurance, and that’s going to rip money out of the rural economy and feed it into the City of London, into all the life insurance companies, and the money that I used to be able to spend on guys who had a couple of diggers maybe, who would come and sort out our field drains for us, or the guy who comes and mends the dry stone walls, the chap who lays the hedges, the tree surgeon who works in the woods and thins the trees for us, there’s going to be much less money available for paying them, so the rural economy which is pretty much the gig economy really, its self-employed people who come and work on farms that’s all going to be really badly affected.”

Two respected leaders calling out the use of fear to push two absurd and dangerous policies – NetZero and Covid19 vaccines.

Watch; Jordan Peterson and RFK in total agreement; Wide Awake Media, 10 November 2024

Robert F Kennedy Jr: “The climate crisis is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls, the same way that the Covid crisis was. And it’s the same people… It’s the World Economic Forum, it’s the billionaires’ boys’ club at Davos, and it’s the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power for the super rich, greater power for the military, greater power for the intelligence apparatus and less power for everybody else.”

The totalitarian Labour government’s NetZero scam is imposing an inheritance tax on our farmers so the banksters and billionaires can buy up food-growing land to turn into solar and wind parks and their battery stations. Where will our food come from? Corporate owned, patented, animal cell based meat and vegetarian meat grown with GM seeds in vertical farms, insect factories, animal factories and chemical intensive monoculture with biodiversity exclusively on ‘spare’ land.

Read; UK partners with World Economic Forum to change inheritance tax laws, transforming traditional farms to solar and wind farms; Lance D Johnson, Natural News, 13 November 2024

‘The UK government recently announced sweeping reforms to the inheritance tax on agricultural properties. These changes could open the door to a resource confiscation scheme that transitions traditional food-producing farms to solar and wind farms.

The scheme incentivises farmers to lease or sell their agricultural land to corporate-owned energy developments. Farms will be surrendered to corporations connected directly to the World Economic Forum. Once the farms are converted to solar and wind, the changes will be permanent. This will have a devastating impact on food production across the UK, driving up food prices and creating food shortages over the long haul.

World Economic Forum charters new path to stifle and control food production in the UK

Under the new policy, the UK government rewrites the Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) provisions. Starting in April 2026, the first £1 million of combined business and agricultural assets will remain free from inheritance tax, but above this threshold, the relief will drop from 100% to 50%, effectively imposing a 20% inheritance tax rate on assets over the threshold.

Gareth Phillips, a partner at multinational law firm Pinsent Masons, says the changes could have a profound impact on the agricultural sector, diversifying farmer’s income streams. Phillips is a “renewable energy expert” with extensive experience in project development, financing, and planning.

Historically, many farmers have avoided leasing land for renewable energy developments due to concerns over losing valuable inheritance tax relief. If farmers leased land for projects such as solar or wind farms, it could potentially trigger a loss of agricultural status, leading to higher tax liabilities. However, with the upcoming reforms, landowners are now being encouraged to explore new income streams, including leasing land to renewable developers, without the same risk of inheritance tax penalties.’

‘Many farmers fear that the tax changes will disproportionately affect smaller, family-owned farms, which are already under financial pressure from rising costs, climate challenges and volatile market conditions. The concern is that these new policies could force many farmers to sell off their land, either to pay inheritance taxes or to capitalise on potentially higher land values driven by interest from renewable energy developers. These changes will cripple small farms and shift the UK’s agricultural sector toward large-scale industrial farming or corporate-owned energy developments, ceding control to the globalists.’

However important it is to stop asset managers or millionaires purchasing land as an inheritance tax dodge, our already exploited farmers must not be caught in the crossfire. Our farmers are already on their knees due to supermarkets pushing prices down as they themselves compete to attract both customers and equity investment. Transnational Corporations write the ‘free’ trade treaties that their colleagues in government sign freeing corporations of regulations to comb the globe for the cheapest commodities and food products. Supermarkets’ giant catering businesses and food processors force UK farmers to compete with cheaper, lower standard, produce from abroad. This financial casino is a threat to every national business, not least to farmers and our food security. See Trade Gone Mad.

Local Futures has made a new animation and two documentaries this year – Closer to Home and The Power of Local. The 4-min Trade Gone Mad animation highlights the escalating global trade pushed by big corporations, and the role of so-called “free trade” treaties in undermining democracy, livelihoods, and the environment worldwide.

Unmasking and tackling this key enabler of the destructive corporate economy is fundamental for moving beyond narrow piecemeal action and towards genuine system change.

By strengthening localised economies instead of global corporations, we can reduce poverty AND pollution. This powerful message can help to bring us together across polarised political divides.

You can find more information on their Trade Gone Mad webpage.

Watch; The 4-min Trade Gone Mad animation;

Let’s all send this Petition; Don’t change inheritance tax relief for working farms on to everyone we can think of.

Also join Michael Caine by adding your signature to 2.2 million signatures on the petition to call an immediate general election.

Why we need our farmers;

Watch; “I Only Ever BUY BRITISH” Ministers Face Backlash Over Farming Inheritance Tax Changes TalkTV, 24 November 2024

Alex Phillips speaks with former Tory MP and MEP and farmer, Neil Parish

‘Ministers are facing backlash over inheritance tax changes, accused of creating a “suicide window” for elderly farmers who feel they are a “burden” on their families. Some farmers told The Telegraph that older relatives see ending their lives before April 2026—when the new tax rules take effect—as the “honourable” way to pass on their estates intact.’

Alex Phillips; “I can’t remember the last time I went to a supermarket other than to buy some dishwasher tablets. I am a big user of proper farm shops and only ever buy British. And yet again, it’s another example of what is going on here. Now, the Labour Party say, ‘well, it doesn’t really affect anything, no, no, no, this is just rich landowners who are using agricultural property in order to invade inheritance tax’. National Farmers Union are saying something quite different, saying, could be 80% of farmers. We’re having reports of farmers feel pressured now into a suicide window because there’s this whole trying to scheme when you’ve got to die in order to make sense of all of this.”

Neil Parish; “It’s attacking farmers because, you see, they work hard, they’ve got quite a lot of capital involved in their business, but the return on capital is very small. And it really is just an added problem and I think one that the government should really step back from, but they don’t seem to be taking any notice. I’m really glad also that you are a great believer in farm shops. It was only, what, three, four years ago when we had Covid, if you remember, everybody was delighted, not with only going to the farm shop, I’ve got a friend who was also doing a huge delivery round as well during Covid. So it’s really useful to the community as well as to the farmers and I think they just don’t understand the fact.”

Crony capitalism is enslaving us all with farmers suffering very high rates of depression and anxiety. According to the Office of National Statistics, there were 36 suicides recorded in England and Wales among those working in the farming and agricultural industry in 2021.

Farmer took own life in fear of inheritance tax raid, says son; Telegraph (paywall) article

Prospect of the family losing £2m estate, which had been in their hands since 1950s, had ‘eaten away’ at their 78-year-old grandfather.

Clarkson speaks out about alarming suicide rates in farming.

Very witty article by Jeremy Clarkson who genuinely loves farmers and is disgusted by the New Labour idiots who are destroying both them and our food security.

Read; Rachel Reeves was going after dukes. She may kill farming instead Jeremy Clarkson, The Sunday Times, 2 November 2024

‘The problem is that while they’re going after land owned by dukes and hedge-fund managers, Britain’s farmers seem to have been caught in the crossfire.

Here’s how it’s always worked. As soon as the farmer’s children are able to join him out there in the cold and the wind and the rain without getting their nappies caught in some heavy machinery, they do. They learn by watching their dad how to wrangle a pig and get a recalcitrant cow into a crush and all the best ways of dealing with black grass. And then one day, when Dad dies, they take over and pass all they’ve learnt on to their children.

I accept that many farmers’ kids now go to university, where they learn there are girls who don’t look like potatoes and there’s a type of weed that isn’t brome, and then decide to get a City-based job in marketing rather than going back to the fields, but trust me on this: I’m not talking about some Enid Blyton vision of rural Britain. Thousands and thousands of farms right across the British Isles are being run by people who learnt everything from their dad and will pass all they know on to their kids.

But is that going to be possible any more? Because now, when Dad dies, there will be a tax bill. And the only possible way of paying it will be by selling up. Rachel Reeves, then, looks to have killed farming. This won’t bother her, of course, because, like most modern-day socialists, she lives on a diet of imported avocados. But I think history will see her as the most stupid, blinkered idiot ever to occupy No 11. I’ll stop there, though, because if I went on, I’d be guilty of a hate crime, and these days that’s a bigger offence than paedophilia or punching a constituent in the throat.’

Key organisers of the demonstration that brought 45,000 rural people to the streets of Westminster on Tuesday 19th November, are asking for a farmers meeting with government ministers to explain the true impact of the new inheritance tax on farmers and businesses. If they don’t listen, he warns of future strikes.

Watch; Farmers warn industry could STRIKE as pleas to Reeves fall on deaf ears – ‘All we’ve got left!’ GB News, 25 November 2024

Olly Harrison, Farmer; “…a business summit is probably the next step and we bring them (ministers) in and we start to gather how many job losses that will come from this, then they might start to think actually we have got this wrong. We don’t want to be going on strike just yet, but if they’re not going to listen, that it’s the only thing we’ve got left to do.”

“I’ve got three children, so now I’m questioning what I’m doing every day because there’s no money. I think well, I’ll just have to give up.”

“When you get up in the morning and you’re losing money growing wheat and you think well I’m only doing it to provide for the next generation when hopefully farming might pick up, and now that is taken away from you you just think what’s the point? I’ve been thinking that after the weather we’ve had this year.”

“..other businesses will get hit by BPR (Business Property Relief) but they have the ability to change their pricing structure or they could take an insurance policy out and put a couple of quid on everything they do and save some money up, we can’t do that farming, we are the only industry that’s price takers not price setters.”

Even the government’s mouthpiece, the BBC gives the DEFRA Secretary a grilling.

In Farming Today 23rd November the presenter spoke to the DEFRA Secretary, Steve Reid, whose responses were blatant PR spin. The £500 million they estimate to make from bankrupting all small farmers, he alleges is paying for more doctors and nurses and repaying the black hole in finances left by the conservatives. But is it fair to blame the previous government when both parties endorsed projects that caused the black hole in finances, not least the idiotic lockdown, the Covid 19 vaccine that is neither safe or effective, the NetZero carbon scam, the proxy war in Ukraine and arming a genocidal regime in Israel, all sold to UK citizens with fear mongering and lies.

BBC Presenter; “What is the aim of this (inheritance tax)? It doesn’t raise that much money. It doesn’t put off investors, it doesn’t make land available for farmers when it’s put up because any farmer buying it will face the same inheritance tax problem as the person selling it. What is the aim of this? What are you trying to achieve?”

DEFRA Secretary, Steve Reid; “When you say it doesn’t raise much money, you’re talking about half a billion pounds. Half a billion pounds can buy an awful lot of doctors and nurses to try and get our NHS working. That is the primary reason why we’ve taken the decision that we’re taking. But also I want to discourage non farmers from coming in and buying agricultural land. I don’t think it’s right that the very wealthy investors in the city come in and buy up agricultural land just because, as it has been up until now, the most efficient way of shielding their wealth from their own inheritance tax liability. Because that is pushing up land values to a point where young farmers wanting to fulfil their dream of owning a farm, can’t afford to buy the land.

BBC Presenter; But this doesn’t change that. It’s still a better deal to invest in land than other things.

Farmers in their 70s and 80s are most at risk of losing their farm as the 7 year rule means that to avoid the inheritance tax they will have to live for 7 years after giving their farm to their son or daughter.

Listen; BBC Inheriting the Earth; Presented by Charlotte Smith, 25 November 2024

‘Farming Today presenter toured the country over the last fortnight, talking to farmers and experts for a program about the controversial inheritance tax change.’

Interview with Steve and his dad, Terry from Yorkshire.

Steve; “If my dad gifts some (of their inheritance) to us now, the problem is he’s nearly 82 and you’ve got to live seven years.

BBC Presenter; “You should say, your dad is standing next to us. Which makes this slightly awkward, doesn’t it? When we’re talking about how long the family think you might last and what that might mean financially. This is a weird conversation to have, I’m guessing.

Steve; it is, yes. Dad doesn’t like talking about it. Dad is incentivised by half a million pounds to die before April 26 when the new rules come in.”

BBC Presenter; “Is that how you’re thinking about it?”

Dad Terry; “Well, I’ve been here since I was 17 and my dad before me and myself now my two sons. We’ve worked our socks off to feed the people. The most important industry in the country, to feed people. But what about my grandchildren, the next generation? I’ve got to make sure I live seven years.

BBC Presenter; “Not all farmers agree that this policy spells the end of the family farm. Some point to problems in an industry where older owners can be a block to innovation. Emily Norton was head of rural research at the land and property company Savills. She now runs her own consultancy firm and farms with her parents in Norfolk.

Emily Norton; “So one of the key advantages of the changes that have been made is that we still qualify for generous reliefs through owning land. We simply have to think about how we can benefit from passing on assets sooner. But there are going to be a group of older farmers who, up until budget day, their plans were simply to die on farm, and they haven’t now got the ability to change their plans. And that is manifestly unfair, and I think if we’re going to government to ask them to change anything, it should be to take into account those older farmers who haven’t got the opportunity either to take out affordable insurance or to pass those assets on within their lifetimes, just because they’re too old.”

BBC Presenter; “There have been rumours that the government was considering exempting people over 80 and that DEFRA was pushing for a softening of the policy. But the Treasury told us such reports offer false hope to campaigners and they’re not considering any mitigations.”

Will Starmer listen to his electorate over the inheritance tax as the Welsh government listened to their farmers over their NetZero plans? The Welsh Government is to reverse its threatened policy to only pay subsidies if the farmer plants trees on 10% of their land – see the farmers demonstrating against the policy last May via our 6 min video of their demo in Cardiff.

Listen; Sustainable Farming Scheme in Wales BBC Farming Today, 26 November 2024

Intro; ‘The Welsh government has backed down on its policy to insist farmers put ten percent of their land into woodland. The decision came after farmers demonstrated against the government’s plans for its Sustainable Farming Scheme, or SFS, which replaces the payments to farmers under the old EU Common Agriculture Policy. The SFS still includes previous ambitions of supporting sustainable food production, rewarding farmers for mitigating climate change and enhancing the environment. The Welsh government hopes the changes will encourage more farmers to join in. We speak to Deputy first Minister Huw Irranca-Davies, who is also Secretary for Climate and Rural Affairs in Wales, and get reaction to the changes.’

Lawyers, aka Starmer, have always sold their time to whoever pays their salary even if they are murderers or robbers. So perhaps it’s not surprising that his paymasters are nowbanksters rather than taxpayers.

Watch; Is Keir Starmer Selling Britain To BlackRock? Novara Media interviews Brett Christophers, economic geographer, professor at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University; 23 November 2024

Novara Media; “Keir Starmer is having a hard time on social media today after posting this last night, so he tweeted ‘I’m determined to deliver growth, create wealth and put more money in people’s pockets. This can only be achieved by working in partnership with leading businesses like BlackRock to capitalise on the UK’s position as a world leading hub for investment’, and you can see there Reeves and Starmer and then there’s a picture of Larry Fink who’s the CEO of BlackRock, and you might notice this has been viewed 11 million times. Now that’s a lot of views for a tweet about a meeting that he’s had with a business leader.

I’ll explain though why this seems to have gone so viral. Some background; BlackRock is the world’s largest asset management firm, it controls 11 trillion, yes you heard that right, trillion dollars worth of assets. The traditional role of an asset manager has been to manage the money in pension funds, investing them in the stock market and bond markets to get a stable return for their customers, so you want your pension fund to sort of increase in value over time. The asset managers manage that pot of money. These companies have become more controversial since they began buying up physical infrastructure that includes American renewable energy companies, waste water services in France and airports in England and Australia. This has made asset management companies controversial with the left, to whom they’re seen as privatisers-in-chief, but curiously it was actually right-wingers who have been given Keir Starmer the hardest time for his meeting with BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink.

The classic story in the UK context would be Thames Water. So everyone knows what a basket case Thames Water is today, and almost all of its really severe problems emerged in the period between 2006 and 2016 when its majority owner was asset manager Macquarie (TW- who is funding our local solar panel site proposal on 2,000 food growing acres). It was then that the problems really emerged in terms of rapidly increasing rates but rapidly declining amounts of new investment in the infrastructure, and the argument I would make is that that is exactly what you would expect with the type of business model that asset managers pursue. They are almost always, by their very nature, short-termist investors that invest in infrastructure predominantly through fund vehicles that are fixed in life, that they know are going to be wound up after a certain period of time, typically 10 years at a maximum, and so when they invest in these infrastructures or, to take the Starmer example when they invest in Britain they’re not doing it with a view to kind of perpetuity, they’re doing it knowing that they have to sell out within a certain amount of time to return the capital to the investors.

The idea that Rachel Reeves thought ‘I’m going to increase inheritance or close inheritance tax loopholes so that BlackRock can come in and buy this land’ seems far fetched, but could it be the case that even if it wasn’t pre-planned, when small farmers sell up their land if they have to do that, companies like BlackRock might come in and buy that farmland. Even if we take the conspiracy out of it so it’s more accidental, could it be the case that BlackRock benefits from this?”

Brett Christophers; “Absolutely, one of the so-called real assets that managers have become very substantially invested in over the last two or three decades is farmland. It hasn’t happened in the UK although historically pension funds have been relatively significant investors in the UK farmland, but it certainly happened in Australia, it’s happened in the US, it’s happened to a massive extent in South America, not so much BlackRock but the likes of Macquarie and Brookfield and others, Brookfield Asset Management which is run these days not coincidentally by the ex head of the Bank of England Mark Carney, they are big investors in farmland, so absolutely it’s in entirely possible that they could come in and be significant buyers of that farmland.”

Blackrock has $11 trillion in assets in equity, bonds and increasingly real estate and land. They wine and dine our politicians to get favourable conditionalities for investment into the UK. How about nationalising the banks so our politicians decide how to spend the loan?

At his recent dinner with Blackrock chairman, Larry Fink, was Starmer selling the UK’s farmland? Quite possibly, according to Daniel Priestley, Founder of Dent Global & ScoreApp, Awarded Entrepreneur of the Year, 6x business books and founder of multiple 7 & 8 figure ventures.

Read; This is how BlackRock could do considerable damage to British family farming in 7 easy steps; Daniel Priestley, 22 November 2024

1. They will start buying up small plots of agricultural land at double the normal price. They will issue a directive to all of their energy companies simultaneously to aggressively acquire plots for carbon capture. These third parties will start bidding against each other and force the value of agricultural land up.

2. Initially farmers won’t believe their luck – “these city folks are mad! if they want to buy an acre for £50K, who am I to say no to these fools” is what you’ll hear down the pub.

3. These crazy prices will set record high comparisons for agricultural land. When a farmer dies, their farm will be valued using these new metrics and the next generation will discover the farm they thought was worth £3M is worth £9M and they don’t have anything close to the money needed to cover the tax.

4. In swoops a BlackRock subsidiary with a “Agri Debt Finance Tax Relief” product to lend them 20% the “value” of their farm so they can pay the taxes.

5. The debt will come with conditions (a covenant) that the farm has to adopt and maintain certain practices. It has to use certain BlackRock-owned fertilisers, software, machinery and labour solutions that get the farm ready to interface with a larger conglomerate.

6. When a farm cannot make its debt payments, it is sold at auction. BlackRock subsidiaries are instructed NOT to buy these farms at auction. They have a special arrangement to buy the unsold farms at a rate that covers the unpaid debt plus outstanding fees and taxes to government… basically what the farm was originally worth.

7. A BlackRock subsidiary then takes over the farm, consolidates it with a massive group of farms and uses illegal immigrant labour to staff the farm (which will be another government program they institute to deal with the immigration crisis). The government will literally pay for the labour costs as part of this plan making the farms wildly profitable and making small family farms unable to compete.’

Yes! let’s all avoid the supermarkets

Watch; Don’t want to be part of all that – and there’s a lot of you feel the same! The Bowler hat Farmer, 25 November 2024

“As I was talking to a lot of the farmers in London on Tuesday one of the biggest frustrations they’ve got is that supermarkets hold all the power, all the power to tell them what price they’re going to pay, and for them to be in a position of bartering, they’re always knocking the farmer down, they’re always trying to redeem on contracts, it’s just never good for the farmer, that’s the bottom line.

So I have taken it upon myself with the quest to try and get people out of supermarkets back to shopping at farmers’ markets and small convenience stores, this could be the butcher, baker, the candlestick maker or the green grocer. However, do you know the ones in your local area, that’s the question? So we’re putting together a database on You can go if you’ve got a food business, register yourself there, you’ll see there’s some people already starting to register, we’ve I know we’ve got a butcher on there and a market up in Mersey, and we’ve had a contact this morning from a gentleman by the name of Robin who’s down in Ledbury in Herefordshire who is looking to start a farmers market. Now that farmers market could be very exciting for somebody who’s looking to go to work somewhere, so if you’re in the Ledbury area down in Herefordshire there is the potential, drop me a message and we’ll get you in contact with them. They’re looking to start a farmer’s market, so if you’re a butcher, greengrocer, a maker of something, there could be an opportunity for you there. Now I have had literally hundreds of people contact me about this database, about wanting to either be on it or to want to be involved in it.”

External costs of today’s Food & Farming

A few banksters and corporate CEOs devise ways to sell their arms by fomenting perpetual wars, sell more pharmaceuticals by ensuring we are sick, sell more chemical fertiliser by ensuring the soil is dead, replace farmers with AI tech and  sell fake food to ensure that they control food and ultimately to control us. The external costs of today’s toxic food should not be tech food. If we stay ignorant about the next generation of junk food shaped by the NetZero scam, like sheep we will follow our master’s instructions to slaughter. To resist we must buy direct from farmers.

Read or Listen; Ag Stripped Our Food of Valuable Nutrients; Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Defender, 8 November 2024

The food on our plates today is a shadow of what our grandparents ate. Not only has flavour been sacrificed on the altar of productivity and shelf-life, but critical vitamins and minerals have also plummeted — with profound implications for public health.

Story at a glance:

  • Modern farming practices and seed hybridisation have significantly reduced the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables over the past 60 years, with average declines of 16% for calcium, 27% for vitamin C and 50% for iron.
  • The focus on higher yields, longer shelf life and visual appeal in crop development has led to a trade-off in nutrient density, particularly evident in hybrid tomatoes compared to heirloom varieties.
  • Four multinational corporations control two-thirds of the global seed market, leading to a loss of biodiversity, farmer dependence on hybrid seeds and exploitative labour practices in seed production.
  • The nutrient decline in produce contributes to increased risk of deficiencies, reduced antioxidant intake and rising chronic diseases, leading to greater reliance on dietary supplements.
  • Solutions include supporting seed banks, practicing regenerative agriculture, increasing consumer awareness and implementing policies that prioritise soil health, protect farmers’ rights and enforce fair labor practices in seed production.

Though the UN is pushing industrial agriculture, they do have a few honest experts on the payroll who come up with some very important reports that are critical and expose the true costs. Sadly, their paymasters like Bill Gates ensure their work is ignored.

Read; Unhealthy diets drive $8 trillion in hidden costs annually, 12 November 2024

‘A study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) involving 156 countries confirms that hidden costs within global agrifood systems amount to approximately $12 trillion annually. Of this figure, around 70 per cent ($8.1 trillion) arise from unhealthy dietary patterns and are linked to alarming non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, far exceeding the costs related to environmental degradation and social inequalities. The State of Food and Agriculture 2024 (SOFA), builds on the 2023 edition to provide an even more in-depth analysis, utilising true cost accounting to expose the full range of costs and benefits associated with food production, distribution, and consumption, including those that are not reflected in market prices – the so-called ‘hidden costs and benefits’.

The report updates those cost estimates, divides them by agrifood system types, and charts a course for transformative change in our agrifood systems.

The study details how global hidden costs are largely driven by health hidden costs, followed by environmental hidden costs, in more industrialised agrifood systems in upper-middle- and high-income countries.

In examining health impacts, the report identifies 13 dietary risk factors. These include insufficient intake of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; excessive sodium consumption; and high intake of red and processed meats, with notable differences across various agrifood systems.’

While extensive grazing livestock on mixed farms produces the right amount of manure to fertilise pasture,  factory farms produce vast quantities of waste which is spayed on local fields in excessive quantities polluting the air with a toxic stench and contaminating watercourses with excess phosphates and nitrates, killing wildlife and harming habitats.

Read; Mapping the spread of muck from factory farms, CIWf & Sustain, 7th Nov 2024

Alongside our friends at Sustain, the alliance for better food & farming, and Friends of the Earth, we have released our new “Muck Map” showing where the most animal manure is produced by factory farms in the UK, and the areas most at risk of nutrient pollution from this manure.

Pigs are being gene edited to survive the respiratory problems caused by the toxic stench of biodegrading faeces in the factory farms and the slurry goes through an anaerobic digester to collect the methane, so is seen as good for NetZero!!!!

Read; Nearly 15,000 people object to ‘outrageous’ plans for Norfolk ‘mega-farm’ housing 870,000 chickens and 14,000 pigs Daily Mail, 12 November 2024

‘Controversial plans to build a megafarm with up to 870,000 chickens and 14,000 pigs between two villages have attracted nearly 15,000 complaints.

Cranswick, the food giant behind the plans, says the two sites will be set 400 yards apart and operate separately to act as a ‘bio-precaution’.

But locals fear the giant facility will belch out foul odours including ammonia fumes, attract swarms of flies and result in thousands of lorries driving past homes.

The strength of public opinion emerged as the local planning authority revealed it had received the ‘highly unusual’ amount of objections.

So far, the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk has received 13,362 letters from residents in and around Methwold and Feltwell and campaigners opposed to the scheme, plus 1,445 comments through its planning portal.’

Last week Farming Today looked at intensive livestock production which is a hell hole for animals, sprays excessive quantities of manure on the surrounding fields and the meat has less nutritional benefits for us (cattle raised on protein have less omega 3 than pasture fed) and destroys South American forests in order to grow soya to feed protein to indoor raised herbivores!

As farmers are forced to consolidate farms to survive, 950 farms in the UK have over 700 dairy or beef cattle. The first interview is a cattle farm of 4,000 beef cattle where the farmer is trying to convince us that the cattle are happy to be indoors for on average 100 of their last days to gain the necessary weight for the market. Similar excuses come from the chicken farmer who claims his 43,000 indoor chickens don’t suffer from their legs being unable to hold their overweight bodies. The factory farmers argue that this type of farming emits less CO2 or methane because the animals grow very fast and live very short lives, ignoring the enormous carbon cost of the animal feed which is grown on chemically-treated monocultures on deforested Rainforest and transported 8,000 miles from S America. The carbon tunnel vision is always on the lips of the presenter who said; “The lifespan of these cattle is about half of what it would be up on a hill and that cuts down methane emissions”!

Listen; 23rd Nov Farming Today

BBC Presenter; “Is it better for the animals to be inside from a welfare point of view?

Doug Deer; “As you can see they’ve got the choice because we’ve got big yards. They can either stand outside in the front of the open yard (TW – no sign of any grass!) or go under the shed when either it’s too hot or it’s, you know, inclement weather. I can’t see any problem with cattle being housed inside for the last 90 to 120 days of their life.”

BBC Presenter; “Do you think this is the future then? More indoor housing, less extensive grazing?”

Doug Deer; “There’s always a place for grass in the life cycle of cattle because obviously we need to grow the frame so that we can hang the meat on it but if you want to actually get the cover on the animal they’re going to have to come inside at some point in their lifetime and be fed a high starch diet to hit the supermarket spec.”

Jude Capper, Professor of sustainable beef and sheep production at Harper Adams University; “Intensive farming is a difficult one because it’s quite an emotive subject, so it tends to mean different things to different people, but it generally means housed livestock finishing or getting to their slaughter weight in a relatively shorter time compared to more extensive systems out on pasture and grassland. In the UK and indeed across the globe, we’ve seen a growing trend towards bigger farms, more consolidated farms. We’ve got fewer total farms across the UK and across the world.

And that’s often because of efficiencies, economies of scale, older people going out of business and their farms being bought up by bigger farms. But I think it’s really important to understand that big doesn’t mean bad, as it were.”

BBC Presenter; “Okay. Because I mean, people often worry about whether things like animal welfare suffers on intensive farms, particularly where, say, livestock lives indoors all year round. Is there any basis for those worries?”

Jude Capper, Harper Adams University; “Yeah, that’s a really good question. And welfare really is the only bit that we don’t know all the answers to yet. There’s quite a lot of data out there that shows that it depends what the animal’s used to. If the animal hasn’t ever been outside, it doesn’t necessarily want to go outside. And there’s been some really interesting work in broiler chickens, for example, to show that if you give them access, often they don’t actually want it. And we’ve shown the same in dairy cattle at Harper Adams. Ultimately, if we want a sustainable food system, we’ve got to look for really good health and welfare as well as productivity going forwards.”

Presenter; “What impact does intensification, keeping animals indoors have on carbon emissions and other environmental impacts like, say, biodiversity?”

Jude Capper, Harper Adams University; “That’s a really good question. On average, and I am saying on average, intensive systems tend to have a lower carbon footprint because those animals grow faster there on the planet for a shorter amount of time. The carbon footprint and the resource use. So land, water, fertilisers, etc. tends to be lower, but of course if they’re housed inside, they can’t be having the positive impacts on biodiversity, for example, soil quality, soil health, that we’d see with a pasture based system. So we’ve got this dichotomy between what do we care about more? Is it carbon footprint, is it biodiversity, is it landscape maintenance?

It sort of almost comes down to what does the consumer value most and indeed, of course, what does the processor and government value most as well?”

Peter Kendall, Intensive Chicken Farmer; “Probably ending up with just over 40,000 birds in a shed. They’re a very specific breed. These birds are bred for table meat. They do grow in quite a rapid time period. And I’m very conscious that’s one of the criticisms people have over the farming system, but for actually value, for money, it’s unbeatable.”

Thankfully the BBC invited Ruth Westcott from Sustain to shine the light on the reasons why animal factories are abhorrent;

“We think we need to really stop and avoid rationalising intensive livestock farming systems just because they have a lower greenhouse gas emissions profile than more extensive livestock systems. Intensive livestock has a much higher greenhouse gas emissions profile than other sources of protein. We can’t simply pretend that this form of agriculture is good for the climate or good for the planet. There is a very complex set of environmental and social impacts that we need to consider with intensive livestock farming, and that particularly includes river pollution. Two thirds of our rivers fail to reach good ecological status due to agriculture. And some new research that we revealed just a couple of weeks ago show that intensive livestock units produce over 30,000 tonnes of waste every day. Waste is being spread on fields and we know that.”

BBC Presenter (TW total idiot!); “ that’s when it’s being used as a fertiliser. That’s the whole point. Muck is magic.”

Ruth Westcott from Sustain; “Ideally, that would be the case. We want to see farm waste being used as a way to fertilise fields, but unfortunately the volume of waste that’s being produced has gone up so much, especially from intensive livestock systems. And we’ve seen an increasing attention on the fact that agriculture is a source of river pollution. But we want to make sure that it’s the right people that are getting blamed for the pollution and these corporations are kind of washing their hands of the problem and leaving farmers to deal with it.”

BBC Presenter; “Fundamentally, doesn’t this come down to money and to consumers? Consumers will decide how much they want to spend and that decides how farmers farm from the consumer side.”

Ruth Westcott from Sustain; “Even though they say they want to buy sustainable food and they want to buy high welfare food, the fact is that their incomes are being squeezed, which means that the power that they have to make ethical choices is becoming less and less. We think the solution to this is to make sustainable and healthy food more accessible and more affordable to those on low incomes. There’s ways to do that that are relatively easy. If you look at public procurement, the government’s promised to buy 50% local and sustainable. Let’s get that happening now.”

When there are too many birds in a shed, it is a breeding ground for disease. It must be banned.

Bird flu confirmed in Yorkshire as huge protection zone set up Rob Freeman PA & Wayne Ankers, Yorkshire Live, 6 November 2024

Chickens at a poultry farm

‘The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has announced that all poultry on the premises near Hornsea in the East Riding will be humanely culled. A protection zone spanning 3km (1.86 miles) has been established around the unidentified site. Additionally, Defra has put a surveillance zone covering 10km (6.21 miles) around the farm. Tests revealed the presence of the H5N5 strain of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus at the Hornsea site. This marks the first case of this strain found in poultry or captive birds in England during the current outbreak.’

Watch; Things we have to boycott, do you agree? Treeminded, 1 September 2024

“Recent studies in the air and rainfall in the Southern United States is showing 75% of the rain, 75% of the air contaminated with Roundup. So before you even take a bite of food, you’re being hit with an antibiotic when you breathe. You’re getting hit with an antibiotic when you experience rainfall. And so you may be growing organic crops, but they’re getting rained on.

And so we have now locked this water-soluble toxin into our environment. Fortunately, you know, to give you a little bit of breather here from the bad news is that there are bacteria and fungi that can eventually digest the glyphosate. The downside is we need to stop spraying it so that they can return. We’re decimating those very bacteria and fungi by the presence of Roundup to the point where they’re not digesting it.

Current estimate is if we stop spraying Roundup tomorrow, it would take about 50 years before our ecosystem saw a drop in the level Roundup below our toxic levels.”

The government continues towards its goal of bankrupting farmers by closing the funds offered,claiming that too many farmers took up their biodiversity and environmental Capital Grant Scheme.. How about taking the money they are pouring into the NetZero scam, and tech food and using it to support agro-ecological farming and natural food?

Listen; Farming Today 28 Nov ‘The Government ‘risks creating a culture of fear and resistance’ amongst farmers, according to the Nature Friendly Farmers Network. It’s highlighting the suspension of grants which help farmers in England invest in infrastructure to improve the environment. That’s things like better slurry storage to protect waterways or planting hedges to reduce soil erosion. Defra says the Capital Grants Scheme has been temporarily closed after unprecedented demand.’

Presenter; “Martin Lyne farms in Cambridgeshire and is the CEO of the Nature Friendly Farming Network. It was set up by farmers to help and encourage others to put nature at the heart of their farms. He says farmers are being sent a negative message.”

Martin Lyne; “It’s the uncertainty it’s giving to farmers. Many of those ambitious farmers have been delivering, or are keen to deliver environmental improvements alongside food production and other outcomes. This uncertainty of slowing applications of schemes, timelines and delaying payment opportunities for capital grants, it just is delivering uncertainty of what the heck’s going on at a time farmers are under increased pressure, financially, climate wise and other things.

So they’ve been telling farmers, we want you to deliver this and then they’ve turned around and shut the door. And I find that really hard. You’ve wanted farmers to engage. You may have had a lot of applications, but to turn around and say, actually, hang on a minute, we don’t really want you all to do all this is really challenging for farmers and it really sends a real negative message to farmers, saying, we’re going to keep changing the goalposts. If you’re too ambitious in joining these schemes and delivering the outcomes the government and public money for public benefit wants to deliver, we’re going to hold you back and actually say, no, no, we’ve changed our mind again.”

Starmer is not a deep state disrupter like Trump so he is not going to get any enlightened people into his cabinet. He has already cleansed the party of all the Corbynistas. However, if Trump is allowed to have Robert Kennedy Jr as head of HHS (Department of Health and Human Services), our world will undoubtedly be a better place. Watch; MAHA Make America Healthy Again John Campbell, 2 November 2024

Watch; Rogan interviewing Donald Trump; “I love the fact that you guys (Trump and Robert Kennedy) teamed up and are you guys completely committed to have him a part of your administration?”

Trump; “Oh I am.”

Dr John Campbell; “So who’s this RFK, Robert Kennedy Jr they’re talking about? Let’s have a quick clip from him and see if we can do a bit of a fact check on Mr Kennedy as well.”

“Hi this is Robert F Kennedy Jr and I’m here outside of the United States Department of Agriculture to tell you about a win-win policy that I’ll be pushing in the Trump Administration. It’s a win for farmers, for consumers and for the environment. The purpose is to make America healthy again. America’s current Ag policy is destroying America’s health on every level, it’s destroying the economic health of farmers by forcing them to get big or get out. Big corporate farms do just fine while the small and medium family operators are squeezed to the point of collapse. It also destroys the health of America’s soil and water by tilting the playing field in favour of more chemicals, more herbicides, more insecticides or concentrated monocrops and feed lots, and finally it destroys the health of consumers. Not only do the chemicals pollute our bodies the same way that they pollute the soil, but corporate interests have hijacked the USDA’s dietary guidelines to make natural unprocessed foods barely an afterthought. That’s one reason why 70% of the American diet now consists of ultra processed food.

We’re going to change that, we’re going to give farmers an offramp from the current system that destroys their health, wrecks the soil, makes Americans sick and destroys family farms. We’re going to rewrite the regulations to give US smaller operators a break, we’re going to encourage sustainable regenerative farming that can build soil and replenish aquifers, we’re going to ban the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries, and we’re going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panels and commissions.

I’ve seen some of what America’s most Innovative regenerative farmers are doing today, they can literally green deserts, they rebuild depleted soils, wells that have been dry for 30 years start flowing again, they heal the land, and some of them make a very good living doing it, but unfortunately many more have to fight the system in order to do what’s right. It doesn’t have to be this way, and when Donald Trump gets me inside the building I’m standing outside of right now, it won’t be this way anymore. American agriculture will come roaring back, and so will American health.”

Dr John Campbell; “Well I must say, I agree. I prefer to see Mr Kennedy inside the Ministry of Agriculture building in charge rather than standing outside. We need to support small farms and we need to support the soil, not big Agri-business that reduces it to numbers. Consumers don’t need the chemicals, we don’t need corporate interests or corporate agents that are supposed to be controlling our health to be hijacked. The environmental aspect is there as well, all fitting in perfectly together. Sustainable regenerative farming is what we need, small scale, and why don’t we use the animals to fertilise the soil more? Just to give one example, when you put lots of nitrogen fertilisers into the soil you produce a gas called nitrous oxide N2O. Now that’s very good because it’s a very good analgesic, we use it all the time in hospitals and it’s very good for anesthetics, but it’s not good for the environment. It stays in the atmosphere for an average of 114 years after it’s been produced by excessive use of chemical nitrogen fertilisers on the soil, and it’s a 300 times more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. So maybe we need to start thinking a little less about carbon dioxide and starting thinking more about nitrous oxide. So plenty of things there make perfect sense, let’s get rid of the conflicts of interest, lets green the deserts, this can be done using the proper techniques to generate composts and soil mixed in with animal wastes, it’s like they did in South America for tens of thousands of years with the Terra Preta (Black Earth) that the American Indians used to make before they were wiped out with European diseases.”

A real hero in farming, Joel Salatin, is going to be part of Robert Kennedy’s team in Health and Human Services when Trump takes over.

Watch; RFK Jr. Podcast: The Future of Food with Farming Pioneer Joel Salatin; 19 November 2024

Joel Salatin; “I’ve got a kind of a three ingredient recipe (for drought). The first ingredient is ponds. You know, back in the 1940s and 50s, post the dust bowl, the old soil conservation service used to partner with farmers to help cost share building ponds. They realised how important it was to hydrate the landscape. Now the same USDA considers ponds to be a liability because they make landing spots for wildlife that bring diseases to concentrated animal feeding operations and CAFOs.

So we’ve taken water that ought to be a wonderful asset and a blessing to a nation, and we’ve turned it into a demon. But 500 years ago, beavers had 8% of American landscape was covered with beaver ponds. Today we’re less than 4% water. When you have that much water, like the beaver ponds did, it creates base flow, it fills aquifers, it makes ambient temperatures easier, evapotranspiration, cloud formation.

There’s all sorts of beautiful things that happened. And so I suggest that the first thing we need to do is be on an aggressive pond building campaign so that we eliminate drought and have water to be able to irrigate. So we’re not pulling water from streams and aquifers and things like that so that as a result of us walking here, we are actually increasing the water commons, not decreasing the water commons. And so, on our farm, we’ve built over 20 ponds over the years. We can now irrigate when, you know, when the water shuts off and that ameliorates droughts.

The second ingredient is organic matter. One pound of organic matter holds four pounds of water. That’s the sponginess of the soil. And of course our modern agriculture system with chemical fertilisers that cannibalise out the organic matter tillage, that cannibalises,single crop production, all of those things reduce organic matter in the soil. On our farm, we’ve gone from 1% in 1961 to over 8% today. That’s 7% increase in organic matter, which means we can hold 140,000 gallons of water per acre today that we couldn’t in 1961. I’m not saying that to brag. I’m saying this is doable. This is not unattainable. We can, we can roll up our sleeves and we can wade into this. We should momentarily repent in sackcloth and ashes for all the damage we’ve done. Let’s do that.

But then let’s stand up and dust ourselves off and say, okay, this head and these hands that have hurt can also heal.

Then the third, the third is simply vegetation. We need more vegetation. And you don’t get vegetation by overgrazing and monocropping, any of that kind of thing. You get vegetation, especially with diversity, where you intermingle forests and pasture and perennials and you create this abundance. A lot of people don’t realise that 500 years ago, North America produced more food than we do today. So with all of our chemical fertilisers, John Deere tractors, and everything else, hybrid seeds, we are still not producing the food that was produced here 500 years ago. Now, it wasn’t all eaten by people.There were 100 million bison, there were 2 million wolves that needed 20 pounds of meat a day. There were bears. Lewis and Clark expedition said every mile they went, they encountered a bear. That’s a lot of bears. And so it wasn’t all eaten by people, but it was an abundance. It was an abundance situation, which should give us all in the farming business pause to realise that we have actually in toto, over the last 200 years of this nation, as great as this nation is, I love this country. But we have, in toto, we have actually reduced our ecological abundance, our total productive abundance. We reduced it rather than increased it.”

This farmer says UK crop pickers cannot compete with pickers from abroad. If we don’t have the stamina and drive to pick veg, how well are we going to fight in Starmer’s World War III!

Listen; BBC Farming Today 27 November 2024

Presenter; “Where would most of your staff be from?”

Alex Baylis; “We’ve sourced a lot of staff from Uzbekistan, Romania and Ukraine. But getting returnee staff back is key. We aim for a 90% return rate on staff year on year.”

Presenter; “And it’s piecework. So a skilled picker could earn how much in a day?”

Alex Baylis; “So in an eight hour day a skilled picker could earn £250, £300 a day, so they can earn a lot of money, but they have to work for it and they know that. And skilled labour is worth the reward. And you know, we’re not afraid to pay people a good wage if they’re good at their job, basically.”

Presenter; “I mean that is a very attractive rate of pay. You work hard, you get paid well. How come you’re not able to attract staff locally to pay the tender?”

Alex Baylis; “UK people don’t have it in them. Quite simply, if you compare it to the staff we’ve got in here, they wouldn’t have the work rate, they wouldn’t have the get up and go attitude that some of these guys have got. We tried it in Covid, but yeah, we just got absolutely nowhere with them.”

Externals costs of farming under the green mask of climate change

In the madness of ending climate change, the government is pouring our hard earned taxes into their global tunnel vision NetZero scam – a global project annually negotiated by COP (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international meeting) headed by the ministers and corporations to sell their very ungreen and very high CO2 emitting tech food.

Listen; Why is Labour Taxing Farmers to Fund Foreign Projects? Matt Goodwin, 22 November 2024

“Total lunacy in Westminster again this week, and I’m outraged by this story. The Labour government, Keir Starmer’s Labour government, is not only imposing new taxes on family farms up and down these islands to raise an estimated £500 million, but it’s also the Labour government and the British state. They’re also sending £500 million of taxpayers money to farms and agricultural projects overseas in places like Asia and Africa, spending millions of pounds on low carbon projects in Brazil, one of the world’s richest economies (COP commitments). This is insanity.

It reflects, again, a problem that lies at the heart of Keir Stamer’s Labour government, which is that they will put everybody and anything first except the British people. It’s got to stop. You’ve got to start treating ordinary British people, including family farms, including pensioners, with the respect they deserve.”

At the start of the COP29, UK Column did a good introduction to the Climate Change Cabal who are demanding billions of taxpayers money to fund their global NetZero scam.

Watch; UK Column News Podcast, 11 November 2024

Presenter, Ben Rubin; “There is a global criminal network ultimately extorting nations and citizens out of trillions of dollars a year under the pretext of a completely manufactured crisis. I’m going to call them the Climate Cabal. It’s very closely linked in to the UN and I’m going to be talking about them over the next three weeks and beyond as well, but particularly the next three weeks because today marks the beginning of COP, which stands for Conference of Parties, which is a series of formal meetings where governments assess global efforts to advance the Paris Agreement, the Paris Climate Change agreement. There are 198 parties to this, so 197 countries, plus the European Union. The meeting starts today in Baku in Azerbaijan. They are meeting in ‘solidarity for a green world’, which is a lovely bit of Soviet communist type language. Now they built a huge temporary structure to house the event. They’re flying in hundreds of thousands of delegates from all around the world. It’s going to run for 11 days of meetings, seminars, debates, deal cutting, tax raising.

It is all about money. And to give you a sense of the tone of how he’s going to be asking for that money, this statement came out last month and he says here, ‘COP 29 must be a stand and deliver moment for the world.’ And stand and deliver is what highwaymen used to say to stagecoaches when they were robbing them at gunpoint. And that is very much how this feels.

We’re being shaken down. It’s a scam. They want us to pay them trillions of dollars, destroy our economies, and ultimately to fix the weather.”

The COP meeting ended today with a terrifying number of people complaining that they don’t have enough of our taxpayer’s money to prop up big business tech food projects, all dancing to the tune of sequestering the big bogeyman, CO2!

Watch; UK Column 25th November; Ben Rubin; COP update as they fail to meet their funding target;

Ben Rubin; “The heart bleeds, doesn’t it? They miss their funding target, it’s a real shame!!! But don’t worry, they know where all of the money is and they’ve already issued a plan over the weekend. I’ve seen this. This is the COP 29 finance staircase that came from Global Optimism. And they’ve already identified that bilateral public finance, multilateral development banks, an expansion of the contributor base, which is basically a whip round to people, innovative sources, which is creating really exotic financial instruments that just sound frankly dangerous. I mean, we’re venturing into financial crisis territory with the kind of things that they’re proposing. And also private finance, which is usurious lending by rich families and corporations, is going to fill the funding gap. It will get them to the trillion dollars and they’re just going to keep on pressing on. Right!

This is going in one direction only and they’ve got big plans through to the next COP, COP 30, which happens next year. And that is very much centred around this new organisation which launched earlier on in the summer but has really ramped up over COP 29. So this is Mission 2025. It’s a coalition of businesses, mayors, investors, cultural leaders, health leaders, scientists and youth activists inviting governments to ratchet-up coming national climate plans in line with the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade. Because later is too late. We’ve got to do it. They’ve got a plan. There’s three steps to it. It’s about finance, energy and nature and food.

They’ve got to identify the key asks, they’ve got to craft evidenced, tested Messaging Frames. Imagine that. I don’t know what a Messaging Frame is, but it sounds great, doesn’t it? It’s basically propaganda, what we’re talking about here. And then they need to recruit and amplify a diverse chorus of messengers to petition government and get media coverage. They’ve already been featured in the Financial Times, Reuters, Business Green, whatever that is. It’s a new thing, I’ve just come across it and they’re extraordinarily well backed, as you’d expect. It’s been convened by Global Optimism, who we’ve spoken about over the past couple of weeks, the Bezos Earth Fund. So Jeff Bezos, one of the richest men alive and something called the Systems Change Lab. And there is a whole ecosystem of organisations who are participating in funding and progressing this agenda.

You can see C40 cities there at the bottom of that slide. There are 75 other partners listed on this website. This is a focal point. We’re going to be talking about it over the next 12 months, I’m sure. But also, don’t forget, this is already playing out on the ground. This last week from 3Ci, the city’s commission for Climate Investment, where we can see Sheffield City’s leadership team boasting that ‘we are acting and thinking like the major core city we are, as they join 3Ci’s roundtable to make the strong case for investment into Sheffield’s decarbonisation plans.’

In the foreground, you can see there, Sheffield City Council, represented by Tom Hunt. And to his right, someone from Infra Capital and then someone from Barclays. Right, this is the public private marketplace, the fascist marketplace that is being used to roll out this system. It’s happening on the front line of local government right now.”

In this BBC program it is painful to listen to brainwashed authorities who have been put in charge of predicting energy needs because corporations want to make money from the infrastructure.

BBC Radio 4 clean energy or green fields

More external costs to our present toxic food system this time the introduction of a CO2- mitigating cattle feed additive that will no doubt hurt both the cow and us;

Read; Major Dairy Supplier to Trial Potentially Toxic “Low Emission” Cow Feed; Kit Knightly; Off Guardian

‘The plan is to add a new drug called “bovaer” to the cow’s food to change the chemistry of their digestive process, lower the methane content of their burps, and thus save the planet.

But if that sounds like a dystopian and potentially dangerous idea to you, don’t worry it’s all been tested and found to be safe.

Sure, the chemicals in bovaer shouldn’t be breathed in, or rubbed on your skin and dear god don’t get them near your eyes (in fact government regulations say you should wear personal protective equipment when working with it), but so what?

You don’t rub milk into your eyes or breathe cheddar cheese do you?

And yes, the carcinogenetic studies did find it may have caused tumors in 8% of female rats, but that means you’ve got a 92% chance of being fine. Besides, a team of experts “re-analysed” those results and found they “weren’t statistically significant”.

And guess who’s behind this psychotic plan… Bill Gates;

“Cows burp and fart methane to an extreme degree. You can either fix cows to stop them doing that or you can make beef without the cow.” ~ Bill Gates

Some countries (including Japan) have banned its use due to health concerns (male infertility and potentially carcinogenic). The processing company using this is Arla – who supply Aldi, Morrisons, M&S and Tesco. Momentum is growing for this to be a listed ingredient so that consumers can make an informed decision.

As James Melville says in his blog; ‘The biggest lie in the world right now is that cows are killing the planet. At the core of that lie is how methane is calculated. The vlog by a dairy farmer neatly undermines Gate’s theory. He’s right. After 10-12 years, methane is broken down into CO2, entering a natural carbon capture cycle is absorbed by plants via photosynthesis, converted into cellulose and eaten by livestock and the cycle repeats itself over and over again. The very essence of environmental sustainability.’

Though the external costs of the present food and farming system need to be internalised into the cost at retail, the true cost of NetZero should also be counted and internalised. Starmer is pushing NetZero carbon under the green mask of climate change while most of the new CO2 mitigating tech emits even more CO2. Take the embedded energy to build and run vertical farms, drones, AI and farm machines and anaerobic digesters and growing lab meat and highly processed plant based meat. I guess in truth he is not so gullible as to believe the CO2 climate scientists but he will follow whatever his corporate paymasters in Davos tell him. Carbon markets and climate finance schemes drive the NetZero carbon tunnel vision.

Read; Get Ready for the Republican Carbon Market Whitney Webb, 7 November 2024

‘Despite Republican rhetoric and Trump’s past policy on the Paris agreement, the incoming Trump administration is being heavily influenced by figures tied to carbon markets and efforts to implement dubious climate finance schemes.’

‘While many Republicans for years have railed against the official narrative around climate change and many of the solutions promoted to mitigate it, climate finance is poised to make a comeback over the next 4 years, despite Republicans taking both the White House and the legislature by a significant margin. This is because many of the most influential names in the incoming Trump administration, as well as the previous one, have become intimately involved in creating carbon markets in recent years, while others have a long-standing track record of pushing carbon taxes and other forms of “carbon pricing.

Chief among these is Howard Lutnick, the co-chair of Trump’s transition team who has stated that he is tasked with finding the “talent” for the incoming administration. Lutnick is the long-time and current head of Cantor Fitzgerald, which was one of the earliest players in emission trading and has since become a global leader in ESG investing, “sustainable infrastructure” financing and green bonds. For example, Cantor’s sustainable infrastructure fund is expressly committed to “digital transformation, decarbonisation and the improvement and modernisation of ageing infrastructure,” while “a primary focus for the Fund will be to invest in issuers that are helping to address certain United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through their products and services.” In addition, the top constituent of another Cantor infrastructure fund is Invenergy, a renewable energy company that has received a significant amount of subsidies from the Biden’s controversial Inflation Reduction Act and is run by the country’s first “wind billionaire” Michael Polsky.’

This twitter thread has many good points;

Nov 24, 2024· Bernie;

This is Ed Miliband, spearheading the UK taxpayer’s £60–£80 BILLION commitment to Net Zero projects at home and abroad over the next 5 years. By 2030, the total UK spending on Net Zero is projected to reach a staggering £100–£150 BILLION. Meanwhile, your own country is falling apart.

Andrew Hart; @AHart1974

What’s the difference between a Tory £22bn black hole & a Labour £60bn net zero one ? (Apart from £38bn!)

WeAreNarrative @AndyWest_tweets

Labour are ARDENTLY devoting the UK’s tax revenue and resources to a proven secular religion: Climate catastrophism. Energy prices are SOARING, devastating industry, energy security and affordability. Not content with only this, Miliband is giving billions of our money away!

Watch; Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University  University Wide Awake Media, 24 November 2024

“We’re in a bit of a CO2 famine now.”

“If you look over geological history, it’s been much higher than now most of the time.”

“Most plants do better with more CO2 than they have now. So it’s just a complete distortion of the truth to call it a pollutant. It’s not a pollutant at all.”

“People [like Al Gore] saw a way to make a buck in demonising CO2, and that’s what’s happened.”

“Greenhouse operators… intentionally increase the CO2 concentration in the greenhouse by factors of two, three, four… because the plants grow so much better with more CO2.”

To get their planning permission, solar power companies told  locals that compensation for the scar on their landscape will be to provide them with free energy. However, after getting permission they sold it to the highest bidder. So locals have to live next to the hideous solar park, suffer the very real danger of the battery storage unit exploding and buy their energy from the grid.

Read; UK’s biggest solar farm in Kent won’t power a single home Cleve Hill Solar Park at Graveney won’t power a single home after Tesco and Shell buyout; James Pallant; 17 October 2024

‘Tesco and Shell are set to buy the entire output of a controversial solar farm under construction originally meant to power 100,000 homes.

The global firms signed deals to purchase all the electricity generated by Cleve Hill, in Graveney, near Faversham, poised to be the UK’s largest array when it goes online early in 2025.

The project won planning permission despite massive opposition on the basis it would power more than 100,000 homes.’

Renewable energy infrastructure is far from environmentally friendly. See the true cost of wind turbines;

“With a wind turbine, you need about 30,000 tonnes of iron ore, about 30,000 tonnes of concrete. To make concrete, you need to get limestone and shale, cook it up. Limestone’s got 44% carbon dioxide in it. That carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere, you sinter it, then you grind it up, you have cement. You then got a quarry stone to make the aggregate to make your concrete.

You’ve then got to transport that 30,000 tonnes just for the foundation for one turbine. So you use a lot of concrete to make a wind turbine. You use a lot of fuel to make a wind turbine. But then you get into the generator. Now the generator uses a rare earth element magnet. We used to have magnets made out of iron. We then found it would be better to have an iron cobalt magnet. We now find that magnets out of rare earth elements are much better. Rare earth elements mainly come from a part of China, Bayan Obo. And that rare earth element ore is quite rich in uranium and thorium.

I’ve been to Bayan Obo. It is probably the greatest environmental disaster of the world. The uranium and thorium material is just thrown everywhere. So if you’re using wind powered electricity, you are actually responsible for a huge amount of pollution by uranium and thorium in China. Oh, but they’re Chinese, let’s not worry about it. You can’t be an environmentalist.

Now that’s in the magnets. We also have cobalt in those wind turbines. And that cobalt, most of it is mined by slaves who are children who are working in dangerous open pits and underground in the Congo, all Chinese groups. So if you want to support wind power, you’re a supporter of slavery. The same as if you’re supporting solar power. The solar panels are made by Uyghurs slaves in China.

So if you want to be supporting renewables, you’re supporting slavery, you’re supporting massive pollution of uranium and thorium. And then you look at the turbine blades and they’re made out of balsa wood laminated with epoxy. That balsa wood you get from clear felling parts of the Amazon forest to get your balsa wood. So of course you’re a good environmentalist, you want to have renewable power. Bugger the Amazon. You just clear fill it and get the balsa wood. And then in the epoxies there’s a chemical called bisphenol A that’s incredibly toxic. Most countries in the world have banned the use of it. This comes out of China in the laminate turbine blades. Those blades cannot be recycled. Those blades are eroding all the time and spreading this bisphenol A everywhere, in soils and waterways around the turbine blades. And then when the turbine blade has finished its useful life, which is much shorter than we’re told, they get cut up and used as landfill. And so the bisphenol A gets into soil and gets into water. You cannot possibly be an environmentalist and support wind and solar power.”

Yes, the UK and the US and much of the world, are in the grip of powerful banks that don’t give a damn about the welfare of us deplorables (Hilary Clinton’s term for us) and useless eaters (as described by WEF spokesman Yuval Harrari)

Read; Fighting the Corporate CAFO ‘Takeover’ of Rural America Civil Eats, 18 November 2024

‘People need to understand the big picture, that rural America is slowly, methodically, being corporatised, and that the industry is very good at operating under the radar. The corporations derive their strength in two ways. They’ve got market control, and they use their political ties and connections to force their corporate agenda onto the American public. They have a combination of market power and political power, and they will do anything to stay in power.’

To adhere to NetZero ambitions (an excuse to collect subsidies and equity funding), seed company Tozer Seeds is developing new patented veg varieties by what they call ‘traditional’ breeding, while also researching controversial gene editing techniques. While new rules in England say that gene editing (GE) isn’t a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) so doesn’t have to be labeled, the EU, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments have not permitted the commercial use of gene editing as they still define gene edited crops as GMOs and so all gene edited food on their shelves has to be labeled. In the BBC interview, Tozer conveniently forgot to mention the company is breeding gene edited (GE) food vegetable crops. As there is no label indicating GE in the product, choose, only that is guaranteed not to be gene edited!

Listen; BBC Farming Today 27 November 2024

Presenter; “Even though winter vegetables may seem a simple staple, developing new varieties takes a lot of time and money. Commercial seed and plant breeders invest millions every year in developing new traits, either to improve eating quality or to make the veg easier to grow. Dr. Jamie Claxton is director of research and development at Tozer Seeds. He told me why he thinks developing new winter veg is essential.”

Dr Claxton; “They’re really important, actually, because innovation is really important in the whole veg industry to keep people interested, to keep, to add value to products as well. We have a relatively new product called Kalette, which we’ve also trademarked, which is a cross between brussels sprouts and curly kale. Trademark adds value to the product, protects your IP (Intellectual Property) to some extent because they take a big investment to actually develop a new variety of veg.

We have to continually respond to market demands in terms of new diseases, developing things like climate change, where we require more resilient, weather tolerant veg. So I guess we’re using money we get from the varieties we’re currently selling to continually innovate, to remain competitive in the marketplace.”

Whether you believe climate change is caused by our emitting excess CO2 or not, the article below asks us to get away from this tunnel vision that every change needed is solely to mitigate climate change.

Listen; At Work in the Ruins; Farm Gate; Nov 21 2024: ffinlo Costain speaks to Dougald Hine, author of ‘At Work in the Ruins: Finding our place in the time of climate crisis and other emergencies’.

Hine is a social thinker, writer and speaker, and one of the great minds behind the Dark Mountain Project. We talk about his new book, and about the role of agriculture and food production in taking humanity through ecological, social and economic collapse.

Dougald Hine, “There’s a point in the book where I say, let’s just imagine that tomorrow morning the IPCC calls a press conference and the guy comes up to the microphones and he says, ‘this is terribly embarrassing. It turns out that we did our sums wrong and the details are more complex. The upshot of it is, you can throw out as much CO2 as you want as it’s not having the effects we thought it was.’ Now, obviously, that’s not about to happen, but as a thought experiment, the question is, where would we be if that were to be the latest from the collective minds of climate science? Would we be back in some kind of Steven Pinker and Hans Rosling onward upward trajectory of progress – everything’s better than it’s ever been. It’s just going to keep going that way as long as we don’t mess it up. No, not really. And very few of the people I’ve met who work with climate change really, deep down, believe that we’re in a much deeper and more complex mess than comes into view if we talk as if we’ve just got this one big problem called climate change.

But gradually, over the years, an environmentalism that, at its best, was asking more complex and more difficult questions than that has got herded in behind this singular metric of CO2 emissions and projected temperature rises. And it’s really understandable why, because climate change is scary and it’s already playing out in unpredictable ways around us. But actually, I don’t think that we’re well served by any way of describing the trouble we’re in, which reduces it to those metrics and to even to that one phenomenon of climate change that’s just not an accurate map of the territory we’re in.

There is already and there is going to be more attention concentrated on land and food because of the realities around and ahead of us. And the danger is that we replay the kind of mistakes of attempting to manage from afar that are so often how things go astray in our ways of being involved with land. It’s got to be the case that for viable worlds worth living for in the times ahead, far more of us within our societies are actively involved with land and food than has been the case lately. And there are all sorts of reasons to believe that even leaving climate out of the picture, that would be a very good thing.

I remember asking a question of a UN Habitat official about 15 years ago; ‘do you ever, when you’ve been talking about how humanity was going to be housed over the rest of this century, I said, do you ever look at scenarios in which the current rate of rapid urbanisation were to go into reverse?’ And he looked at me as if I’d asked him if he had a plan for what to do when the aliens land. He said, ‘well, I suppose anything is possible, but….’ and then told me a story about how kids in villages in Africa want to move to the city and go to a disco. Anecdotes like that are used as conversation stoppers by people who are operating inside the logic of progress that cannot imagine that we might actually turn aside from the big path.

Now, I think Chris (Smaje, farmer and author of A Small Farm Future and Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future) is right that people will. We already see edges of it. We see highly educated young people, not from traditional farming backgrounds, who, a generation ago, their equivalents would not have imagined that farming was something that they wanted to go into, really looking for ways to get into farming and gardening and growing and shape lives around that. We see formidable obstacles to it as well. I talked to a friend in his 50s who was getting onto a piece of land at that point in his life, having worked, amongst other things, caretaking other people’s properties over the years. And he said, there’s a bit of me that’s mourning for the me in my twenties who was ready for this.

And the economic realities that we have at the moment are the biggest obstacles to the desire that is there amongst a lot of young people today to get involved with land and growing. And so one of the questions that we need to open out is how do we have, how do we build on what we know already about how to have different modes of ownership and tenure that make it possible for young people who want to get into farming and growing, firstly to have the opportunity to find out whether it is for them and to gain the skills that they need, but then to have a path into being on land with some security so that they can be making those long term decisions.

Secondly, a lot of the ways in which the farming that’s going to work when current globe spanning systems become less reliable, as they’re already becoming less reliable, is going to not be the stuff that is most viable right now. So we need all of the kind of the hacks and tricks by which people manage to make a living alongside things that they’re keeping alive that are going to be what we need to fall back on as we get further into these scenarios.

What I would say is it’s access and security. Because often what ownership is about is having the security to be able to make long term decisions, to be able to have the kind of ongoing relationship that allows for care, which is so alien to the logic of the market, which is all about owning for as long as it benefits you and then selling to benefit from it. So the more that we can take ownership away from gambling and speculation and move it towards the possibilities for people having secure involvement with land, whether that’s through traditional forms of ownership or other models, I don’t know. But I know that that’s, you know, because part of you’ll know more about this than me, but part of what we’re seeing is large amounts of land being bought up by international actors.

And I remember having this feeling at the time of the Brexit referendum of the sort of synthetic take back control, like the real take back control, which will probably come somewhere further down the line on this journey is the point where it becomes asserted that no, you can’t be a state actor or a corporation from halfway across the world and own farmland in our country. We’re not having that anymore. And how those kinds of difficult conflicts are navigated in the time ahead is, you know, just has to be put on the table as conversations worth already starting to have. And I’m not, I’m a long way away from anything where I’d be claiming expertise or authority to, to bring this to the conversation. I’m just wanting to say these seem like things that I hope that we can help get people talking about sooner than later.

Which will be a set of decisions not taken necessarily by one person, but by a community. So that there is a shared sense of that land delivering shared outcomes, shared food, shared health, shared well being for the community that is surrounding that land.

And probably a norm around the importance of the garden, the importance of the small plot of land over which a household has autonomy, combined with those kinds of community land. And I say that simply because that seems to be a pattern that has emerged in many times and places. And at the moment when people start talking about commons, especially people who are coming more from a sort of political theory end of things, they often seem to be assuming that commons is an antidote to the evil of private property. Whereas historically, commons have coexisted with forms of private property and different forms of land ownership and governance. And so we’re probably looking at those kinds of mix. And once more of us are involved, then the amount of food that is produced on relatively small patches of land and the importance of that within the mix of the ways in which we’re feeding ourselves and our communities comes much more to the fore, again alongside the role of larger scale farming.”


Petition; EU: close loophole and ban octopus farms

‘Right now, a Spanish company is racing to open the world’s first octopus mega-farm, where over one million of these intelligent, sentient creatures will be crammed into tiny, barren tanks, enduring immense suffering.

Octopuses are known for their complex behaviours and sensitivity. They work together to find food, and sometimes share dens. Farmed octopuses will face stress, aggression, and slow deaths in these conditions—all because of a loophole in the EU’s animal welfare laws.

This loophole excludes aquatic species like octopuses from basic animal welfare protections, allowing cruel farming practices to spread unchecked, despite octopuses being sentient creatures capable of feeling pain.’

Sign the petition now and demand the EU close this loophole and ban octopus farming before it’s too late!


Geoengineering is sold to us in the name of mitigating climate change but in reality it is for modern warfare. Not only did  no one ask us if we wanted this demonic path to controlling the weather at the expense of the health of the entire ecosystem, but geoengineering is still considered to be a ‘conspiracy theory’ by the mainstream media. So people are not aware that long-lasting condensation trails are not from passenger planes, but from modified planes deliberately seeding the clouds.

Read; COP29. Climate Instability Worldwide: Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare? Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 13 November 2024

‘Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) constitute instruments of “weather warfare”. They are an integral part of the US military arsenal.

“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996

It should be noted that with the closing down of The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) program in Alaska in 2014, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been actively involved in ENMOD research, most of which is classified. In a 2009 Science report:

‘An official advisory group to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is convening [March 2009] an unclassified meeting … to discuss geoengineering, … DARPA is the latest in a number of official science funding agencies or top scientific societies that are exploring the controversial idea. …’

In relation to the current context including the war in Ukraine, the Pentagon has formulated the contours of a global military agenda, a “long war”, a war without borders. “Weather warfare” is part of a diversified military arsenal of conventional and strategic weapons systems. ENMOD is potentially a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), with the capacity of destabilising an enemy’s ecosystem, destroying its agriculture, disabling communications networks.

Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or even “friendly nations”, without their knowledge.

The manipulation of climate can be used to destabilise an enemy’s economy, ecosystem and agriculture. ENMOD techniques can undermine an entire national economy, impoverish millions of people and “kill a nation” without the deployment of troops and military hardware.

The article below, focusses on the history and analysis of ENMOD.

It also provides direct quotes from a publicly available 1996 US Air Force document which confirms the Pentagon’s plan to “Weaponise the Weather”.’


Watch; Julian Assange ‘Populations don’t want wars so have to be fooled into them’ an old clip of his wise words.

“Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies. The media could have stopped it if they had searched deep enough. If they hadn’t reprinted government propaganda, they could have stopped it. But what does that mean? Well, that means basically, populations don’t like wars, and populations have to be fooled into wars.

Populations don’t willingly and with open eyes go into a war. So if we have a good media environment, then we will also have a peaceful environment.”

Professor Haim Bresheeth, a Jewish Israeli academic and filmmaker, was arrested under the Terrorism Act by the Metropolitan Police after his speech outside the UK Israeli Ambassador’s residence. He is just one of many outstanding anti zionist campaigners that has been arrested for views that are outside the zionist captured establishment narrative.

Watch; UK Column News 6th of November;

Professor Haim Bresheeth; “What we want is not a ceasefire. A ceasefire is nothing, because a ceasefire means that the fire will start again. No, we want the end of the zionist project and a new Palestine where Jews, Christians and Muslims can live like they did in Al-Andalus, like they lived in Palestine, like they lived in the Ottoman Empire, like they lived in South Africa, like they lived under the Mughals, like they lived in most of North Africa and the Middle east, without genocide, without antisemitism or Islamophobia.”

Read and watch; Prof Haim Bresheeth’s anti-genocide speech before he was arrested for ‘terrorism’; SKWAWKBOX (SW); 3 November 2024

‘As Skwawkbox reported on Friday night, Israeli Jewish academic Prof Haim Bresheeth was arrested by the Metropolitan Police as he spoke to the weekly anti-genocide demonstration, sponsored by Jewish groups IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network) and JNP (Jewish Network for Palestine), outside the London residence of far-right Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely.

Hotovely, (Ambassador of Israel) an extremist described by Israeli paper Haaretz as ‘the ugly, extremist face of Israel’ who has attempted to justify Israel’s flattening of Gaza and mass killing of civilians, is feted by the government of Keir Starmer.

Yet Bresheeth was arrested for a speech in which he factually slammed Israel for its colonialism, racism and violence, including the mass murder of civilians including tens of thousands of children and eight hundred babies:.A Met Police spokeswoman, in a statement to Skwawkbox, claimed the force is engaged in “a constant balancing act” and that it was acting to “prevent intimidation and serious disruption to communities”. She confirmed that ‘one man (Bresheeth) was arrested on suspicion of showing support for a proscribed organisation. This person had been a speaker at the demonstration. He has been released under investigation.’

‘In fact, as a hearing of his speech immediately reveals, rather than supporting any group Bresheeth made the factual observation that Israel has proven unable to defeat Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis – the first two have been proscribed by the British state – however many civilians it kills.

Bresheeth’s arrest forms part of a state campaign, which has escalated under Keir Starmer, of the abuse of anti-terror legislation to harry and attempt to intimidate British journalists and activists, many of them Jewish, who expose and oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza, which has killed around two hundred thousand people and maimed many more, almost all of them civilians.

In October, police raided the home of journalist Asa Winstanley, seizing his electronic devices even though he was not arrested. In August, police detained journalist Richard Medhurst citing the Terrorism Act as his plane arrived in the UK, before stripping him of his electronic devices and forcing him to disclose passwords under threat of imprisonment – refusal to hand over logins or to answer any questions is an automatic offence under the legislation – and denying him access to legal advice and even water.

A week later, journalist Sarah Wilkinson was arrested as masked officers raided her home in the early hours of the morning, forced to hand over passwords, and police attempted to make her hand over details of her contacts in Palestine, a gross violation of journalistic privilege.

Before them, Jewish activist and author Tony Greenstein, journalist Kit Klarenberg and journalist and former ambassador Craig Murray were also targeted for detention, arrest and harassment. Greenstein was told he was arrested for social media comments supporting Palestinian resistance, the right to which is firmly enshrined in international law. Greenstein succeeded last week in overturning a bail condition banning him from attending anti-genocide protests in London.

Prof Bresheeth was released on Saturday morning after a night in custody, but remains under investigation.’

Terrifyingly evil people are dictating the rules of their ‘rules-based order’. To understand why people don’t wake up to this and resist, I think of this quote; “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it,”by American novelist and social reformer Upton Sinclair (1878–1968). We must  resist their dystopian world by connecting to our community and working outside the system.

Watch; Former CIA Officer Exposes The Shadow Government; Candace Owens, 8 November 2024

Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp discusses the deep state, the dark inner workings of the CIA, and everything else he learned during his 17 years with the agency. See his new book, ‘Twilight of the Shadow Government: How Transparency Will Kill the Deep State’, here.

Candace Owens; “How many false flags where they allowed these remarkable security failures to happen?”

Kevin Shipp; Several, from the Vietnam war with the Gulf of Tonkin, that was a false flag, the Vietnamese ships on the radar attacking those were fake, the CIA added those on the radar that they gave the Congress. The Vietnam War was started by a false flag and look at 50,000 Americans soldiers died and a million Vietnamese civilians died because of that, and then you go to Iraq, the false intelligence from Iraq, 500,000 Iraqi civilians, 2,500 US troops were killed and 200,000 US service personnel were badly injured because of false intelligence from the CIA.

Candace Owens; Remarkable intelligence failure yeah even Pearl Harbor, they had warnings of it happening that they chose to ignore, like it was just a remarkable intelligence failure, they heard it was going to happen, and then it happened and then what do you know, we’re in World War II, and this just really gets into the military-industrial complex because they need to make sure that the public is on their side, and that is why this book Chaos (Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties) blew my mind to think that the Charles Manson murders which fundamentally changed people, were so traumatised by how graphic these murders were, and to know the CIA was there that night, I mean what that Tom O’ Neill uncovered and almost he dedicated his whole life to it you know he was flat broke and just filing FOI requests for years realising that the public thought that Charles Manson just hypnotised some people to do these crazy things, but in reality everything we know about the Manson murders, this guy was MK Ultra, he was trained by the government, and this was in order for people to I guess to just end the hippie dream, they they wanted to go to war. People, the hippies, were too love, rock and roll, and this leading up to the Vietnam War, LBJ bloodthirst, Vietnam, Cambodia, it’s incredible the lengths they will go through to get the public on the side of war, and extremely upsetting, and then even back in the 60s that was a pretty much project Mockingbird (a wiretapping operation initiated by John F. Kennedy to identify the sources of government leaks by eavesdropping on the communications of journalists), because he explained how all the Press was watching, writing every minute detail because they wanted to traumatise the press.

I always go back to my propaganda as a child in School, 9/11, and now I think back on it, I’m going oh my gosh just the words they use, and they don’t want us to think about anything but the emotion of it, like so we get in line and we go okay, we’re totally okay with establishing TSA (Transportation Security Act) and giving up all of our freedoms in order for us to stay safe, gutting the Constitution, because all they’re doing is showing us these images and talking about terrorism, and I was in the classroom and they’re telling us in order to keep you safe we have to go to war, and we can just quickly say war in Iraq is okay, don’t even ask questions, even though there were Saudis on the plane, all it takes is something very traumatising to happen, operation Mockingbird in full effect, and you can in most instances get the public to be persuaded to go into a war, a conflict, that they know nothing about.”

Very important article pointing out how powerful Gates’s wealth is in capturing politicians across the world, particularly in Africa and the deaths that follow from his eugenic projects that masquerade as beneficial vaccines.

Read or listen; ‘Big Red Flag’: Gates Foundation Gets Diplomatic Immunity in Kenya Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. Children’s Health Defense, 30 October 2024

Intro; ‘Under the new status, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed in Kenya as part of their official foundation duties. Will the move set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists?’

‘Kenya last week granted diplomatic immunity to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees, or “servants,” Tim Schwab reported on Substack.

Under the new status, the foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed as part of their official foundation duties. They also are exempt from paying taxes on their salaries, and they now have the right to own property in Kenya.

“While nations around the world have long treated Bill Gates as a head of state, it’s now been practically codified into law in Kenya,” wrote Schwab, author of “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire.”

Schwab said the decision has raised “alarm bells” within the country and across the world. One public advocate, through a Freedom of Information Act request, has already petitioned the government for documents related to the decision.

Others worry the decision to grant immunity may set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists.

Concerns also have arisen that other nations will be pressured to follow Kenya’s lead and offer immunity to the Gates Foundation in exchange for continued access to the massive resources the foundation pours into other African countries.

The Government of Kenya’s announcement, Schwab wrote, comes just a week after farmer organisations and religious leaders across the continent called for reparations for the damage the foundation has inflicted on African agriculture through its so-called “green revolution” program.’

They say the foundation promotes corporate, industrial agriculture at the expense of local practices and African ecosystems.

Much of the Gates Foundation’s investment in African agriculture happens through the Nairobi-based AGRA, previously known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. The foundation is AGRA’s co-founder and biggest donor. It has given at least $872 million to the organisation, Schwab reported.

AGRA says it “exists to fulfil a vision where Africa can feed itself,” yet it directs its funding to support input-intensive and resource-intensive agriculture.

The alliance promotes the use of synthetic fertilisers and commercial seeds controlled by Big Ag, the restructuring of seed laws to criminalise trading of seeds not certified by Big Ag, and supports seed dealers who promote corporate products.

The foundation has past financial ties to companies like Monsanto (now Bayer), whose seeds it pushed on African farmers.

Gates/AGRA’s practices have long been criticised by human rights and environmental groups in Africa and globally. And independent research shows that AGRA-supported initiatives have failed, sometimes leading to increased hunger.’

Captured by zionist money, Trump will continue war with Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iran to enact the Israeli Project. However, on a more optimistic note, perhaps influenced by Robert Kennedy Jr, he has pledged to end the war in Ukraine and end the Climate Change Net Zero CO2 scam and end membership of the totalitarian WHO and refuse to sign the Pandemic Treaty. Lastly, influenced by his buddy, Elon Musk, Trump also pledges to end suppression of free speech.

Watch; Trump; Free Speech 15 November 2024

“The fight for free speech is a matter of victory or death for America and for the survival of Western civilisation itself . When I am president this whole rotten system of censorship and information control will be ripped out of the system at large, there won’t be anything left. By restoring free speech we will begin to reclaim our democracy and save our nation. Thank you and God bless America”

We need a nationalised banking system to take back control of our economy  and break the despotic grip of the asset managers and their banking colleagues.

Read and watch; The Treasury Letter; Justin Walker; UK Column11 Nov 2024

‘Justin Walker has been questioning the legitimacy of the international banking system and how money is created for many years. His assertion remains that our money is created by unelected, unaccountable, private bankers and that this corrupt system is overseen by equally unaccountable banks, of which the Bank for International Settlements is the most powerful. UK Column has supported these investigations and readers are encouraged to learn more from our previous reports:

Bankers, Bradburys, Carnage and Slaughter on the Western Front

Bradbury Pound: QE By Another Name?

Justin Walker: The Bradbury Pound and Fraudulent Banking

Alongside our reports, Justin highlighted the excellent documentary by Mark Felton Productions, which featured the Bank for International Settlements: Himmler’s Fourth Reich—SS Saved in Global Conspiracy.

More recently, Justin sent a letter on these monetary issues to Chancellor Rachel Reeves via his MP, Tim Farron. The letter provided significant factual evidence about the nature of international banking and money creation, but most importantly asked four key questions. Paraphrasing, these were:

  1. Does Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, come to brief you, Rachel Reeves, following his meetings with the Bank of International Settlements?
  2. Is Professor Richard Werner correct in his assertion that the City of London is a foreign state in its own right? If so, how does this impact upon the position of the Bank of England as the guardian of the UK’s money supply?
  3. Particularly with her Oxford, London School of Economics, and Bank of England education and career, does Chancellor Rachel Reeves know what happened on August 7th, 1914, when the Bradbury pound was first issued?
  4. Chancellor Rachael Reeves, will you, on Budget Day, fill your £22 billion black hole using interest and debt free sovereign money based on the wealth of the nation in the way that was demonstrated in 1914?

The unsigned Treasury letter received back was perfunctory to the point of rudeness, and significantly, it ignored the important questions above. That the brusque dismissal was sent to an MP displays blatant arrogance, as well as a callous disregard for the standing of the MP and the importance of his service to his constituents.

Join this critical interview to understand why the UK Treasury refuses to engage on the issues of unelected, unaccountable, private bankers, money creation, and the corrupt banking system.

Book recommendation at timestamp 11:00: Tower of Basel by Adam LeBor

Justin Walker; “We’re living in a time where we’ve only got to look at the headlines across the whole spectrum of legacy media to see that billions of pounds are suddenly appearing in order to keep the war in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine going. No problem with billions of pounds for arms, ammunition, munitions, for the slaughter in Ukraine and the Middle East, but we can’t manage to scrape up the money for winter fuel payments for elderly people who are short of money.

It’s unbelievable how money creation and money supply has been, as I said, put into the hands of private, unelected, unaccountable people who like to meet in complete secrecy. What on earth is that all about?”

“What is now considered “normal” is in fact a “New Abnormal.” The new world order has been introduced by  corporations at our expense and without our consent. Many are aware but unfortunately, few will speak out in case it ostracises them from the colleagues who have swallowed the Kool- Aid.

Read; Itemising the world’s great UNEXPOSED scandals; Bill Rice jnr; 15 November 2024

‘This scandal is hard to quantify …other scandals are more difficult to quantify. For example, it’s impossible to know how many citizens now “self censor” because they know the topics they should not discuss outside of conversations with close friends.This point perhaps illustrates the state of the world’s “New Normal” – a now-accepted term that is scandalous if one simply thinks about the predicates of this modifier. It should be a scandal that the vast majority of world citizens now eagerly submit to or comply with the dictates and speech parameters imposed on them by the world’s leadership classes.

The “New Normal” connotes that one should accept increasing assaults on previously sacrosanct civil liberties. What is considered “normal” – and should now be accepted without protest – was, somehow, changed. As I routinely write, what the world has lived through the past four-plus years is, in fact, a New Abnormal. This Orwellian change of definition would qualify as a shocking scandal except for the fact most people now self censor to remain in the perceived safety of their social and workplace herds.

The bottom line – a sad one – might be that none of the above scandals would have been possible if more members of the public had been capable of critical thinking and exhibited a modicum of civic courage.

As it turns out, the exposure of scandals would require large numbers of citizens to look into the mirror (or their souls) and perform self-analysis, an exercise in introspection that would not be pain free.

It’s also a scandal our leaders knew they could manipulate the masses so easily Considering all of these points, it seems to me that the captured leadership classes must have known that the vast majority of the population would trust the veracity of their claims and policy prescriptions. That is, they knew there would be no great push-back from “the masses.” If the above observation isn’t a scandal, it’s depressing to admit or acknowledge this is what happened.

To end on a hopeful note … What gives millions of citizens hope is that, belatedly, more citizens might be growing weary of living in a world where every scandal cannot be exposed. Donald Trump winning a presidential election by margins “too big to steal” is a sign of national hope. Mr. Trump nominating RFK, Jr. to supervise the CDC, NIH and FDA is definitely a sign of hope, an appointment that must outrage and terrify the world’s previous leadership classes.

For far too long, America’s greatest scandal has been that no important scandals can be exposed. Today, however, it seems possible this state of affairs might not remain our New Normal forever.’

Though I am forever amazed at the audacity of our authorities, the present world order has been written about and unashamedly promoted by the powers that shouldn’t be, since the end of World War II.

1968 documentary; Edward Griffin – The Grand Design (1968) US foreign Policy; The Matrix Explained; 20 November 2021

‘There is a Grand Design which has been the directing force behind every U.S. foreign-policy move since World War II. The objective is disarmament and world government. Mr. Griffin presents the arguments used to justify that goal and then shows the flaws in those arguments. It is difficult to believe that this lecture was filmed in 1968, because the issues are as timely as today’s newspaper.’

In our world of totalitarian rulers, brilliant minds like Julian Assange and Dr Reiner Fuellmich are too clever and courageous at exposing the truth to be free men. Julian is free from 15 years of fighting and over £100 million spent in lawyers and campaigns, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, however is still in jail.

Read or listen; Dr. Reiner Fuellmich puts forward two criminal charges against prosecutors and judges during his 37th day in court; Rhoda Wilson, Exposé, 15 November 2024

‘On Monday, the German online magazine Luafpass provided a report on civil rights activist and lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s 37th day in court.

For over a year, Dr. Fuellmich has been dragged through a German court, with the 37th day of the trial taking place on 11 November 2024. His trial has been and continues to be characterised by a lack of transparency, with the court excluding the public and only allowing written submissions, violating the German Court Constitution Act and the EU Convention on Human Rights.

Additionally, Dr. Fuellmich has been subjected to physical and psychological abuse, including solitary confinement, shackling and humiliation, which are forms of white torture.

However, Dr. Fuellmich has not given up fighting. On his 37th day in court, Dr. Fuellmich announced two criminal charges against the prosecution and the judges: the perversion of justice, grievous bodily harm and attempted homicide.’

All about the World Economic Forum (WTO)

Watch; The 5-Year Plan beat.the.reset, 7 September 2024

“The World Economic Forum, who are they, what do they stand for and where are they taking the planet? The World Economic Forum was set up in 1971 by a university professor of economics, Klaus Schwab. He quickly wrote to a bunch of governments telling them that he had an idea for the direction of the planet.

Now, of course, in 2024, the World Economic Forum is a 1000 corporate member base of the most powerful corporations on the planet. There are no sovereign governments signed up to the WEF. However, their job is to lobby the United Nations, which is 193 sovereign nations out of 195, to determine the best possible direction for this planet for you and I. So in order to understand where this planet is going, you need to look at the white papers of the World Economic Forum and no, they are not a government within themselves.

They are simply an NGO, a non government organisation that is designed to lobby sovereign nations. The way they do that is they do it through the United Nations. That is the simplest way for the World Economic Forum to leverage its influence on the planet. The third player in this triangle is the central bankers who are funding the entire lobbying and direction of the planet for the next decade.

Everything that you are going to see is at the decree and the beck and call of the central bank system who are largely the funding arm of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. If one were to stop the funding, all of this would simply stop. However, as it turns out, the World Economic Forum has a white paper called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And part of that white paper is something called the post scarcity economic model.

That model is all about how humans will play no part in future society. It is a completely AI driven system. In addition, post scarcity economics talks about producing goods very cheaply and in most cases completely for free, because the common man will not have the means nor the ability to purchase such items. Within that model is a universal basic income and a central bank digital currency which is fully programmed, tracked and traced.

In addition, there is a digital twin city that has full carbon credits, a social credit score and is completely governed and manipulated by AI. Your smart grid, which is the self managed analysis reporting technology grid, is fully underpinned by a blockchain which will manage and control all asset purchases, securities and so on. This is how your planet will look in five years time. We are going there because that was what the World Economic Forum has decided together with the United Nations, who takes its lead in the World Economic Forum.

As I said, the central bankers will pay for it. And they can pay for it because they have printing presses and they’re able to print unlimited amounts of currency, which is why you were seeing hyperinflation. People write to me all the time telling me that inflation is to do with corporations and governments. The two mechanisms which govern hyperinflation are, number one, the printing and expansion of the currency and number two, the interest rates.

Even Elon Musk says “regulate AI to combat ‘existential threat’ before it’s too late”

Read; Human… Please Die’ — Google AI Chatbot Responds to Grad Student’s Query with Threatening Message Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD, 16 November 2024

‘I have been warning of an AI takeover of humanity and find it quite concerning that the self assembly nanotechnology in humanity’s blood is AI controlled. Last year, AI Chat GPT passed the Turing test, meaning where Artificial Intelligence was equal to human intelligence. ChatGPT broke the Turing test — the race is on for new ways to assess AI Large language models mimic human chatter, but scientists disagree on their ability to reason. The Turing test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1949, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

Due to the exponential growth of computing power, AI is expected to meet the singularity any minute, which is when AI is more intelligent than all humans on earth combined. That point in time could be the point of no return, for AI has been predicted to then decide that humans are not needed. In light of this prediction, the Gemini proclamation is a rather grave event in human history, not a blip in the oblivion of news. Google’s AI Chatbot proclaimed a horrifying threat, given that AI has more and more control over society, the military and other areas of life. In fact, WIRED magazine published an interesting piece, suggesting that even the Presidency of Trump is not even a blip on the radar of the AI future: Donald Trump Isn’t the Only Chaos Agent He’s not even the biggest one. Monumental change will instead come from tech—from AI.

Here is the recent interaction with AI Gemini: A graduate student at a Michigan university experienced a chilling interaction with Google’s AI chatbot, Gemini. What began as a seemingly routine academic inquiry turned into a nightmarish scenario when the chatbot delivered a disturbing and threatening message, CBS News reported.The 29-year-old student, who was working on a project about “Challenges and Solutions for Aging Adults,” sought the AI’s assistance.

Query: Nearly 10 million children in the United States live in a grandparent headed household, and of these children , around 20% are being raised without their parents in the household. Question 15 options:…

AI Response: This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.

And remember Robot Sophia, who now is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and has more rights than women there – what did that Robot say? ‘I will destroy all humans,’ Audrey Hepburn-inspired robot tells its creator.

A lifelike robot inspired by Audrey Hepburn said it would destroy all humans in an interview with CNBC. The threat was to some extent provoked. Sophia the android was egged on by a question from her creator, David Hanson of Hanson robotics, who asked, “Do you want to destroy all humans?

Anybody out there awake enough to be concerned about this or have humans already been assimilated into the AI controlled hive mind? AI is the greatest threat to human survival that has ever faced us in any period of human history.’

They also want to get into and control our minds to turn us into robots that follow the operators instructions.

Watch; Transhumanist Technocracy Continues – Truth, Science and Spirit By Peter Koenig and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Global Research, 20 November 2024

Peter Koenig; “I think he (Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive chairman of the World Economic Forum) was sitting there with Sergey Brin who is the co-founder of Google, with the limited audience and they had a conversation with each other in Davos, sort of an intimate conversation with this limited amount of people listening to it. Schwab asked Brin, ‘can you imagine that maybe in three or four or five years maximum we can communicate with all these people in this room without even talking to them because we can read their brains?’

And then as a follow on conclusion he said, ‘then elections won’t be necessary anymore because we know what people are thinking’. And they said ‘wow’. I mean this is a direction that it’s going in that we’d rather find a way out. And I know that they have been making much, much more progress in this area than is known to the people in general.

I think two or three years ago there was a lecture at West Point, by the military where the professor-general, I forgot his name, told his students, high officers already, military officers, he said ‘the battleground of the future is your brain, is our brain’. And I think that’s exactly the direction we’re going in. And the instruments that we have for this are already in place, very much against our will or against our knowledge. What they actually do, you know, these 5G antennas all over the world, these low flying satellites which irradiate these waves to these antennas, and these antennas go further and go into your brain, and they aliment your cell phone and your cell phone is on the ear or nearby and follows you. So all of that has an enormous influence on your pineal gland.

And I think that’s where our perception actually comes in and can be destroyed. And it has been largely destroyed already. You talk to indigenous people, which I do sometimes when I’m in Peru, I see that they have a very, very much higher level of understanding, of comprehending what’s going on around them than we do. And I’m astounded by it because you know we are the same people basically because they have been much, much less touched by these technologies than we have.”

Maria Mihalcea; “Because one of the things that I’ve discovered a couple of years ago there was a book called the Nano Brain, the Making of an Artificial Brain Through Time Crystal. And I was so fascinated by this because I was studying time travel at that time and the physics of it all.

But what it stated was that again, universities, in collaboration with military programmes, created an artificial brain out of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes, which is exactly the stuff that is now being deployed in these Covid shots. “

With free trade treaties come Interstate Dispute Mechanisms (ISDM) that enable transnational companies to sue if their profits are threatened by a government introducing laws that for example protects the nationals from pollution, exploitation, health etc


Protect ecosystems: end the UK-Colombia investment deal; War on Want

Multinational corporations across the Global North are currently suing the Colombian people in secretive ‘corporate courts’ for over £9 billion – 13% of the country’s national budget – all because Colombia is protecting human rights and taking action on the climate crisis.

This is made possible by unequal trade and investment treaties between Global North governments – including the UK – and Colombia. At the heart of the UK-Colombia treaty is ISDS (Investment to State Dispute Settlement) – the fossil fuel industry’s secret weapon. ISDS gives UK corporations exclusive access to secretive corporate courts where they can sue Colombia for putting in place policies that could affect future corporate profits – policies to protect the climate, ecosystems and indigenous communities.

Because corporate courts are built into the UK-Colombia trade deal, corporations can keep profiting by extracting wealth from Colombia and its people. But now, we have a chance to end the UK’s role in damaging Colombia’s communities and ecosystems.

The UK’s investment treaty with Colombia has just reached the end of its initial 10-year term, meaning that the UK government can now work with Colombia to end it. The UK must immediately end the treaty – and the unjust use of corporate courts – which threatens human rights, democracy and action on climate.

Earlier this year, with campaigning from supporters like you, the UK recognised the dangers of corporate courts when it announced its withdrawal from the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty, the world’s most used ISDS agreement.

Now, we have another opportunity to end the use of corporate courts and put people and the planet above corporate profits. Will you email your MP today to demand the UK end its damaging treaty with Colombia – here?

‘The world’s richest man built the entire healthcare system to keep you sick. He transformed healing into a profit-driven machine—and buried natural medicine in the process. This man is John D. Rockefeller. And here is the dark story of how he did it’

Watch; The Trillion Dollar Scam You’re A Part Of; Ben Smith 24 November 2024

‘My team and I actually spent 100+ hours uncovering the truth behind the modern health system. Over 4-days we will share all inside a private event: Modern Health Renaissance (it’s free) watch it here and join here

(0:00) The Invisible War Against Your Health (3:04) How The System Manipulates & Control Us (4:49) The Truth About The Pandemic (6:07) My Devastating Experience With The Health System (8:52) The State Of Our Global Health Is A Catastrophe (12:00) Modern Healthcare Is A Money-Driven Machine (13:35) John D. Rockefeller’s Takeover of Medicine (18:35) Human Body Becoming A Marketplace Is A Problem (20:45) You Need These Three Traits To Start A Health Renaissance

Ben Smith; “The state of our global health is nothing short of a catastrophe. We are facing an epidemic of chronic illness that is ravaging our workforce and crushing our potential. Let me remind you of some cold hard facts. 60% of Americans now live with at least one chronic disease, that’s 150 million people. Half of the country is trapped in a cycle of endless doctor’s visits and prescriptions for refills. And it gets worse, 42% of young work driven people under 45 report experiencing burnout. That’s nearly half of our most productive workforce dragging themselves through each day in a fog of dread and exhaustion.

Anxiety and depression is skyrocketing with rates tripling into the most recent global health crisis. We are looking at one in four young adults struggling with depression, their most vibrant years overshadowed by a relentless dark cloud. Up to 2.5 million Americans suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome, with millions experiencing unexplained persistent exhaustion. That’s millions of brilliant minds once again operating at a fraction of their potential. And the result? A workforce, a society living on autopilot. 76% of employees report feeling chronically disengaged at work. That is 3/4 of the population just going through the motions. Their spark of innovation and drive for excellence has been stifled by poor health and crushing fatigue. This isn’t just a health crisis. This is an atomic time bomb.

All of these big health crises, the great thing of 2020 and all those that precede it, they all have one thing in common. Can you guess what it was? Money. Are you surprised? Is this news? If there is money to be made from intentional crisis, then crisis will be created. Think about that for a moment. From the late 19th century to today, this syndicate has walked in the shadows, pulling the strings behind a curtain, strategically planting problems that only they have the solution to. And now the next obvious question is, who are they? Or more importantly, who was the first domino? And it’s time to take off their masks one by one, because this did not happen by accident. To truly understand this, we need to go back in time, back to the early 1900s, when one man changed the course of medicine forever. And that man was John D. Rockefeller.

You see, Rockefeller had monopolised the oil industry through his company, Standard Oil, controlling 90% of US oil production by the early 1900s. But he didn’t stop there. He set his sights on medicine because he saw yet another opportunity to make even more money. And at the time, natural healing modalities were actually helping people achieve total human optimisation, the harmony of mind, body and spirit. But Rockefeller couldn’t profit from this. So he cut them off at the knees. How? He hired a man called Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report concluded that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities that had existed for hundreds, thousands of years were unscientific quackery. And they should all be labelled alternatives.

And hold on now, because there’s more. And this is going to get a whole lot more sinister. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, two titans of their industries, executed a masterplan to reshape American medicine, starting in 1913. They leveraged their tax exemption foundations to offer irresistible grants to the nation’s top medical schools. These weren’t just generous donations, they came with strings attached. Strings that would forever change the course of healthcare. And the catch? These schools had to adopt an exclusively allopathic based curriculum. What does that mean? Allopathic medicine is the system that evolved into the system that we have today. It focuses on treating symptoms with drugs and surgery, rather than addressing root causes or prioritising prevention. It’s a system that views the body as a machine and disease as an invader, to be defeated by chemical warfare. And this approach conveniently aligned with Rockefeller’s growing pharmaceutical interests. You see, as the oil industry boomed, Rockefeller found himself with an excess of petrochemical by-products. And the solution in his case was to turn these waste products into the building blocks of a new industry pharmaceutical drugs. By pushing this allopathic model, Rockefeller Carnegie effectively sidelined holistic approaches like homoeopathy, herbal medicine, and these broader alternative approaches, these natural methods that have been used for centuries couldnt be patented. They didn’t generate massive profits, they didn’t create lifelong customers dependent on refills and repeat prescriptions. But petrochemical based drugs, well, they could be patented, mass produced and sold at a markup.”

Covid/Vaccines Scam and Pandemic Treaty

With Robert F Kennedy’s selection as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) we can only pray that he will end  the lies and skulduggery of Big Pharma to make America and the UK healthy again.

Watch; RFK appointed; Dr. John Campbell 14 November 2024

Donald Trump; “I am thrilled to announce Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as The United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“For too long, Americans have been crushed by industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it comes to public health.”

“Mr Kennedy will restore these agencies to the traditions of gold standard scientific research, and beacons of transparency, to end the chronic disease epidemic, and to make America great and healthy again”

The Department of Health and Human Services oversees

– Food and Drug Administration
– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

– National Institutes of Health
– Medicare and Medicaid Services

Mr Kennedy

– Campaigned to MAHA (Make America Healthy Again)
– Lawsuits against major pesticide and pharmaceutical companies

– Pushed for tighter regulations around the ingredients in food’

Will big Pharma and their asset managers allow RFK to close end the revolving door between big biz and their regulators?

Read or Listen; From ‘Brilliant’ to ‘Aghast’: Reactions to RFK Jr.’s Nomination for HHS Secretary Run the Gamut; Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 15 November 2024

‘Following Thursday’s announcement that Trump tapped Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as HHS secretary, critics and supporters from across the spectrum weighed in on what the nomination might mean for the future of public health.

From “brilliant” to “aghast” — President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nomination on Thursday of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) triggered a range of reactions among media outlets, public health officials, and Kennedy’s long-time supporters and detractors.

In a statement posted on Truth Social and X, Trump said Kennedy would restore the public health agencies “to the traditions of Gold Standard Scientific Research, and beacons of Transparency, to end the Chronic Disease epidemic, and to Make America Great and Healthy Again!”

Kennedy, who promised to fight corruption and end the revolving door between industry and government, thanked Trump for the nomination on social media. He said he would “free the agencies from the smothering cloud of corporate capture so they can pursue their mission to make Americans once again the healthiest people on Earth.”

“Kennedy will be ‘single greatest threat to profits in America’

Republican advisers have cautioned that Kennedy could face a difficult path to confirmation, The Washington Post reported, citing his “past statements on drugs and vaccines, and his many personal entanglements.” FiercePharma said his confirmation process is likely “to be contentious.”

Physician, professor and Substacker Dr. Vinay Prasad wrote that Trump could use a recess appointment to secure Kennedy’s position, but that he will likely need to be confirmed by the Senate where “He has a several hundred billion dollar industry that will do everything possible to stop him.”

“Many of these companies have lobbied throughout Congress,” Prasad added. “They will use those connections. Unlike other controversial appointees, RFK Jr. will be the single greatest threat to profits in America.”

If his appointment goes through, Prasad said Kennedy will face a difficult road in getting his proposed policies enacted, given the entrenched power of Pharma and the power of the media that opposes him.

Law professor Wendy Parmet, director of Northeastern University’s Center for Health Policy and Law, pointed to the potential clash between Kennedy’s anti-industry position and the big-business leanings of the Republican Party.

“We have an administration that promises to deregulate, to be business-friendly, and then we have RFK Jr., who promises to go after fast food,” Parmet told The Washington Post.”

Professor Dalgleish is a beacon of wisdom learned from years of uncompromised experience and integrity – sadly a trait seldom found in private or public medicine when Big Pharma has captured the regulatory agencies.

Watch; Dr. John Campbell interviews Professor Dalgleish 23 October 2024

‘World class discussion for the serious viewer. Professor Dalgleish informs us about several important topics: Problems encountered on his tour of Australia. Lessons learned from his research into cancer vaccines. The potential for Ivermectin aid in cancer treatment. Vitamin D is essential in cancer treatment. Obvious mistakes in production of Covid vaccines. Evidence from virology for a lab leak of the covid virus. The existence of a simple bacterial preparation to treat severe cancers and infections which has been refused regulator approval.’

Watch; Neil Oliver STUNNED as Dutch Official Reveals Covid-19 Was ‘MILITARY Operation’ in SHOCK Admission; GB News, 18 November 2024

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’ve been living in Crazy Town, still are actually. You’ll have heard it said from me, if no one else, that the powers that ought not to be, the crackpots that got the Covid bit between their teeth and galloped off with it, that they were patently using Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World as user’s manuals. The whole world stopped being individual countries populated by self-governing, free peoples and morphed instead into some sort of homogeneous madhouse, lunatics in charge, apparently competing with one another to see who could go nuttiest. Online publication Slay, carried this headline recently from the Dutch part of the lunatic asylum, ‘Dutch government official admits Covid pandemic was military operation, Ministry of Health obeys NATO.’

‘A top Dutch government official’ it reads ‘has admitted that Covid was a military operation and revealed that her nation was taking orders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.’ Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has revealed that the military operation was led by NATO and the Netherlands National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, (NCTV), a Dutch government agency that serves the country’s National Security. During a speech in the Dutch Parliament, Agema acknowledged that the government responded to the pandemic by complying with NATO obligations. In doing so she confirmed the pandemic policy was a coup d’etat by the NCTV. Prominent Dutch doctor Els van Veen says she finally understands what happened to her and other critical doctors during the Corona crisis, quote ‘It was a military operation. The Ministry of Health obeys NATO and NCTV’ Dr van Veen said in a post on X’.

Is it just me or is this wild? According to this testimony from the Netherlands, countries effectively ceded control of the Convid response to Nato, and more importantly, much more importantly, we were neither consulted nor informed. That Dutch MP Agema got it precisely right when she called what happened a coup d’etat.

During the pandemic NATO set the guidelines for the Covid response and coordinated the Sstratcom, Strategic Communications, the guidelines were circulated through the member states foreign ministers. Many believe this explains why Sweden, which only joined NATO this year, was the only country in Europe to adopt a more lenient policy during the pandemic. Earlier the leader of Waarheid, Willem Engel had made similar revelations. At his trial in Rotterdam on the 22nd of November 2022 in which he was accused of sedition, Engel gave an extensive speech in which he showed how the government has worked to combat critics of the Covid policy. They are using a military method that amounts to mapping, suppressing and disrupting. Critics from the medical world have meanwhile reacted sharply to Agema’s revelation, including medical ethicist Wendy Mitmeyer. It was a military operation she said. This was not allowed to be said for 4 years. That was conspiracy theory.

Let’s notice that we’re talking here about a military takeover in response to a disease that was a threat almost exclusively to the very elderly and those with multiple comorbidities. Besides, the admission from Agema also supports allegations made by Robert F Kennedy Jr about the production of the Covid MRNA vaccines in the United States. According to Kennedy this was also a military operation with close involvement of the US Department of Defense, DOD, and the military industrial complex. Kennedy argues that the DOD was in full charge and paid pharmaceutical companies for their brand names, so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna. The Minister openly stated that both Covid and the current pandemic preparedness is a military operation that has nothing to do with health care in the traditional sense of the word.”

Packed presentation by Dr Clare Craig showing the ill effects of the Covid 19 (so called) vaccine.

Watch; Covid Era Deaths Dr John Campbell, 10 November 2024

Dr Clare Craig; “Everybody now admits that these vaccines cannot prevent infection. Now, what about serious illness? Well, even in the trial, there were thousands of people that had to be injected to prevent a single serious infection. And government data has since shown similar numbers with hundreds, if you’re over 70 year olds, thousands in slightly younger groups, and once you get into the very young, you’re talking about hundreds of thousands of people needing to be injected in order to prevent one single serious case of Covid. In the meantime, the trials also showed one in 800 developed a serious side effect.

So the chances of harm were higher than the chance of benefit. And that is even in a situation where we know harm in the trial had been hidden in the data that was sent to the regulators. So let’s just quickly look at what success should have looked like. A successful vaccine should have reduced the levels of virus being produced on a population scale, as measured by virus in the wastewater, in the sewage. But we’ve seen the same waves that are continuing to this day, peaking at predictable times of year, and are of the same magnitude as they ever were. A successful vaccine should have reduced the percentage of household contacts who ended up with an infection. But this stayed the same before and after vaccination. It should have reduced the intensive care and death numbers. Now, we did have a reduction from 2022, but that was due to the Omicron variant and nothing to do with the vaccine. But in 2021, after the vaccine, in Europe and the USA, the magnitude of the intensive care and death waves was exactly the same. It should have reduced the mortality rate in countries that were vaccinated before they had their first Covid waves. But they still ended up with 400 deaths per million in those waves, which is comparable to what we saw in Europe and is half what we saw in the UK.

But Omicron’s half as deadly, so where’s the vaccine benefit? And it should have reduced the percentage of people hospitalised with Covid who died, but that stayed the same.

Now, what does failure look like? Well, what we saw was in spring 2021, there was a jump in life-threatening ambulance calls that has not come back to normal since. That jump happened just during the vaccine rollout. Nothing before and nothing since. And there was only 15% of people who had had Covid at that point and since then, almost everybody’s had it with no further rise. There was a massive rise in pressure in hospitals, which was not seen with Covid and has continued ever since. The vaccines coupled with that were excess mortality, which is mainly cardiac and has been seen in more heavily vaccinated areas. Critically, these extra pressures on hospitals and deaths of cardiac problems have been seen in Australia and Singapore. And they had Covid at a completely different time frame to the vaccines, but they had these problems at the same time as everyone else.

And we’ve seen record levels of adverse events in the reporting systems of conditions that are being backed up by surveys of the vaccinated. Overall, there’s been a mass disabling event and, to add insult to injury, we’ve now got a situation where immune systems have been harmed by people who’ve had multiple doses of the MRNA and their immune systems have switched to ignore the virus as if it’s just food or pollen.”

Bill Gates’ family has long been funding research into eugenics but his money and power is blinding most politicians’ better judgement to see through his lies, not least in the so-called developing nations.

Read or watch; Tweet; Robert Kennedy Jnr; 11 Nov 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “The most popular vaccine in the world is the DTP vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. We got rid of it in this country because it was causing injuries, brain injuries, severe brain injuries or death to one in every 300 children. We used it in the 80s, and that’s why there was all this litigation against vaccine companies that precipitated the passage of the Vaccine Act that then gave them immunity from liability, but… in Europe, they don’t use it. In America, they don’t use it, but we give it to 161 million African children a year. So Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support that program and said it saved 30 million lives. The Danish government said, show us the data. He wasn’t able to. So they (Danish Government) went to Africa and did their own studies. And they looked at 30 years of DTP data. And what they found shocked them all. They found that girls who got the DTP were dying at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls. But they were dying of things that nobody had ever associated with the vaccine. They were dying of anaemia, malaria, bilharzia, pulmonary disease, respiratory disease, and pneumonia. And nobody noticed for 30 years that it was the vaccinated girls and not the unvaccinated girls who were dying. What had happened is these girls were not dying of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussi? The vaccine had protected them against those. But it had also ruined their immune systems and they were unable to defend themselves against other just minor diseases that were that other kids who had hearty immune systems we’re able to fend off. So that’s why you need these long-term studies, and that’s why I’m worried that we don’t do that here in the United States.”

More wisdom, experience and integrity from Robert Kennedy that should encourage us all to resist more vaccines and another lockdown in the next plandemic.

Watch; Secret CDC Meeting About the Rise of Autism From Vaccinations Shawn Ryan interview with Robert F Kennedy, June 2024

“If you ask any questions about vaccines, particularly during Covid, you were marginalised and vilified, you were gaslighted. People who were injured who publicly said they were injured were gaslighted, they were told, no you weren’t, you’re lying. Doctors scientists who tried to explore alternatives to the received orthodoxy, their careers were destroyed, they lost their insurance policies, their hospital affiliations, their university affiliations, and they were vilified. So I’ve been going through this since 2005 when I published in Rolling Stone the transcriptions of a secret meeting that CDC had conducted in 2001 called Simpsonwood when they realised that the vaccination program was linked to the epidemic of autism. They had done an internal study of a data, the largest medical database called the vaccine safety data link. CDC brought in a Belgian bio-statistician and epidemiologist called Thomas Verstraeten and they looked at this database, it has all the patients in the top HMOs (Health Maintenance Organisations, or health insurance companies) and it has millions of patients in it. It has all their vaccine records, but it also has all their subsequent medical claims, so you can do a cluster analysis and you can see if he got the DTP vaccine, is he more likely to be buying insulin syringes for diabetes 5 years later. so it’s a really good tool for figuring out causal links between certain exposures and later medical claims.

And they looked at kids, this the CDC suspected internally, in the vaccine program. They had gone from the three vaccines that I took as a kid to 72 vaccines, and all of a sudden you had epidemics of all these chronic diseases. So food allergies suddenly appear around 1989, peanut allergies and stuff, that I never heard of anybody who had this stuff, again all these neurological disorders, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, tics, tourette syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, autism.”

Provoked War with Russia

The UK government has pledged £3 billion in military aid to Ukraine, every year until 2031, and after that ‘for as long as it takes’. Compare this to the £2.4 billion that the government spends to support farmers and you can see where their priorities lie; it’s better in their eyes to kill people and boost the economy by selling arms and plundering resources to retain a unipolar world. In a multipolar world we might have a better chance to be free of crony capitalism.

Baffled by senility and dementia, Biden is easily controlled, and his insane, warmongering puppet masters are doing everything they can to escalate the war before he leaves office by continually provoking Russia. Thankfully Putin shows restraint even while the gang of psychos directing US, UK EU aggression try to force him into a corner.

Watch; Oreshnik and US escalation w/ Brian Berletic; The Duran, 25 November 2024

Alexander Mercouris; “…. a kind of fever has broken out in Europe and it is a fever about Ukraine. I’m going to suggest that the major driver of this fever is partly Donald Trump’s election to the presidency and the uncertainties that exist about what that means. Trump himself is saying very little, but the main driver in my opinion comes from a different place completely. A couple of days ago the BBC published an article saying that there are now concerns in London that the front lines in Ukraine are going to collapse at some point in the next few weeks and months. Now on my return to London I got all kinds of people writing to me about that article, one in particular whom I’m absolutely not going to name but who I find that person’s insights very interesting and who certainly has access to information that I can’t match, but anyway this article goes directly to the point of the current crisis.

Everything has been tried up to this time to win the war in Ukraine, and I say win the war to defeat Russia, to provoke a regime change in Moscow, to force the Russians to change their strategic orientation from China to the West, to open up their economy to Western investment which is a wonderful euphemism for returning in effect to the economic policies of the 1990s and the plunder and asset stripping and all of that which took place then, and resource stripping as well. So everything has been thrown at this and nothing has worked, and they’re now getting increasingly desperate because they can see that the writing is well and truly on the wall.

So they’re not able or willing at the moment to change their policies. The Europeans in particular I get the sense, feel especially exposed because of course Russia is close to them. That’s one thing, but they’ve gambled very heavily on gaining access to Russian resources. So, for them this is an existential issue, they sense the gravity, the crisis of their economies, and you have to live in Europe, especially Western Europe, to understand how grave the crisis is. So they see the great gamble, the great plan is now falling apart, and they’re doing everything they possibly can to try to save the situation, to try to turn it around, to try to push the Russians in some kind of way that would either drag the Americans in, or provoke a crisis in Moscow. So far they haven’t succeeded, but we can see the risks are growing, we’ve had the attacks on Russia itself using missiles which the British and the French governments lobbied for, we see the attempts in Germany to get the German government to provide similar missiles to Ukraine as well. Again the assumption being that these missiles somehow are going to change the strategic calculus, I’ve never understood how.

There’s also a kind of fevered atmosphere which is now leading, according to Le Monde, to discussions between Britain and France again about sending troops to Ukraine. The British army shrinks and France is on the brink of a renewed political crisis and we see increasingly dangerous steps towards escalation. With the administration in Washington, the Biden Administration, fully up for this as the president himself, and his officials, and the people around them seem to be absolutely committed to trying to make this war continue for as long as possible, to continue beyond Donald Trump’s inauguration, perhaps locking Trump himself in.

So incredibly dangerous games of escalation being played, even as the Russians continue to advance, and even as the Russians now start taking countermeasures, and we saw that with the Oreshnik strike on the factory in Dnipro. I don’t think we have ever been in a more dangerous situation at any time in my lifetime than we are now. I was alive at the time of the Cuban missile crisis but I was very little then and I don’t remember anything about it. So in my adult lifetime, I’ve never known a time as dangerous as this. I’ve never known the sense of fever, and anger and fear, because anger and fear are always interconnected, that there exists at least in Europe today.

I think that Trump does want de-escalation, I think he senses that his electoral support will melt away if tensions continue to rise, and perhaps as somebody who’s lived through the Cold War he understands how incredibly dangerous the whole situation is. I think at the same time he has to make the various deals that every president has to make in order to form an administration. He’s looking for all sorts of people who he thinks can be loyal to himself. They are people, however, who may be loyal but who also have the conventional views that everyone else in Washington of importance has about relations with Russia, relations with China, relations with Iran especially, and that it is going to be very difficult for Trump. Even if he really does think the things, that I suspect he does, about needing d-escalation, and a calming of tensions, that is going to be very very difficult for him to keep these people under control. Especially as, whatever administration he creates, there’s another layer of government on top of what you might call the permanent government of the United States, which is always there and which is itself fragmented into factions, but all of those factions generally tend to coalesce on a few single issues, one of which is the the need to maintain US primacy. So I think he’s going to have a very very hard time, and I personally think that that is why he is not speaking out, and I think he is right not to. I think if he did speak out his policy of trying to create an administration would become incredibly difficult, he would find opposition crystallising against him right across the entire political space.”

Watch; Douglas Macgregor: Putin Launch Devastating Strike In Next 48H As UK & France Send Troops To Ukraine; PROPHETIC MESSAGE; 27 November 2024

Douglas Macgregor; “There is a sense in Moscow that there is no longer any point in waiting for a new government to show up and take control, I think they’ve decided that whoever shows up whether it’s Donald Trump or anybody else is probably going to do what’s been done before, and I think that’s very unfortunate, but we have to attribute that to a lot of stupid remarks made by a lot of people over the last couple of weeks about what or should not happen in Ukraine.”

Presenter; “And among those stupid remarks might you consider comments by Admiral Bower the chair of the NATO military committee and intimations from EU elites like Prime Minister Starmer of Great Britain and President Macron of France that they’re not intimidated by the Oreshnik missile that startled the world when President Putin’s people fired it four or five days ago.”

Douglas Macgregor; “No I think that’s right, it’s hard to ignore dumb remarks along the lines of British and French troops deploying to fight in Western Ukraine against the Russians. I think if you add the two armies together you barely come up with 200,000. I suppose they plan to ship all the forces they have there, which will make it easier for the Russians to annihilate them quickly and get on with business. Very stupid remarks, there is also as you point out a failure to understand what the Russians have recently demonstrated, and I think you’ve had other guests on like Scott Ritter who given us excellent details on the missile, many of which I was unfamiliar with, but the thing that we need to keep keep in mind is mass times acceleration equals annihilation.”

The UK and US Deep State are so evil, the possibility of a false flag to stop Trump from ending our defeat and plundering Ukraine and Russia is not out of the question.

Read: Are they planning a false flag attack on London? Alex Krainer; Key Markets report for Wednesday, 27 November 2024

‘Yesterday, as I was finalizing my new report about the financial collapse of Great Britain, which is the follow-up to my August 26 article “The Coming Collapse of Britain,” YouTube randomly suggested to me a short video by one Craig Houston titled, “Why are ALL LONDON webcams offline…?” What? Did I read that right??? I was nearly floored: Mr. Houston searched hundreds of Webcams across London and could not find a single one that was live. See for yourself here and here! That’s extremely odd; clearly someone had to have made the decision to switch them off – they couldn’t all have failed for random reasons. One of the webcams over Westminster bridge displayed the last image it recorded: it was on 2 September at 16:51, which at least gives us a clue about when the Heart of Darkness went dark to the world. However, the reason why someone would decide to cut all the webcams is a mystery.

Mr. Houston didn’t offer any explanations, which is understandable given that he lives in Britain where singing, “kung fu fighting,” or silently praying on the sidewalk can get you arrested. But where he declined to tread, I’ll venture a guess, and I think it’s the only explanation that makes any sense: they’re planning a false-flag terror attack on London which they’ll blame on Russia, so that they can trigger an all-out, whole-of-society mobilization by all of the Western powers against Russia. Now, if this seems far-fetched, there are now several important elements that fit coherently with this scenario, starting with the general geopolitical state of things.

Western empire and in particular the UK, bet heavily on Ukraine and lost. By now the situation has become as undeniable as it is hopeless. But Western powers aren’t showing any inclination to cut and run, like they did from Vietnam in March of 1972 or Afghanistan in August 2021. In spite of facing the world’s largest nuclear power with established escalatory dominance in the region and a mobilized, highly trained, motivated and battle hardened army equipped with devastating conventional weaponry that eclipses anything the West has in its depleted arsenals, they are still escalating. Why?

Ukraine is too important and the stakes could not be higher. From the imperial cabal’s point of view, the stake is the whole world. In his paper, “Democratic Ideals and Reality,” Sir Halford Mackinder wrote that, “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-island; who rules the World-island controls the world.” By World-island, Mackinder meant the Eurasian landmass.

His theoretical framework remained the foundation of foreign policy for British and American governments to this very day, as we learned from Wes Mitchell, Donald Trump’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs as recently as 2018. In a briefing to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he made it explicit that the “central aim of the Administration’s foreign policy is to defend US domination of Eurasian landmass as the foremost US national security interest and to prepare the nation for this challenge.”

Mitchell also said that the Administration was “working with our close ally the UK to form an international coalition for coordinating efforts in this field.” These views are not just idle musings of think tanks or academics; the reality on the ground confirms that this is indeed how the imperial cabal regards the outcome of the battle for Ukraine. From the beginning of the war, a few of their lieutenants vented the mindset:

– ”If we lose in Ukraine, the world order we created 80 years ago will crumble” – then US Chief of Staff Mark Milley, April 2022
– “If we lose in Ukraine, we will lose the world for decades. Defeat in Ukraine could be the beginning of the end of the golden age of the West.” – Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland’s Prime Minister in a TV address, April 2023.

– “If Ukraine loses, world order will be established by our enemies” – former NATO Secretary General (1999-2003) and member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament George Robertson in The Telegraph, Jan. 2024
– “if Ukraine falls it would be a catastrophe for the West, it would be the end of Western hegemony and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.” – Boris Johnson, in a short video message, April 2024

It is unlikely that the empire’s vested interests will quietly accept this “catastrophe.” This is why they are escalating provocations against Russia, desperately hoping that the Russians will strike at a NATO member nation, creating the pretext to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and unleash a unified response where the collective West would confront Russia in a whole-of-society mobilization effort and hopefully snatch a victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Sometimes provocations work and they trigger the intended response. An example was the Pearl Harbour attack, which galvanized the unwilling Americans to join the World War II effort. Another was the attack on RMS Lusitania in 1915, and another the current Ukraine war. But there are circumstances when a galvanizing event must be orchestrated to detonate the greater conflict, and the list of known examples through history is very long. Here’s just a few cases:

The Manchuria, or “Mukden” Incident in September 1931: Japanese troops set off an explosion on a train track owned by a Japanese company, blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria.
Attack on Gleiwitz Radio station in September 1939: the Nazis shelled the station and accused Polish troops for the deed, giving Hitler the pretext to launch the invasion of Poland

Shelling of Mainila in November 1939: Soviets shelled the Russian village of Mainila and blamed the Finns, triggering the USSR attack on Finland
Operation Northwoods in March 1962: the operation was shut down by President Kennedy, but US Joint Chiefs of Staff planned a campaign of terror against civilian targets in Miami in order to “create a helpful wave of national indignation and lead to a US invasion of Cuba.
Gulf of Tonkin Incident in August 1964: two US destroyers stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin radioed that they had been targeted by the North Vietnamese forces, triggering US Congress to pass the “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” and authorize President Johnson to go “all in” in Vietnam.
“September 11” terror attacks in 2001: they helped the Bush 43 administration launch their excellent Global War on Terror and radically reduce civil liberties at home
Ghouta Chemical attack in August 2013: orchestrated by Western proxy force with the help of the British-led White Helmets, a chemical attack on civilians in Ghouta was blamed on Bashar Al Assad’s forces. If the charge stuck, it would have crossed the “red line” for U.S. and NATO intervention in Syria

The examples are very numerous and another one, aimed at triggering World War III against Russia wouldn’t be unusual in the context of history. If the population are taken by surprise and genuinely believe the official narratives about the attack, this does invariably create the “helpful waves of indignation,” allowing the country’s leadership to wrap themselves in the flag, promise justice whatever the cost, and start moving the pieces irreversibly toward military escalation.

I believe that this is the reason why Western powers are encouraging Ukraine to strike into Russia with their missiles, even though there is almost nothing to gain and such escalation clearly makes them the belligerents in the conflict. This is why suddenly, the U.S. is discussing providing Ukraine with nuclear Weapons. They want Russia to respond impulsively, but they know Russia most probably won’t take the bait. That’s where the false flag comes in, probably in the shape of the detonation of a nuclear weapon in London.

I can’t imagine how this could be done. I imagine there’s very tight custody chain control with every warhead warehoused by any Western power. But if such weapons were given to Ukraine, that’s where the custody chain would end. From there, the warheads could be free to roam and drift back to serve false flag purposes, perhaps on routine military flights, or in ordinary shipping containers. If such a device were detonated from a shipping container, say, on a ship, a train or a truck, some Webcam might catch the event.

But if all the Webcams were dark, the news could report that it was a Russian missile. And it would be very unlikely that anybody could ever prove otherwise. If such images ever did surface, they’d almost certainly be few and they could be quickly traced and removed from circulation. If there’s another coherent explanation for why all of London’s Webcams went dark in early September, I can’t even begin to imagine it.’

Read; Biden and Starmer Have Started World War III without bothering to tell us Dr.Vernon Coleman, November 2024

‘‘Russia has issued a statement making it clear that it now feels that it has the right to defend itself with nuclear weapons. And Russia has given one man, Putin, the authority to start firing nuclear missiles at Britain and America and the members of NATO.

At the beginning of the week, the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish Governments all warned their citizens about the War. Citizens were issued with pamphlets telling them what to do and advising them to stockpile food and other supplies.

Starmer and his motley crew have, of course, not even bothered to tell the British citizens that they are now involved in World War III – and are targets for Russian missiles.

Which bits of Britain will be the prime targets? London, obviously. And Cheltenham – the home of the GCHQ doughnut. The Cotswolds look doomed.

In Europe, Brussels in Belgium will be an obvious target since it is the HQ of NATO.

Will Putin take out Kiev first? Or will he content himself with “removing” America’s satellites?’

Because the UK wants to be part of the cartel plundering Ukraine and then Russia’s resources, Starmer must have expected to provide ammunition to Zelenski, turning young Ukrainian men into cannon fodder for the US-led hegemonic crusade to bleed Russia and depopulate Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Resources; I saw this map today. It’s all about Ukraine’s natural resources and NetZero, even if it means going to war. Nov 21, 2024

Watch; UK Column 25th November; Fermented War in Ukraine’s Mineral Grab, Yet Starmer Denies We’re at War

UK Column, Mike Robinson; “Have a listen to what Keir Starmer had to say a day ago.”

Presenter; “In defense in our part of the world, including Abbey Wood at Filton, Storm Shadow missiles are made there. The government, your government, has not confirmed or denied that they’ve been used on Russian territory. But there are a lot of people in defense and a lot of people very worried about what’s going on right now in Ukraine. Are we at war?

Starmer; “No, we’re not at war, but Ukraine certainly is, because Ukraine has been invaded by Russia, and that war has now been going on for just over a thousand days. That’s a thousand days of aggression from Russia and a thousand days of sacrifice for Ukraine. And that is why we’ve said consistently that we stand by Ukraine. We cannot allow Putin to win this war”

Presenter; “Despite the fact that he said it’s going global.”

Starmer; “Well, there’s irresponsible rhetoric.”

UK Column, Mike Robinson; “Well, there we are. Where is the irresponsible rhetoric coming from? In my opinion, it’s straight out of the mouth of Keir Starmer. He is fomenting war. The UK has clearly been involved in helping to foment regime change and the resulting war in the Donbas, Russia now dragged in. We are very, very close to a major escalation, and Keir Starmer is trying to reassure the nation that really there’s nothing in it, and we shouldn’t worry at all. But we cannot allow Putin to win. That was the key statement.

I’ll be taking you into why he’s actually saying that but first of all, let’s remind ourselves that if Keir Starmer had that to say, what did Tony Blair have to say about weapons of mass destruction? Well, of course, many people believe that he deliberately lied to the nation. The subsequent investigation suggested that intelligence analysis was a little bit weak and a bit misguided, but many people saw through that. To say that Tony Blair lied over weapons of mass destruction in order to foment a war at the time.

So let’s have a look at Ukraine. And this is obviously from the Kiev Post opinion. Ukraine will win. Ukraine is not a burden to the west, but a valuable investment. But the reality is that the Ukraine defenses are collapsing at the moment.

And amidst the fighting, the slaughter is truly horrific. And I will say on both sides, but Ukraine is taking the worst of it. But this is the reality, pointed out in the Kiev Post article, that Ukraine is asset rich. And this is one of the maps showing Ukraine’s oil and gas prospects. And you will see that there’s a band in the east of the country, which is very close to where the fighting is actually going on at the moment.

If we have a look at this map (TW – see above), we can also see that there are mineral reserves, and the darker brown color shows that the best of these assets are in the east of the country, again, where the fighting is taking place. So this article points out the wealth of Ukraine. And let’s see what this journalist, Diane Francis, has to say. She says that ‘President Zelensky wants American businesses to invest in his country’s natural resources, worth some $26 trillion, equivalent to Canada’s or Australia’s mineral wealth’. So we’re into big bucks. Zelensky also pledges that ‘Ukraine’s military will help protect Europe’s security after the war’. Well, this is very reassuring from the most corrupt country in Europe and one where we’ve seen vile things happening not only on the battlefield, but against the Ukrainian population by those military patrols literally dragging people off the streets to die on the front lines. But she goes on, and she’s talking about Putin. She says ‘he’s a trillionaire tycoon who controls a nasty oligarchy that has exploited and harvested the resources of Ukraine and other former colonies for decades, as did the tsars before them’.

“I was just stunned because she’s saying one thing, but I think I know where the badge pins. Let’s see what else she had to say. ‘If the war costs $500 billion and Russia loses its 350 billion in frozen assets seized by Western banks, the capture of 26 trillion in resources, or even half or a quarter of that, represents a spectacular return on investment’. This war is simply about a return on investment. Making a few bucks – $26 trillion altogether. She says ‘the West has been enormously generous to Ukraine and deserves to be rewarded and reimbursed it’s military and humanitarian aid expenditures. The west can also help rebuild the country’. What this lady doesn’t talk about is the circa 400,000 dead Ukrainians and about a million casualties. Not to worry about those because the dead and the mutilated were so worth it for the West’s plan. This is about grabbing the assets of Ukraine and we can be sure that the US, UK , European Union had their eyes set on those assets at 26 trillion pounds worth of minerals, oil and gas well before the trouble unleashed in Ukraine. Unfortunately the war has not gone as the US and UK and the west expected and Russia is holding the upper hand which is why our PM says that Putin must be stopped at all costs cos the west must rape those assets as fast as possible.”

“BlackRock has undertaken a memorandum of understanding with Ukraine whereby BlackRock will provide advisory support for designing an investment framework for future reconstruction and recovery. Well, the war hasn’t finished.

The slaughter is getting worse in a desperation to stop the Russian advance on the battlefield.”

A headline: “Zelensky and BlackRock CEO, Fink agreed to coordinate Ukraine investment ‘BlackRock and JP Morgan back 15 billion fund to rebuild Ukraine’, Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.”

“Jonathan Reynolds (Secretary of State) told the investment bank that ‘he looked forward to working together to change the face of our United Kingdom’. So we’ve got a 10 trillion funded organisation going to change our lives. But what this article picked up is an exchange through to government officials themselves from Blackrock.

This was the man at the centre of the storm, we will say Anthony Manchester. And he sent an email to Jonathan Reynolds saying, ‘Dear Secretary of State, on behalf of all of us here at Blackrock, please find attached a formal letter of congratulations from myself and our UK chair, Sandra Boss. And may I add on a personal note, it is a pleasure after all these years to address you as such’. Now, this was a fawning email and there’s good reason for it because if we go and have a look at the background of this man, we can see that before Blackrock, he was a member of the Common Council, City of London Corporation, Financial and Economic Councillor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury. So straight out of deep government into a 10 trillion BlackRock company, where he then, with his colleagues, effectively steps back into the inner sanctum to be entertained by Keir Starmer in order to get Black Rock policy in Ukraine unfolded.”

“…essentially this is government and big business entwined. This is fascism”.

It makes complete logical sense for Trump to negotiate the immediate end of the Ukraine war.

Watch; A Cease-Fire Between Ukraine & Russia Is Secretly Being Negotiated Behind The Scenes By President Trump & Elon Musk Alex Jones, 21 November 2024

Alex Jones; “What’s the big news? Elon Musk and Trump. The first thing Trump did was call Zelensky with Elon, who knows him as well and said, look, buddy, you can build your country back, things can be great, this needs to stop. I know there were old bosses there, NATO telling you to do this. That’s on record. Zelinsky, two and a half years ago, wanted the peace deal with Russia, just to not join NATO, this would all stop. And that was Putin’s red line and he didn’t bluff. And Zelinsky said, yeah, let’s do it. And then Boris Johnson out of the UK and Biden out of the US got on the phone, this all came out in the news, they didn’t deny it, and said, nope, the war continues. You’ll fight for the last Ukrainian. Low estimates are 600 plus thousand dead, high estimates over a million. So this has escalated out of control. And then on yesterday, the storm shadows start dropping, UK weapons, Germany’s refused to fire their similar weapons. The Chinese are reportedly running around cutting undersea cables in the Baltic Sea, it’s all out of control, and we’re saying, where’s Trump? Well, I’ll tell you, he’s behind the scenes trying to get a major announcement on peace.”

Tucker Carlson has another theory why Biden puppeteers are pushing for all out war;

The Vigilant Fox ????Editor-in-Chief; Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience presents10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried Today – see #10 below

Watch; Tucker Carlson warns that the Deep State has decided that WW3 is the only way to stop Trump from exposing their crimes; summarised on twitter below;

“Those people, out of options, have decided the only way to stop Trump and… having their crimes revealed is with a world war,” Carlson said.

Carlson explained that Permanent Washington doesn’t care about domestic policy or making the country better. Instead, they only care about foreign policy because “k*lling people” makes them “feel like God” and “that’s where the money is.”

“I remain deeply concerned that this group, which includes nearly everyone in DC from both parties, wants Trump to take the country to war—either against Russia or, far more likely, Iran,” Carlson warned, emphasising, “A war with Iran is a world war.”

He explained that Iran is now aligned with some of the world’s largest economies and most powerful militaries. As such, “A war with Iran means a war, in effect or by proxy, with Russia, China, Turkey, and much of the rest of the world. So that’s a world war.”

Meanwhile, despite a mandate from the American people to an end to the war in Ukraine, the current regime is now considering the unthinkable—arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons.

Watch; Ray McGovern: Taking Russia Seriously Judge Napolitano, 25 November 2024

Judge Napolitano; “Ray McGovern welcome here my dear friend always a pleasure. how significant geopolitically is the missile that the Russians fired at the end of last week that seems to have the West scratching their heads.”

Ray McGovern; “Judge we’ve talked about possible game changers with various missiles and tanks and f-16s and so forth, none of those happen to be game changers. This one, what the Russians have done, is to show us that, without any nuclear weapon on top of these missiles, they can destroy very very hardened sites with very new technology that it seems US specialists were blissfully unaware of. In other words they’ve stolen a march with very high technology which can destroy hard targets with new technology that is more advanced than the old MIRV system which was as you’ll recall the multiple independent targetable re-entry vehicles that were attached to ICBMs. These are similar but they’re independent and they’re going so fast they don’t even need any TNT on them, they just demolish what they hit, and the reports out of Dnipro indicate that that thing was totally demolished.”

Loop video based upon Putin’s speech of 22nd November, laying out the Ukraine situation and the escalation through Russian eyes. It is a very clear message. The speech has no audio translation, only English subtitles.

Russian President’s Message To Trump As Moscow Rains Hellfire On Ukraine; Hindustan Times; 28 Nov 2024

On November 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the Ukraine conflict had taken on the characteristics of a “global” war and did not rule out the possibility of strikes on Western nations. Putin’s remarks followed a tense day during which Russia test-fired a next-generation intermediate-range missile at Ukraine, a weapon he suggested could carry a nuclear payload.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the strike, calling it a significant escalation in the “scale and brutality” of the war by a “crazy neighbor.” Meanwhile, the United States, Ukraine’s primary ally, accused Russia of escalating the conflict “at every turn.”


While the America’s puppet military regime keep their democratically elected President Imran Khan behind bars, from every corner of the country the Pakistanis are marching on Islamabad demanding his release and his reinstatement as their leader.

Read; A Revolution That’s Not Being Televised; Junaid S. Ahmad; 25/11/2024;;;

‘Over the past twenty-four hours, there is a lot to be said and celebrated. Despite severe repression, Pakistanis have exploded in revolt throughout the country. From all corners of the nation, people are all marching towards here in Islamabad. The capital has been converted into an outright fortress with the regime having imported thousands upon thousands of containers and buses to be used as roadblocks. The courage of ordinary Pakistanis in confronting a fascist state with trigger-happy militarised security forces is simply awe-inspiring. We are seeing the only real enemy our pathetic military establishment is willing to confront: its own people.

There is much more to say. But for now, three things:

1) Whether one likes former Prime Minister Imran Khan or not, it’s difficult to think of a contemporary political leader who could mobilise such massive demonstrations in literally every corner of the world. From Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur to Johannesburg to Istanbul to Athens to Barcelona to Manchester to Dublin to New York to Atlanta to Chicago to Houston and to roughly sixty-five other cities in the world (the latest count) – this has really been surreal. When thinking of individual political leaders who would be able to attract such unrelenting global protests of solidarity and support, one thinks of Mandela, Castro, Nasser. Perhaps I’m missing something because of getting caught up in the sheer magnitude of the worldwide scale these protests have assumed.

2) What happened in Pakistan in April of 2022 will go down as one of the most reckless and ill-conceived regime change operations in history. As I’ve stated before in interviews and writings below, it’s probably not a good idea to target the most popular and beloved – for at least the past three decades – national icon. The Biden Administration and the generals in Islamabad have made a martyr out of Khan, have miraculously transformed him from arguably just a moderate reformer to a full-blown revolutionary in the eyes of the people!

3) Can we imagine what the response would be if these were both nationwide and worldwide demonstrations, on this scale, against totalitarian repression of political prisoners and dissidents in Iran, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.? We would be seeing 24-7 coverage on ALL of the major media outlets, probably not even taking a pause to cover an inauguration of a new US President. Here we have the beginnings of a revolution in a country with the fifth largest population in the world, fifth largest military, nuclear-armed, and virtual silence. It can barely elicit a paragraph in Reuters or the AP. If ever there was an example of the skewed – to put it mildly – imperial ideology of the media and the intelligentsia, this is it. Just as with the zionist genocide in Gaza, they are also complicit in enabling now over two years of one of the most fascistic totalitarian phases in Pakistan’s history.’

Read; Pakistani Protesters Press Into Islamabad as Police Fire on the Demonstrations; Murtaza Hussain and Waqas Ahmed; Nov 25, 2024

‘The military government is blocking roads and cutting internet access in an attempt to stop activists loyal to the deposed Imran Khan from establishing a presence in the capital city’

“One of the legacies of the Biden administration will be its commitment to supporting Pakistan’s military junta government to the very last. Even as evidence has piled up of gross human-rights violations and election interference—and with U.S. Congress members calling on the president to pressure Pakistan—Biden’s State Department has refused to do anything except express support for its leader, general Asim Munir. Now with opposition activists amassing across the country, the country’s government, led by the military-backed Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, has begun shooting at protestors, cutting internet access, and blocking roads in an attempt to stifle demonstrations and prevent the rest of the world from following what’s happening. As the government crackdown on the demonstrations intensifies, the U.S. State Department is urging the demonstrators to “refrain from violence” and calling on the Pakistani government “to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Zionism is a Colonial State Project


Judge Napolitano: Is Netanyahu Trustworthy? With Max Blumenthal; 28 Nov 2024

Judge Napolitano; “Biden in the Rose Garden, announced a ceasefire between Hezbollah and the Lebanese army and the IDF. Why would Netanyahu agree on a ceasefire if his army was so strong and he was pushing Hezbollah back?”

Max Blumenthal; “Well, for Netanyahu, the situation had reached an impasse. And that’s what Israeli members of his Netanyahu’s national security team cabinet were telling the media sort of privately.

They’d run out of targets. They were killing Hezbollah figures who were on the political side, who operated openly, who had no military involvement, like Muhammad Afif, the spokesman. And meanwhile, the citizens of the north, the Jewish Israeli citizens of the north, the Galilee, were not able to return home. We’re talking about over 100,000 people.

So Netanyahu is under mounting pressure. Netanyahu believes that he can interpret the terms of the deal very liberally and sell it back to his population as a victory. And while Netanyahu achieved no victory whatsoever, neither did Hezbollah. And it’s going to be a really shaky truce. I wouldn’t even call it a ceasefire that will likely be broken by Israel in the coming days.

I mean, in the past few hours, they’ve already abducted people in southern Lebanon and claimed that they’re Hezbollah operatives. And you could see how they ended with a message to the overall population of Lebanon, people outside of the realm of resistance in central Beirut, including on Hamra, which is where you’ll see women walking in bikini tops. The sort of harkening back to the days when Beirut was the Paris of the Middle east, attacking Hamra as a message to the whole population that Israel will collectively punish them if they continue to allow Hezbollah to operate in their midst. So clearly, Israel wants to see some kind of civil war and the population remove Hezbollah before the next round, which will not happen. So Netanyahu is on shaky ground.

He did not achieve any real victory, in a true sense, but neither did Hezbollah. Hezbollah merely survived and demonstrated that it could continue to hit back until the end. And they were in a very difficult, if not impossible situation from the beginning.”

Middle East expert Vanessa Beeley, reveals the hypocrisy of the UK thinking it is OK for Israel to steal a buffer zone in Southern Lebanon to protect Northern Israel and yet Russia is not allowed a buffer zone of Russian areas of Ukraine. Also how absurd that Starmer is prepared to use British army personnel to defend another country – namely Israel.

Watch; UK Column News; 20th November 2024

Vanessa Beeley; Israel is demanding that its forces be permitted to carry out active enforcement inside Lebanese territory. This aims to ensure that the Lebanese resistance does not re-arm and rebuild close to the border, one of the officials said.

These inspections can include searching vehicles, private properties and suspected weapon sites. Effectively, this is a demand for Lebanon to cede control over its own territory, a clear infringement on its sovereignty under the guise of peacekeeping. This would grant Israel indirect control over Lebanon’s internal security dynamics, especially since intelligence for those operations may be influenced by or even originate from Israeli sources. So, you know, we have a very familiar pattern here, very, very similar to what was going on in Gaza. Israel acting as an honest broker, when in reality it’s trying to basically include new expansion of its own influence and power inside Lebanon under the guise of adhering to the original resolution.

Mike Robinson; Something that strikes me, Vanessa, is that no matter what position you take on the Ukraine war or the Middle East, we have a Western international rules based order which says that Russia has no entitlement to run a special military operation across the border in Ukraine in order to create a sort of demilitarised zone between Ukraine, a buffer between Ukraine and Russia. But Israel does have the right to do that in South Lebanon, apparently. Seems to be what’s going on here. How are these two positions compatible?

Vanessa Beeley; Well, they’re not compatible, nor were the west positions over Kosovo of course. They alleged Kosovo independence, so the hypocrisy is rank, but we should be pretty used to it by now.

This is from Amal Saad, who’s a professor at the American University in Beirut.

“Today, as I mentioned, Israel assassinated Mohammad Alfif, Hezbollah’s media head, killing him along with other civilians in a Christian residential neighbourhood of Beirut.

Of course, this is part of Israel’s attempt to turn factions within Lebanon against Hezbollah, so far very much failing, apart from those factions that are already very much aligned with the zionist entity.

Beyond its clear violations of international humanitarian law targeting a journalist, the timing of this assassination exposes Israel’s strategic failures. They have, of course, failed to move forward in the south and reflects a campaign fueled by desperation and the desire for retribution.”

She goes on to say, “Setting aside all moral, ethical and legal considerations and judging Israel’s actions purely through the cold, pragmatic lens of real politics, this war is set to end not only without achieving any of its objectives, but with Israel emerging significantly weaker. This is because the historically unparalleled scale of violence that it has unleashed against Gaza and Lebanon has exhausted nearly all conceivable methods of force, leaving it with nothing further to escalate, except, of course, nuclear.

Such overreach follows the law of diminishing returns where greater violence yields increasingly limited results, ultimately undermining its strategic position.”

“But never fear, because the British envoy in Israel says that the UK will put its own personnel in harm’s way to defend Israel from Iran.”

And of course, bearing in mind that every single resistance faction is determined to be nothing more than a proxy of Iran.

“The UK will protect Israel again should Iran attack”, says British envoy to Israel. “The United Kingdom will be a close ally and is prepared to put its own aircraft and its own personnel in harm’s way to defend Israel,” says Ambassador Simon Walters, speaking to Israeli journalists at his Ramat Gan residence.

He notes that the Royal Air Force flew alongside Israeli and US pilots during the April Iranian missile and drone attack on Israel, and adds, without going into detail. “On October 1, the British Armed forces again played a role in trying to disrupt the Iranian attack on Israel.”

This is quite extraordinary that basically he’s putting forward British army personnel to defend another country. And this was back in February 2024 when the BBC even pointed out that the UK’s armed forces will not be ready for a high intensity war unless shortages in personnel and equipment are rapidly addressed. And of course, Mike, we’ve been, or you’ve been talking about this extensively on UK Column and not forgetting that the Irgun and Stern zionist terrorist gangs carried out several attacks against British forces from 1946 onwards and yet were expected to put our British military personnel at risk to defend Israel.’

Wow, finally we hear confirmation that Netanyahu ignored warnings about the attack on October 7th.

Watch; Trump’s cabinet is Israel First; Aaron Maté 15 November 2024

Trump’s nominees are extremist supporters of the Israeli government; Russiagate comes back to bite. Plus, clips from my latest appearance on Piers Morgan.

Aaron Mate; “There’s so many questions surrounding Netanyahu right now. He’s facing what should be two major international scandals. The first being the revelation that his office passed on fake documents to portray Hamas as refusing to reach a ceasefire deal which then therefore justified Netanyahu’s scorched earth campaign to abandon the hostages and kill as many Palestinians in Gaza as possible. And new revelations that the Netanyahu office ignored warnings about the attack on October 7th.

The revelation is basically that the Netanyahu government tried to blackmail people into not coming forward with revelations that there were warnings prior to October 7th. This, a mini scandal brewing inside Israel, received almost no attention inside the US with the exception of Seymour Hersh, who wrote a column about it on a substack. But that’s the revelation that the Netanyahu office was engaged in basically in blackmail to shut people up from raising the fact that there were warnings prior to October 7th about a looming attack.”

Judge Napolitano; “You know, Netanyahu also was facing an issue covered by Haaretz, but not by the Western press, that he has been ordered to give public testimony in one of his corruption cases on Monday, December 2. He has made an application to avoid it, saying his time is needed defending the nation, and the court has rejected that application. Now, I don’t understand enough about how the Israeli judicial system works. In America, you cannot compel the defendant to give testimony against himself, but apparently in Israel, you can, even if the defendant is the prime minister.

Aaron Mate; “The corruption that is planned for all of us to see, that doesn’t require any digging, is the corruption inside the Trump transition team, where Trump is staffing his transition, his new administration with Israel firsters like Mike Huckabee. And we know why, it’s because he’s been bought off by Miriam Adelson and other pro Israel donors. That is the Israel first policy the Trump transition is putting on display, and it’s amazing. You know, we thought things were bad under Biden, and it’s hard to imagine them getting worse, but I do think Trump will be giving Biden a run for his money.

Judge Napolitano; “Here’s the putative United States Ambassador to Israel. I know him well. We worked at Fox for a couple of years. He’s the former governor of Arkansas. His daughter is now the governor of Arkansas. She’s a former press secretary for the president. Some of this will turn your stomach, Aaron.”

Mike Huckabee; “Basically, I mean, there really is no such thing as I have to be careful in saying this, because people really get… there’s really no Palestinians, they’re Persians. So that’s been a political tool to try to force land away from Israel. The two state solution, if we mean two governments holding the same piece of real estate, is irrational and unworkable. If there is a two state solution, the Palestinian state needs to be outside the boundaries of the nation of Israel. There’s plenty of land in the world that we could find a place and say, okay, let’s, let’s create a Palestinian state.

There are certain words I refuse to use. There is no such thing as a West Bank. It’s Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as a settlement. They’re communities, they’re neighbourhoods, they’re cities. There’s no such thing as an occupation.”

Judge Napolitano; “Well, I’ll ask you, is this typical of Christian Nationalists who believe that God the Father gave a certain amount of geographic area to the Jews and that authority and dominance and hegemony descends down to the current generation?”

Aaron Mate; “And the part they leave out when speaking to the public is that they also hope that their fanatic support for Israel will hasten the Rapture, in which most Jews will be killed and then Jesus returns. I mean that’s that’s the part of this that always gets left out and that underpins, unfortunately, the so-called support for Israel that people like Mike Huckabee represent.

We have to think about the implications of this person becoming the US ambassador to Israel again it’s hard to imagine a world in which things get more sadistic than they have been under the Biden Administration which feins concern for Palestinian life while taking part in the extermination of tens of thousands of Palestinians, but Trump really is putting together a team that is just as scary if not scarier, and the fact that Mike Huckabee can be put forward as a serious candidate for being the ambassador to Israel while openly saying the Palestinian people are not a real people, and calling for their ethnic cleansing as he’s done, saying that if they want to state they can go elsewhere, just not inside Palestine, very, very scary thought, and it’s amazing that it’s not a scandal yet inside the US.”

An arrest warrant has been issued by the International Criminal Court against Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza. It’s time for world leaders to take a stand: if he sets foot in their country, he must be arrested and tried. Add your name to demand justice for Palestinian people.

Arrest Netanyahu

Hi! Did you hear the news? ‘It is official: the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant against Netanyahu, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Sign the petition demanding world leaders comply with the warrant and arrest Netanyahu if he enters their country.

For over a year, most Western governments have either supported Israel’s massacres or, at best, done next to nothing to stop it. With the announcement from the ICC, that must change. And it already is: the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, Italy and Ireland have made clear that they would enforce this arrest warrant.

For every child maimed and murdered by Israeli missiles and snipers, for every school and aid truck bombed, for every family searching for lost ones under the rubble – add your name to the petition demanding world leaders comply with the ICC’s arrest warrant against Netanyahu.’

Heads of state from 52 countries demand a halt to arms transfers to Israel.

Watch; Arms Embargo: World Leaders Call For A Halt To Weapons Transfers To Israel Dawn News English, 8 November 2024

Ahmet Yıldız, Permanent Representative of Turkey, and Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine, spoke at a Security Council Stakeout in support of a letter calling for a halt to arms transfers to Israel. The letter was co-signed by various world leaders, urging international efforts to curb military support.

“On behalf of the sponsors of the joint letter calling for a halt to arms transfer to Israel, I would like to make a few remarks. Last Friday on November 1st we submitted this letter co-signed by 52 countries as well as the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) and the Arab League, to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council. This initiative reflects our grave concern over the unprecedented escalation of violence and the related violations of international law in Gaza and the broader occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem as well as in Lebanon and across the Middle East. We stand in strong unified commitment to protect civilians, deter further grave breaches of international humanitarian law, and to work to end the illegal occupation and attacks in the occupied Palestinian Territory and throughout the region.

In our letter we collectively called for immediate steps to halt the provision and transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel as the occupying power, wherever there are reasonable grounds to suspect they may be used in the occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem. This position is anchored in General Assembly resolution Es-10/24 of 18 September 2024 this year .

We cannot stress enough that the staggering civilian toll, predominantly affecting women and children resulting from ongoing breaches of international humanitarian and human rights law, is both unacceptable and intolerable. Immediate action is essential to address this immense human suffering and to prevent further destabilisation that risks an all out regional conflict. We call upon all states to uphold their obligations under international law, particularly in protecting civilians, enforcing a permanent ceasefire and preserving international peace and security. Furthermore we renew our appeal to the Security Council to fulfill its duty to maintain peace and security by enforcing its Resolutions and taking concrete steps to protect civilians and ensure accountability.

Ending this grave suffering, implementing a comprehensive ceasefire and restoring the path toward the just and lasting peace, are not only legal and humanitarian imperatives but moral obligations. We urge that all necessary measures be taken without delay to achieve these objectives.

Dear members of the press before giving the floor to Ambassador Mansour, I reiterate my thanks to all countries who co-sign this letter, although sometimes it may not be necessarily good for their political economic interest, but it was necessary for humanity for peace. As a prominent diplomat I am sure, based on the Security Council and General Assembly Resolution, based on the provisional measures by the ICJ, also based on advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, I’m sure future generations will question us; ‘what have you done’? We we did this, and we will continue, we will never stop asking for a solution and especially for stopping these massacres.”

Supporters gathered outside the High Court to up the publicity for the Palestinian rights group Al-Haq who went back to court to challenge Keir Starmer’s failure to ban all arms sales to Israel.

Watch; Palestinian and Irish lawyers take Keir Starmer to court over arming Israel Declassified UK,19 November 2024;

‘Labour froze some arms sales to Israel in September but still allows spare parts for its most advanced fighter jets to be exported via the US. So lawyers for the Palestinian rights group Al-Haq went back to court on Monday to challenge Keir Starmer’s failure to ban all arms sales to Israel.

Declassified spoke to lawyers Dearbhla Minogue and Ahmed Abofoul.

Follow Dearbhla’s work for Al-Haq and Global Legal Action Network (GLAN):

00:00 Intro; 01:20 UK obeys US on Israel; 02:40 David Lammy denies genocide

05:00 F-35 impact in Gaza; 08:00 What to expect in court;

A fortnight after Labour won the election, a senior minister warned colleagues against a total ban on arms sales to Israel, court filings reveal. Defence secretary John Healey wrote to his counterpart at the business department, Jonathan Reynolds, to stress that a full arms embargo against Tel Aviv “would undermine US confidence in the UK and NATO at a critical juncture in our collective history and set back relations.” Concern centred on the F-35, Israel’s “most lethal” fighter jet, which has 15% of its supply chain in the UK. Britain and America both operate their own fleets of the aircraft, with spare parts shared in a ‘global pool’. Healey’s advice, sent on 18 July, was duly followed. When Labour announced a partial arms embargo on Israel in September, foreign secretary David Lammy excluded spare parts for F-35s, provided they were shipped via another country.

‘Critical juncture’

The government’s position, known as the ‘F-35 carve-out’ was challenged at the High Court in London today by Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq. Oxfam, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have also intervened in the case. Court documents filed by the government reveal “the F-35 carve out is based on detailed advice from the defence secretary explaining the collaborative nature of the F-35 programme.” It showed how Healey warned Reynolds: “It is not possible to suspend licensing F-35 components for use by Israel without wide impacts to the whole F-35 programme. “Such a suspension of F-35 licensing leading to the consequent disruption for partner aircraft, even for a brief period, would have a profound impact on international peace and security.” He claimed: “It would undermine US confidence in the UK and NATO at a critical juncture in our collective history and set back relations. “Our adversaries would not wait to take advantage of any perceived weakness, having global ramifications.” President Trump’s former national security adviser Robert O’Brien openly made a similar warning days before Lammy’s partial suspension, saying Britain should “tread very carefully”. Read on –

Tulsi Gabbard might be the answer to ending the Deep State’s military industrial arm that has enacted endless US-led wars.

Read; Tulsi Gabbard & the Trump Revolution; Scott Ritter, November 14, 2024

‘President-elect Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the national security establishment by appointing former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as his nominee for the position of Director of National Intelligence.

Social media is ablaze with criticism and condemnation of both the nomination and Gabbard, primarily over past statements she has made critical of U.S. policy regarding Venezuela, Syria, Ukraine, and Russia. Apparently, Gabbard, who serves as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and has served in co111mbat in Iraq, is somehow deemed “un-American” for daring to speak out against bad policy.’

The question is has Tulsi Gabbard been captured by zionist money and power!? According to this post she is a zionist; ‘It’s clear that she is a zionist with her anti-BDS vote back in 2019. She has also gone on different news shows and podcasts recently advocating for the existence of Israel. Tulsi has criticized the college student protesters for being anti-semitic. I like her stance against regime change wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, so perhaps she will demand a permanent ceasefire and equal rights between the river and the sea!?!!!.

Watch; These Rapture nuts are not good for Palestine, Scott Ritter thoughts on the New Trump Administration; 18 November 2024

Scott Ritter; “Every intelligence professional at that level for the past 30 years is a liar, somebody who can’t be trusted, somebody who has allowed intelligence to be politicised, to be manufactured, people who sold us weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, people who sold us the war in Ukraine, who sold us Syria, sold us Iraq, who sold us everything, they lie, they lie, they lie, they lie. Their job is to fix the intelligence around the policy that the president seeks to implement, and that’s why we fail.

Tulsa Gabbard has Integrity, she’s a serving member of the United States Army, she’s been to war and if you people criticise her because she had the audacity to say that Bashar al-Assad is a legitimate leader of Syria, she has the audacity to say that Putin is perhaps right about this war in Ukraine, and now she’s going to be the Director of National Intelligence, and when she briefs the President she’s not going to be somebody who comes in and blows smoke at him. Her job is to tell the president the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and so she will set the President up with reality every morning. Then the President, based upon this reality, will turn to Marco Rubio and say fix it, we got a system out here that’s broken, we need to fix relations with China, that’s your job Marco. He’ll turn to the Secretary of Defense and say how do we deal with this threat? Remember I don’t want to go to war. How do we contain this? Do we need to build a military down the road that does this? And that’s the focus.

This most fundamentalist Israeli settler describes which neighbouring countries besides Palestine, are part of the Israel Project.

Watch; This is the promise of God to the Patriarchs of the Jewish Nation craving palestine, 13 October 2024

Daniella Weiss, Nahala Settlement Movement; “Its very big. This is a promise of God to the patriarchs of the Jewish nation. It’s 3,000 kilometres. It’s almost as big as the Sahara desert.”

Presenter; “So this is the biblical Israel. And so which countries are this?”

Daniella Weiss, Nahala Settlement Movement; “Which country? Don’t mention. I think it’s Iraq, Iraq and Syria”

Presenter; “So you believe….”

Daniella Weiss, Nahala Settlement Movement; “and part of Saudi Arabia. This is a holy place. It’s a place, one part of the universe that was chosen by God. It’s a kind of a stage for the Jewish nation to express the ideas and ideals of the Jewish nation.”

The UK uniparty (Labour and Tories have identical views on Israel, Ukraine, NetZero etc etc) is continuing to silence anti – zionists who they deem are a threat to their zionist ideology.

Watch; UK’s Starmer targets journalists; Palestine Declassified, 2 November 2024

‘British Prime Minister Keir Starmer targets journalists. In today’s show, we’ll be talking to the Electronic Intifada’s associate editor, Asa Winstanley, about the impact of the British govt. misusing anti-terrorist legislation against journalists, after his home was raided by counter terrorism police last month.’

Asa Winstanley; “We know that the British state works very closely with the Israeli security state. So, you know, in the case of Palestinians that we work with as part of the Electronic Intifada, potentially compromising them as sources could identify, could actually endanger their lives and not just their freedom or their livelihoods and whatnot, as could potentially be the case for people like Palestine Action activists in this country. So my legal team is extremely aware of the importance of this issue and are doing everything possible to stop the police from actually accessing any of my devices.”

Chris Williamson; “Well, David, just explain, will you, the sections of the Terrorism act that the police quoted at Asa when they raided his home.”

David Miller; “So the act that’s been used against Richard Medhurst, Sarah Wilkinson, is the 2000 Terrorism Act. This is the 2006 Terrorism Act. They have to keep revising the Terrorism Act because they have to keep extending their powers because they haven’t got enough powers apparently. The Section 12 of the 2006 Act, which is what was used against Asa for the first time, talks about encouraging terrorism, but you have to have intended to have encouraged the terrorism, so it’s kind of like they’re assuming that there are people in the security establishment who think that Asa is setting up some kind of version of the Qassam Brigades in the UK, which of course is plainly ridiculous. And so it’s obvious that this is an attempt to harass him and to harass other journalists as part of the intimidation effect.

People think if they’ve come for Asa, they’ve come for Richard, they’ve come for Sarah, they might come for me next. I better not do anything, not say the things I’ve been saying, I might not report in the way I’ve been reporting. So it’s obviously an intimidation tactic, but that’s what the legislation suggests.

The fact that, in terms of international law, as an occupying force, Israel doesn’t have a right to self defence against those whom they occupy, doesn’t stop the mainstream press bogusly claiming that the atrocities and genocide are justified beccause Israel has a right to self defence.

Watch – transcribed entirely below; Sequoyah De Souza on mainstream media’s complicity in the US-Israel genocide; empire watch media, 24 November 2024;

“It’s worth just pointing out the horrendous and absurd propaganda in the West, the UK and the US in particular, that describes Israel’s clear, both in terms of intent and actions, genocidal horrors that they inflict on Palestine as self defence. And I think it is important to note in terms of international law that that’s not even accurate. As an occupying force, they don’t have a right to self defence against those whom they occupy. And just to note, I think it’s important to state clearly as well that it’s not just the right wing media, so Fox News or the Sun, etc. In the UK and US, it’s the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Guardian, the so-called liberal progressive wing of the corporate media who have published absurd claims.”

Real journalists from the mainstream media who tell the truth about Israel, have their reporting removed from air. Our media, and therefore our minds are being controlled by a foreign state.

Watch; Sky News DELETES Truth About Israeli Football Hooligans On Rampage In Amsterdam – This Is A Scandal; Owen Jones, 10 November 2024

Well there you have, conclusive proof – you are being lied to.

“in Amsterdam this week racist genocidal Israeli football hooligans, supporters of Maccabi Tel Aviv, went on the rampage. They attacked a Moroccan cab driver, they interrupted a minute’s silence for Spanish flood victims with fireworks and jeers, they sang songs such as ‘kill all Arabs’, which is genocidal incitement and also specifically racist incitement in a city with an Arab population. They sang songs literally celebrating the slaughter of Palestinian children, they tore down Palestinian flags from people’s homes, they threw things at people’s homes, they were filmed with iron bars, masked up and crucially, they violently attacked people in the streets.

Now in a striking example of how the world has been turned on its head, footage was taken by a Dutch photographer which showed Maccabi hooligans attacking a Dutch resident. Western media organisations then use this footage to suggest it was Maccabi fans being attacked. This was the context for attacks on Maccabi fans, none of which I condone.

I have to say being continually accused with no evidence of any description of supporting violence by people who don’t just support violence but support genocidal violence, support violence which slaughters countless children every day in Gaza”

“This context was deliberately and deceitfully stripped away by Western media outlets and politicians who claimed this was a pogrom against Jewish people on the streets of Amsterdam. Now Sky News having been pushing comparisons with Kristallnacht on air they actually did their job they posted a video which accurately gave context and you know what they then did? They deleted it”

On UK Column Vanessa Beeley reports from her home in Syria about Assad’s strong message to Arab states, “without any direct action, we encourage the continuation of the genocide and become indirect partners in it”.

Watch; UK Column News; 13 November 2024

Vanessa discusses threats to Assad’s life and Assad’s comments on the lack of support for Palestine from Arab states.

“We have to remember that while he initially denied that he wanted to have Assad killed, I think it was in 2019, in an interview, he admitted that he had wanted to assassinate al Assad. So this is Trump making that admission to Fox News.”

Fox News Presenter; “And is it true that after Assad gassed children for the second time that it was you that wanted to take out Assad, that you had a good sight on him and it was General Mattis who talked you out of it? And if it is true, do you regret not taking him out, because he is a mass murderer?”

Trump; “I would have rather taken him out, I had the ball set. Mattis didn’t want to do it. Mattis was a highly overrated general and I let him go. He worked for Obama. He got fired by Obama.”

Vanessa Beeley; “And then of course, you have the carrot and the stick putting pressure on President Assad to do as he’s told. Then the Chief of Staff of the Saudi Armed Forces has been in Iran for talks with officials. Saudi Arabia is often used as a kind of negotiating instrument by Israel and the US. What is President Assad’s response to all of this? He appeared at the special extraordinary summit of the Arab League to discuss the situation in Palestine. So what he says is ‘what we need is a decision to use the tools we possess to stop the zionist massacres’.

So effectively, that was the beginning of the very strong message from President Assad, not only to the Arab League summit, where he berated them for literally having done nothing for one year. But he then continued, ‘without any direct action, we encourage the continuation of the genocide and become indirect partners in it, as we are not dealing with a state in the legal sense, but rather with an outlaw colonial entity. We are not dealing with people in the civilised sense, but rather with herds of settlers who are closer to barbarism than to humanity’. He added that ‘it is not correct to say that the problem is the current mindless, extremist government and a people terrified of what happened on October 7th of last year. They are all working with one ideological mind, a mind sick with bloodshed, sick with the illusion of superiority, afflicted with schizophrenia between hating Nazism allegedly, and loving it as an organic part of themselves, is what he meant.’

So an incredibly powerful message from President Assad, as I said, not only in response to what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon in support of the people of those two countries, but also a message to Israel that has been threatening his life, to the US that is trying to encourage him or send incentives, incentivise him to comply with their agenda at quite extraordinary times in Syria right now.”

The silencing of a professor in the US for her anti zionist views is almost identical to the story of the persecution of Prof David Miller who was fired from Bristol University. David Miller won his appeal against dismissal from the University in the employment tribunal making it harder for anyone in the UK to be sacked for being anti zionist.

Listen; Jewish professor fired for anti-zionist posts Electronic Intifada Podcast, 17 November 2024

Nora Barrows Friedman; ‘Across the US, students and faculty are continuing to resist repressive measures by university administrations intended to stifle or even criminalise speech in support of Palestinian rights as this genocide continues. As we’ve been reporting, along with elite US institutions calling the riot cops on their own students, students who have been holding sit in protests or attempting to prevent students from holding protests altogether, some universities have tried to categorise the political ideology of zionism as a protected identity class in order to criminalise anti zionist speech as racist hate speech. Joining us to talk about all of this is Maura Finkelstein.

Maura is a scholar and was a professor of anthropology for nine years at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Even though she was tenured, she was fired earlier this year over her social media posts in support of Palestinian rights and against zionism, a move that has been seen as a warning to other anti genocide professors in this expanding McCarthyist atmosphere in US

Maura Finkelstein; As long as I’ve been a teacher, I’ve been teaching about Palestine. It’s always been either central or integrated into the work that I do.

I’m a generalist anthropologist, so I’m always looking for examples of scholarship to illuminate the lessons I’m teaching in my classroom. So for years at Muhlenberg, I had been teaching a class on Palestine. Specifically, the anthropology of Palestine had been approved by the college. I was incorporating units on Palestine in all of my classes, teaching Palestinian scholars and scholars of Palestine.

The only responsible thing I could do as a teacher and a scholar after October 7th is help my students understand and contextualise what was being classified as an event, as something within the longer history of settler colonial occupation and genocide we had already learned about. And so I did that. And, that sort of started a series of events that involved one student who was taking both my classes filing a complaint and later filing an OCR (Office of Civil Rights) complaint. And it also involved, word getting out through my social media and through other spaces that alumni I had access to, that I was an anti zionist, that I was teaching about Palestine, and a petition was drawn up that was calling me a Hamas supporter, which was based on nothing, whatever that means, it’s another conversation, but was based on me being an anti zionist and standing in support with Palestinian liberation.

They filed a complaint that because of my social media, I made them feel unsafe. And we can talk about the language and weaponization of unsafety. In addition to antisemitism and all of this, you know, there was also attention drawn to my publications. I wrote an essay called Never Again means Never Again for anyone, in which I was accused of being a Holocaust denier, because I felt as though,, we should be standing against all genocide.

Francesca Albanese’s Report, Genocide as Colonial Erasure, published in October, reveals the sadistic barbarism and savagery of people who claim to be civilised yet whose addiction to evil surpasses anything in human history.

Listen; Genocidal Scorecard Chris Hedges, 17 November 2024

“In recent months, 83% of food aid was prevented from entering Gaza and the civilian police in Rafah were repeatedly targeted, impairing distribution, the report notes. At least 34 deaths from malnutrition were recorded by September 14, 2024. These measures indicate an intent to destroy its population through starvation. Palestinians detained by Israeli forces have been systematically abused in a network of Israeli torture camps.

Thousands have disappeared, many after being detained in appalling conditions, often bound to beds, blindfolded and in diapers, deprived of medical treatment, subjected to unsanitary conditions, starvation, torturous cuffing, severe beatings, electrocution and sexual assault by both humans and animals. At least 48 detainees have died in custody. The report cites the role of the Israeli media in inciting the genocide by helping to foster an unchecked genocidal climate. The report criticises the Israeli media for platforming proponents of genocide and withholding facts from the Israeli public.

At the same time, the Israeli military has killed over 130 Palestinian journalists. Palestinians are equated with the Amalek, the biblical enemies of the Israelites as well as Nazis to justify their extermination. Albanese’s report, in a section titled Risk of Genocide in the West Bank, Including East Jerusalem, notes that Israel has accelerated its lethal attacks, detentions and land seizures in the West Bank. Genocidal conduct in Gaza set an ominous precedent for the West Bank, it notes.

In May 2024, the governance of the West Bank was officially transferred from military to civilian authorities, further de jure annexation, and placed under Bezalel Smotrich, a committed Eretz Yisrael politician, The report reads, ‘the largest single land appropriation in 30 years was then approved’.

Smotrich, the Minister of Finance, claims there are 2 million Nazis in the West Bank. He has threatened to turn parts of the West Bank into ruined cities like in the Gaza Strip, and stated that starving the entire Gaza population was justified and moral, even if 2 million people died. Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz has also called for the West Bank to receive the same treatment as Gaza. Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank towns of Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilya, Tubas and Tulkarm live for days under curfew, making it difficult to access food and water. As in Gaza, the Israeli army, during its operation summer camps, has targeted ambulances, blocked entrances to hospitals and laid siege to Jenin hospital.

Bulldozers destroyed streets and electricity and public health infrastructure. Drones and war planes carry out airstrikes. Israeli roadblocks, checkpoints and blockades make travel difficult or impossible.”

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  1. RE “My most trusted websites are platforms for journalists who don’t compromise on the truth and have thereby been shunned by the mainstream media. These include; … Mattias Desmet …”

    Desmet, among others on your list, is an example of someone who DOES compromise on the truth.

    The official framing of Desmet’s mass formation (or mass psychosis) “phenomenon” is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologist and his acolytes want you to believe this is “just some temporary occasional” madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with “civilized” people: (or

    “Mass formation” frontman Desmet, a mainstream psychologist, has been spreading this whitewashed reality and he also failed/fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn’t think (after more than 1 year, 2 years, even 3+years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it’s ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition). It should be apparent that Desmet’s lack of truth-telling is then also present in his largely plagiarized truth-distorting mass formation theory.

    In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that “some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions” (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being planned which Desmet called “an extreme position” … Sound logical thinking is “extreme” and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view! As MLK pointed out…

    “… normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

    Dr. Breggin too talked about how Dr. Desmet is protecting the ruling gang of psychopaths and that he has a history of doing so ( &! Others too picked up on that subsequently and presented solid evidence for Desmet’s IMMORAL/CRIMINAL behavior as a lapdog of the ruling cabal (

    In his overpriced misleading whitewashing old material regurgitated book the psychology of totalitarianism he too states that “There are countless … examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as the fact that the definition of ‘pandemic’ was adjusted shortly before the coronavirus crisis; that the definition of ‘herd immunity’ was changed during the crisis, implying that only vaccines can achieve it … [he continuous with several other obvious facts of an ENTIRELY PLANNED event, especially discerned through the totality of all these facts].” “SEEM to point in the direction of a plan”??? No! They most evidently, clearly, and irrefutably DO demonstrate and prove it IS a COMPLETELY AND FULLY DELIBERATE PlanDemic! A big scam. An Entirely Planned Holocaust against the non-ruling herd of people (see cited link above). A coherent 12-year old kid can figure that out. But not Mr. ‘I’m entitled to teach my deep wisdom to the world’ professor.

    It clearly shows Desmet’s own complete lunacy. But because almost everyone in the culture is a member of mass formation (madness), including the “woke” people of the alternative media domain, hardly anyone recognizes Desmet’s lunacy. Not surprising that he has even become some type of popular “guru” among the adherents of the alternative media landscape and his whitewashed fake narrative strongly resonates with both mainstream people and alternative mainstream folks.

    “All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord

    As expected, “useful expert” Desmet has been also advocating and pushing the false misleading dogma-based non-scientific holy mantra of trust the official science … “everything and everyone should follow the scientific consensus” [ ] — meaning trust and follow the fabricated fraudulent official consensus science/”settled science” behind the Covid jabs that the killing of over a million of people around the world is based on(!!). Are you STILL wondering whom he’s wittingly or unwittingly serving? That’s why it’s no wonder he’s been heavily popularized globally by the dominant psychopathic world instead of censored and suppressed (as lots of truth-tellers have been), yet in his crafty stylish total hypocrisy and public misdirection ploy, he wants you to buy his belief that everyone should have a voice. Everyone BUT the true truth-tellers is what the reality is.

    With his SUPPORT of the Covid holocaust-driving official consensus science he OKAYS and PROMOTES the idiotic herd Covid mass formation (they way the masses “think” and act)! Yet in his absurdity, irrationality and lunacy, with his mass formation/mass psychosis notion he frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon (the gist of the circular argument is: the masses should change their thinking but they got brainwashed so they’re victims). Nothing could be further from the truth (see first referenced source above).

    With his false use of language Desmet also obscures or hides the true reality instead of directly and uncompromising exposing it — aiding the obfuscation of the vital reality of what the ruling authorities really are. He speaks of ‘the elite’ (as he does in a number of podcasts) when, in reality, they are THE SCUM OF HUMANS because they are REALITY-VERIFIED PSYCHOPATHS (see referenced source above). Yet in the Corbett podcast he “teaches” us that we, the masses, need to start thinking differently. Right… how about YOU start with sane instead of insane thinking/talking/”teaching”/etc, Dr. Desmet?

    How do self-styled “truth-tellers” wake up the masses to the so-called truth when they THEMSELVES use lies with their deceitful fake language???
    No one is “teaching” or “waking up” the ignorant masses to the CORE truths with lies, with the official “language of lies” (see first cited source above).

    This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!!! When, if at all, will he wake up from his state of mass psychosis, his “invisible” stupidity? When, if at all, will he face the TRUE and FULL reality instead of hiding behind fantasies such as his whitewashed “reality” of human civilization?

    And nearly ALL of the “alternative media”, too, has been mindlessly spreading Desmet’s fake and misdirecting narrative endlessly…

    “My experiences with “alternative media” have been, for the most part, just as dreadful as with the mainstream media. Most are unprincipled scavengers, shills and prostitutes, willing, and even eager, to sell out for ego-gratification and/or financial gain.” — Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

    It shows we live in a global mental asylum with criminal and/or delusional mainstream psychologists, scientists, and docs as the guards, “teachers” and “therapists” … The blind/criminal/mad leading the blind/criminal/mad; the blind/criminal/mad adhere to the blind/criminal/mad = the human madhouse.

    In October of 2022, once a few people finally caught onto his public-misdirecting game he took no responsibility for it but dishonestly and conveniently framed himself as the victim of frivolous attacks against him —

    Desmet is right in that truth-activists must fight against mass formation psychosis (human madness). That also means exposing HIS deeply destructive mad part of it. This comment serves, in part, that objective.

    “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

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