What if the pork you are buying doesn’t have a label? When eating out or buying from independent retailers, butchers and farmers’ markets with no clear labelling – #JustAsk – if the pork is high welfare.
Now the pubs are open #JustAsk if the pork on the menu is from a high welfare, UK farm. 1 in 5 people say they bought and will continue to buy more locally produced food because of lockdown – So let’s make sure pubs are supporting UK farmers too!
As 90% of Britons want factory farms to be banned, let’s make sure low welfare pork stays off the menu. #JustAsk if the restaurant’s pork comes from a high welfare UK farm. Let’s show pubs & restaurants that we DO know the difference!
When buying pork make sure to #JustAsk if it’s from a local high welfare farm, or look for the high welfare labels; RSPCA Assured, Free Range, or best of all Organic.
If you love the outdoors and enjoy a bacon sarnie, make sure you #JustAsk if the pork is from a local high welfare farm. Pigs are happier and healthier when reared outdoors and not confined in cruel factory farms.
We undertook a pig welfare survey of 60 popular high street supermarkets & food chains. We found that three-quarters of these sell pork from factory farms. Many didn’t even offer a single high welfare alternative.
Tell Supermarkets to Stop Sourcing Pork form Factory Farms!
Pester Pig is not happy that three-quarters of the popular UK supermarkets & high street food chains we surveyed sell pork from factory farms.
Tell Cafes to Stop Sourcing Pork form Factory Farms!
Does your local café support factory farming? 5 of the 6 popular café chains we surveyed get their pork from factory farms – and Pester Pig is not happy about it!
A Load of Greenwash!
Pester Pig is not happy that Greggs still uses factory farmed pork. Greggs has made a fortune from their vegan sausage roll, but their ethics remain questionable until they source all their pork from high welfare farms.
Pester Pig Vox Pops
Pester Pig travels around central London asking people if they know how pigs are raised, and explains why everyone must only buy high welfare pork.
Pester Pig joins Climate March
Pester Pig joins protests at the 2014 Climate March in London and asks us all to boycott meat from animal factories and only buy meat from humane, sustainable farms.
Pester Pig addresses TTIP Rally
Pester Pig joins protests at the 2014 TTIP rally in London and asks us all to boycott meat from animal factories and only buy meat from humane, sustainable farms.
Landworkers United vs Agribusiness FC
Football game with corrupt referee highlights skewed policies that penalise small farmers while giving generous handouts to agribusinesses that kill wildlife with pesticides and destroy rural communities with land grabs.